Guess What I've seen today...!!??

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Originally posted by 535i@Oct 24 2005, 03:36 PM
opsss ... miss the attachment ...

GWIST ... phewwwitttt ..... :blush: :blush:
woi...!!! :beaten: woi..!!!! :beaten: woi...!!!! :beaten: batal Posa kang.... :rolleyes:
GWIST....ate..!! hmmm... B) yummy!!!! Penang Style Curry mee with the Chuu Hong!!!
deepavalli is coming and normally we would get hampers with fruits, cookies, liqiour. but this time there were power tools, now how cool is that. the perfect hamper. :D :D :D
Originally posted by skar19@Oct 26 2005, 07:27 PM
the first old school 2 door swedish tank i have seen

My god.. this is good man... hahahahha
Can be featured in Pimp My Ride (Malaysia Edition) aledi...
An E90 wanna-be .... that's what it is. Damn !!! Eh Suthe ... you sure that's NOT your car, aah ? :p :nyehehe:

Pilih mana satu ...

oh .. the BMW comes with 4 ekjos - go figure ...
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