Suddenly so laku.. but may not have enuf to go round...
I think only 4 sets left... and here's the list..
1) hnhii (booked and contacted me but yet to collect)
2) vinesmaran
3) lightweight (Via PM)
4) eviltofu (Via PM)
Bro Apiz would have to wait and see if anyone backed out from it..
Suddenly so laku.. but may not have enuf to go round...
I think only 4 sets left... and here's the list..
1) hnhii (booked and contacted me but yet to collect)
2) vinesmaran
3) lightweight (Via PM)
4) eviltofu (Via PM)
Bro Apiz would have to wait and see if anyone backed out from it..
Suddenly so laku.. but may not have enuf to go round...
I think only 4 sets left... and here's the list..
1) hnhii (booked and contacted me but yet to collect)
2) vinesmaran
3) lightweight (Via PM)
4) eviltofu (Via PM)
Bro Apiz would have to wait and see if anyone backed out from it..
if someone backed out PM me asap bro...i think my car got faulty lower control arm bush because on the road my car kinda like a ular kiri kanan kiri kanan LOL...alightmen suda byk kali buat sama je...k tq bro pm me asap ooh and my car is e36 325i