Guess What I've seen today...!!??

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Originally posted by 535i@Oct 7 2005, 11:31 AM
GWIST ... Our new VP - showing his Victory sign ...

Location : The Curve
Time : Sudah lewat malam worrrr .... :yes!:
GWIST... :blush: actually last night...535,520i..MrBoroy and Lee328i!!! having a BMWClud Secret Society Meeting.. :p at the curve cipek..!!! :p
GWIST..???? Ketutus....!!!!! :eek: yeah..!!!!! yummy..!!! :lol: B) oh yeah..Magicfox was with me too... :D
Originally posted by Zoggee@Oct 8 2005, 02:25 AM
GWIST..???? Ketutus....!!!!! :eek: yeah..!!!!! yummy..!!! :lol: B) oh yeah..Magicfox was with me too... :D
hahaha... our next potential vp called me pass 12am to go fishing... and these he got... and lots of talapias too .....

:D :D
I'm going again....whos game..??? Warning..!!! :getyourfactsright: warning..!! :getyourfactsright: got the fierce Toman fish ah.. B)

Come lar scared ah..??? :p...Tomorrow Midnight onwards...!!! B) muahahahaaa...!!! :lol:
Woi you guys tak payah tidur kah? Hahahaha....anyway good mornin! I'm going for my morning walk now.....and see sun rise.... :p Hopefully I'll be able to see something.
Originally posted by Zoggee@Oct 8 2005, 02:25 AM
GWIST..???? Ketutus....!!!!! :eek: yeah..!!!!! yummy..!!! :lol: B) oh yeah..Magicfox was with me too... :D
wah serious ah i want to go fishing also man....i call you later in the day...havent been fishing for a long time
Originally posted by Zoggee@Oct 8 2005, 02:35 AM
GWIST..??? :D ACS type 2..???

isn't that ACS Type 1?????
Ehh. You guys all kaki pancing ah? Me too. In fact, I just went to Kuala Selangor last nite to try out some pay pond. Boy, was the rain heavy. Damn lucky didnt go in my UDM, otherwise sure buang one.

Do you guys normally go pay pond or FOC lake? If pay pond how about TT at one of them sometime?

BTW, I got nothing last nite. Not even a bite. But those on my left and right taking in fishes after fishes. One of them even hit a jackpot. 3.5kg ang choh! and got it in his 1st casting!!!! KNNCB.
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