"I Admire You ols!" -- Newbie Greetings!

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iamzahin;845090 said:

I am newbie in BMW world. Dream to own E92 soon.
I really admire you guys! Still need to learn more as I'm really new..
I look forward for all your support, encouragement, advices, helps and ideas!
Thank you so much for your kind-heart and wisdom!

Excited! :rock:

Salam ......Izhamzahin :)

Welcome and have a good stay.

Truly wish you all the best my friend as there

Are many Sifu here that can make you feel so at home..:)

Do joint us for the TT even if you have not got your car yet...ya.

Take care and all the best to you . :)


Alby325i :):)
Alby325i;845176 said:
Salam ......Izhamzahin :)

Welcome and have a good stay.

Truly wish you all the best my friend as there

Are many Sifu here that can make you feel so at home..:)

Do joint us for the TT even if you have not got your car yet...ya.

Take care and all the best to you . :)


Alby325i :):)

Tq tq tq sifu Alby325i... So much support and encouragement! Again, thank you! Yah! Look forward for TT and learn more.. Eyeing on e92 now.. So excited to be among you guys although not yet drive my soon baby beemer! Thank you!!!l
iamzahin;845194 said:
Tq tq tq sifu Alby325i... So much support and encouragement! Again, thank you! Yah! Look forward for TT and learn more.. Eyeing on e92 now.. So excited to be among you guys although not yet drive my soon baby beemer! Thank you!!!l

Salam. ...Iamzahin :)

You are most welcome my friend sad to say I am not

A sifu at all but just normal member who truly love everything

About cars...so like I have said , please do joint all our sifu brothers

Even you have not got your car yet, :) They have one in Bukit Jelutung

And one in Ampang plus some small tt in KL and Combak too..!!! Hehehe. .They are all amazing cool guys....:)

Okay take care my friend and have a good day...


ALBY325I :):)
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