Hi guys, my first entry in BMWClub Malaysia.
Hope you guys can guide me with good tips and advice moving forward.My Machine: E90 320 Yr 2005 Chasis: KX 18576 Problem: 1)Check Engine Sign with intermittent low power speed i.e. 40-50km..although with high acceleration speed. 2) Consumption of engine oil with light white smoke. suspect oil seal/valve seal I have brought to my foremen in kelana jaya; checked and advised replacement required for the below item;1) Actuator [VVTI Motor]2) Eccentric Shaft Sensor 3) Oil/ Valve SealWith the above replacement, required further teaching & learning stuff to ensure engine with gear box are communicating properly. I haven't fix the car with the above replacement as wanted to ask for several opinon/advice before proceed to do so.Hope you guys can help me out. Thanks/