ECU Reset

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Club Guest
Jun 4, 2006
Before i said anythin bout this.i m sorry if this sound silly or a dump thing to do.i did read on lots of site bout the ecu reset.not oil change reset or clearing falut to do:turn ur key to on position n wait for 10 second.then switch it off for 10 second.then just start ur car...then drive as normal..why reset:it will learn to the new mod that u did to ur car n work to the max of it or just remap the setting to ur current engine or parts condition.i just wanna share with u guys bout this silly thing n see how many people do or dont feel any good bout this urban legend hehehehe..thank u..
thanks for your instant reply u feel any different from doin it?

Anyway i m driving e36 which comes wit obd1..from the site u point out, that method doesnt work on my car right?

Do anyone have any idea on how to reset the ecu for obd1?what do u find after doin the reset!

Thank you...
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