Greetings all,Thank you for a very very informative site. This is my 1st post but i have been reading the forum for 2 weeks or so.I am in Jamaica and got a jap spec 2006 525. This is the only place that I have seen any real information that deals with some of the problems owners of these cars face.My first issue is a noise that sounds comes from the rear left of the car when i have parked and turned off the sounds like it is coming from the nav system or that area almost like a computer fan running.this happens for as long as 15 mins sometimes, and sometimes not at all.i dont use the nav system for obvious reasons. does anyone else have this problem?Can anything be done to stop the noise ? is it a fault with my car or is this what happens in all cases?i think when my car came the disk for the nav system was stolen. does this have any impact on the noise? can i just disconnect the thing?could it be anything else in the rear causing the noise?manners and respect to all. thanks for your help.