how safe it is to leave a garmin gps sticking on your windscreen?

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If I were you, I would purchase the Garmin Professional Vehicle Mount which allows you to mount the Sat Nav unit on the vent of your air-conditioning or by your centre console....if not I believe they do sell grey units which can hold to ur Nuvi series. Well, that's what I'm doing to my 310 atm so it's not visible from the outside.

Drawback : You really have to sit down and mount it properly as mount it too far, you might not see it but mount it too near and you might get distracted by it.
bro fuad dont forget you're in bolehland...later in the police station the thief will say he steal the gps because he is hungry and no money to buy food then make the people cry and dunno what to do...then u pulak go to jail for hantaming him
Bring up the topic again,....

I wonder how many actually leave the Garmin holder on the windscreen?

I do.. and feel scary
I do. I also have the smart tag mount stuck to my windscreen.
I had a Nuvi 205 almost permanently in my previous car but I had it on the lower dash near the ashtray where it's not so obvious but if the scumbag took a look inside,nampak jugak la.I even leave my speed detector on the dash but this only happens when I'm out of town.So far I've been lucky but I think this thread has kinda reminded me to not take things for granted.

In my case,I live in a small town and these things are a little uncommon but never can tell.I suppose it really depends where you park your car on a regular basis.Petty thefts like these are very rampant where ever there are drug addicts or mat rempits.

It's better to be safe than sorry so conclusively,like it had been said here,don't leave things of value within eyesight in the car.
I dont leave teh smart tag and Garmin in clear sight, just the mounts
saat;459239 said:
I dont leave teh smart tag and Garmin in clear sight, just the mounts

I guess that's quite alright la.What they don't see won't tempt them but despite that if your car still gets broken in,they would have done it whether you had goodies displayed or not.The fact that you have an expensive car parked in a suspicious neighborhood is bad enough.

ps/hope the Singaporeans are not reading this:eek:
Stick some 6 mm security film on your windows first then no worries lah. Then again why tempt fate right.
Well guys,I just went out there and bought myself the Garmin Nuvi 765 and guess what?it comes with a very well built dashmount.It's actual a mouldable thick rubber mount which you can have the base moulded according to the shape of your dash.Go check it out!!:listen:
funfer_fahrer;330996 said:
Would you like to share why you want to leave your garmin hanging on the windscreen?

i think he's referring to the gps holder if i'm not mistaken
i'm surprised this question is even being discussed here..should be a straight forward answer..NO! for coins/TnG card/random stuff ppl will break your window, and you're wondering if it's safe to leave your gps thr????jeez.
..i highly recommend to remove absolutely everything, including chocolate in shiny envelope..i have had experience, and i catch guy, smash him very very badly, and im sure he will not try similar thing for a long time, and guess what?? When i brought guy to police, policeman scolded me for such action(im foreigner), release guy(wtf!),and wanted to wrote some sort of charge against me (its happen behind Bangsar Village 2, just next to police station!). Luckily some nice lady came and expose herself as a witness so stoopid cop had to leave me in peace...incredible..
Ecc0;521645 said:
..i highly recommend to remove absolutely everything, including chocolate in shiny envelope..i have had experience

Good advice, keep all out of sight...I don't use those smart tag holder...
Only bring it out when near booth & place it on non slip mat when driving through then hide it again...

Ecc0;521645 said:
When i brought guy to police, policeman scolded me for such action(im foreigner), release guy(wtf!),and wanted to wrote some sort of charge against me (its happen behind Bangsar Village 2, just next to police station!).

Already help the cop to catch a thief...
instead of thanking you for improving his KPI, he gives you a tough time? Funny fellow!

Ecc0;521645 said:
Luckily some nice lady came and expose herself as a witness so stoopid cop had to leave me in peace...incredible..

Lucky you...whenever there is an accident & I need witness...nobody wants to bother with the hassle...haih
Also be aware of using the GPS holder near the door windshield...
My friend stopped at a traffic light with the GPS running & lowered window coz smoking...
2 guys in a motorcycle stopped by the side & pretend to ask for direction...
then grabbed his GPS and coolly drove away...
I had a bad experience to share...back to a couple of years ago when i was driving my civic, i accidentally left my vtech controller on the dashboard and of course some idiot admire it so much and smashed my window and took it away. Worse part is that the vtech controller will bypass the original ECU, so without it my car cannot be driven.. got to tow my car to the workshop... :motz:

so good news for you is that if the idiot is also a BMW fan, he will probably just smash 1 window :top:
bad news for you that will be if the idiot is a complete loser and hate ppl driving nice car, then all window will be gone with probably some scratches.... :eek::eek:
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