Is Europe a country? (hahaha)

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It goes to show how some americans are so dumb. I have a few american friends they dont know where malaysia is. and they think Japan is a city in Korea.
hahah..what a dumb blonde... checkout her youtube page.. all the comments are picking on her about that quiz
I think we are far better then them, we learn all about the world. :stupid:
Stupid dump f##ck american. Why ask europe they dont even know theif own country.
We interrupt this post to bring you a message from the Prez himself:

[Southern drawl]

"Now y'all better play nice with these here comments, y'hear! Or I'll launch ... whaddya call it? ... a SMUT bomb and blow all you Euro-peeans to kingdom come!

Huh? Whaddya mean them Euro-peeans ain't a country? These comments are from Maaley-sia? Hey the mike's still on? Dagnabbit! To hell with it, lets just bomb Africa instead..."
Kaiza635CSI;270118 said:
rednecks dont they have a KKK or cult meeting to be at instead of being on a Game show?

Nah. These days they just get themselves elected.
Kaiza635CSI;270140 said:
More like they kill their own breed of rednecks with their shotguns to get to the top.

Not only shotguns. Automatic weapons and RPGs will do nicely as well.

Redneck #1: Hey Jimmy Bob, what's this here thing?
Redneck #2:It looks like a grenade, Leroy.
Redneck #1: What happens if i pull the pin out?
Redneck #2: Try it and see.
berserkdroid;270147 said:
Not only shotguns. Automatic weapons and RPGs will do nicely as well.

Redneck #1: Hey Jimmy Bob, what's this here thing?
Redneck #2:It looks like a grenade, Leroy.
Redneck #1: What happens if i pull the pin out?
Redneck #2: Try it and see.

Spot On Mate!! Dumb hill billies...
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