Health Check - Mana to do?

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Club Guest
Aug 20, 2011
Dear club members, guests, and passer-bys,
Good day to all. My e90 d is coming to 6 years young and still running good..
I am a firm believer of preventive maintenance, and would like to find out from all here if there is a good place to recommend to have my ride undergo a complete health-check... kira medical checkup la..
My ride has been religiously serviced, and any signs of wear/tear recommended to change will promptly do so.. but still would want to have a firm peace of mind... initially wanted to sell for a pointed star, but looking at the current market prices, it makes more "sens" to keep her running fit..
I personally don't trust SCs as these fellas are just hopeless... had my fair share of angry exchanges.. sad..
Thanking all in advance.. and please do indicate and pricing info if any had done something similar..
Have a good night.

its always good to perform preventive maintenance on ur ride. but before we go further, perhaps u can share the mileage, where is it serviced currently and ur location bro. easier for the guys here to point out nearest place for u.

ur current SC (assuming u still to the the authorized SC for service) wld b able to list down the wear n tear parts that needs to b changed. with the list go to an independent workshop of ur choice instead for rectification works.

so far, independent workshops that i go to, does not charge me anything for these check-ups as i do frequent them for service/repairs. good relationship between owner & mech goes a long way.
Bro Gendong,
top of the morning to you.. I m a KL guy, so anywhere in KL/Sgor is ok with me..

my mileage is low, circa 85k+. Gave up on SC when BSRI expires.. Jack in Sunway is my trusted service & repair man, but i don't think he has the tools to perform a full medical.. i could be wrong though... so far he has been spot on in settling my problems...

As for SC, during BSRI I was with Quill, then the service team moved to Wheelcorp, I went there too.. sad part is that they always go "by the book", which most time is not a bad thing, but when come to small gremlins, they will take so freaking long to solve with try and error, and there are possibilities that something else crops up..
to share an experience, when the new service team in Quill serviced my car, they freaking left a torx screwdriver on the side-gap of my engine bay, found out when i was home when I pop up the hood to check.. imagine my horror.. and as expected they denied when confronted...
with wheelcorp, they damaged my cable harness fixings when they did a GB software upgrade.. that took ages to argue for compensation.. so yeah, some eg of my bad experiences, as to share all need to sit down yum cha.. LOL

coming back to Jack, i trust him as he is bloody honest, pricing is reasonable and job is clean..
just wanna to widen my options for this, as the saying goes, Jack (no pun intended) of all trades, is a King of none.
totally agree good relationship is key!

thanks bro and good weekend..
guys, no suggestions and/or recommendations apart from going back to one's own usual workshops?
For health checks, u need:
1. Scanner(s) to read the fault codes, clear and troubleshoot. Almost all good workshop has at least one, if they claim to be a specialist;
2. An experienced mechanic, who is well versed on the roundel. His experience can help u pinpoint where issues are and when it will happen;
3. A jack (pun intended...hahahaha) so u can do a visual inspection on the undercarriage, links, arms, suspensions etc....

All the best bro.

P/s what does Jack ur mech lack? Tools?
Beyond the 5th year, best preventive maintenance is to get rid of the car and replace it with a new one.. :listen:

No such thing as health check in cars. For example, radiator leak, heat exchanger internal failure, vanos soleniod failure, ignition coil failure etc. They either work, or fail. there's no prior symptom to indicate they are about to fail.
Bro Astroboy,
Haha.. resell and replace not viable at current 2nd hand market pricing... lose a heap.. as I said earlier, make more "sens" to maintain.
health check is just a term I use, noob dunno what is the correct term.
I always dread having a situation where things broke then only fix... worst case is broken down in the middle of dunnowhere and get stranded lagi pening...
a reliable/good mech with the right tools (knowledge is also a tool) would know which/what/where parts need to check for preventive replacement for a car of such mileage/tenure.. All cars wear/tear differently, but there are would be some commonality.. like your update, your knowledge indicates that radiator, heat exchanger, vanos, coil, etc are the key things to check (some might not be applicable to the d tho)...
cheers bro for your knowledgeable insights and good weekend..
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