OK borrow picture from everybody (sorry !)
The pressure switch for low pressure should be located on the dryer of the aircon. see picture below
A close up picture of the pressure switch.
The function of the pressure switch is to protect the aircon compressor when there is insufficient gas.
Here is a schematic diagram of the aircon control. As you can see the
pressure switch is before the
compressor clutch & Aux fan so even though the snowflake light is on, the clutch will not engage if the gas pressure is LOW.
You can test the clutch by making a jumper as shown below. However, do not run it too long cos compressor will be damage due to "dry" running.
As you can see from the picture below, there are 2 circular rings on the front of the AC compressor. The outer ring is the pulley which is driven by the belt. The inner ring is the pulley which will drive the AC compressor when the magnetic clutch is engaged. So check whether the inner ring is rotating or not.