how to check an E30 frame

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Mar 11, 2007
assalamualaikum and good evening,im buying an E30 soon, was wondering if anyone know how to check the frame/body whether its in good condition, or has been crack/damaged?thanks in advance :)
from my opinion...just buy the owner some tea...and slow talk to him...",mind if i look under the body?"...if he's an honest guy selling his car...he'll just let you take a look at it..but if he's someone that like to tampal2 chasis and tebuk2 bodywall...he'll made some excuse/ careful for chasis rust with jap mine is having pretty bad lantai and tulang's all because not checking first before buying...these people got good KAKI in jpj...and the victim are let to suffer...i'm one of them...but 'i'm slowly rebuilding it..:)
Master TJ.....yes, she is fine and I am still driving her often. Did a steering rack convert, top overhaul and very soon.....complete cam drive overhaul/change. Otherwise, the rest same for the 30 year old grand lady!

How's the BMW scene over your end?
thanks for all replies. seller refuse to meet my mech, but more than happy to let me check all i want to with his mech.

so far the car looks fine. except that the front headlamp is not in pair, 'smiley' headlamp on the left side, and normal headlamp on the right side, new eE36 radiator and there's a VERY small gap between the bumper and the body... the paint job on the bumper was done horribly. looks like a sign of a small accident.. but this is just my feeling, i might be wrong.

other than that, his car is cool la...

daniel E30, could you PM me about your car?

thanks :)
Hi bro.

Maybe u could get another second opinion with bro Mizhan. I think he might help as he is a E30 enthusiastic
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