'glok glok' from the back

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Mar 22, 2008
Hi All,I have a question here may seek for all sifus' opinion. Recently when I am turning my car from flat surface to uphill about 45 degree, like from flat surface turning uphill in car park at 1U or The Gardens etc..right my car pose at 30-45 degree...i heard some noise like 'glok glok' from the back. This may happen especially when i am driving slowly and making a left turn towards uphill position. I changed the rear wheel bearing, rear arm ball joint & stablizer link. But, the problem is still occur. I think should not be suspension problem because no noise at all when I drive pass the hump. Car is going smoothly as well when I am driving on highway. Your opinion is very much appreciate as I am really broke now because of spending to change parts which is not helping me to fix the problem :43:Thanks~~
From my previous experience, it caused by bush.

Few hundred bucks only, less than rm200.
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