Fan clutch

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Dec 11, 2004
My air-cond specialist told me that the fan (the one in front, i think it's called aux fan?) is turning too slow. Did some damage to my radiator and air-cond valve. Was advised to have it checked out.How much will it cost to repair this? What is the fan clutch and what does it look like?
append below is the pic of the fan clutch. The fan clutch give a constant speed regardless of the engine speed. there is a bimetallic strip on the front of the fan clutch which will "bend" when the temperature of the radiator rises. This will caused the more oil to be pushed to the outter rim and hence created more grip on the engine rotating shaft. it will make the fan to rotate faster.

The fan clutch cannot be repair but some of the forummer have actually service it by refilling it with silicon oil.

If you engine temperature is showing "half" mark during normal driving, then you fan clutch is working well.

FYI, there is another electric fan between the front grill and the radiator.
I had to make an emergency pit stop at Senawang on my way to Melaka once, and had it replaced for around RM350++ (can't remember the exact figure).
Took it to a workshop this morning, they said nothing wrong, fan is moving at normal speed.....
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