ECU compartment - engine oil can reach there!

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Club Guest
Jan 14, 2009
Guys,Do any of you guys experience these? I found that in one of the connectors in the ECU compartment filled with engine oil! How can these happened? Anybody know what connector is this? (hopefully bro Jarance saw this thread :))
Pic of engine oil in the connector socket:
I notice that this wiring join end at a sensor under the engine manifold... My mechanic says that this probably can cause transmission error lights up.. hmmmm:rolleyes:
bimmerholic;543538 said:
where is the engine oil? can't see also...clearer pic may help.

pic 1 : bottom of the connector is wet with oil...

pic 2 : the floor of the male connector surrounding the pins is also wet with oil...
engine oil in ECU..?? no way.. somebody purposely/accidentally put them inside la bro..
yumie;543565 said:
engine oil in ECU..?? no way.. somebody purposely/accidentally put them inside la bro..

yumie : i dont think so as the mechanic show to me that the whole wire from the sensor from below the manifold up to the ecu compartment is wet with oil. At the moment I am still blur how on earth engine oil from the engine can travel through electrical wire :eek:?
fashaf, can you zoom out the picture.

I can see 2 blue relay and 1 white relay. The ECU or DME is usually located behind the firewall which is near the wiper motor. chances of oil going there is near impossible. However, possible of water ingress is possible if the drain well is blocked dirt and dry leaves.
tropos_net;543852 said:
bro, is there where the brake servo drum is? next to it or so?

bro tropos, this place is just beside where the 2 ecu(s) are located.
jarance;543859 said:
fashaf, can you zoom out the picture.

I can see 2 blue relay and 1 white relay. The ECU or DME is usually located behind the firewall which is near the wiper motor. chances of oil going there is near impossible. However, possible of water ingress is possible if the drain well is blocked dirt and dry leaves.

bro jarance, this is the best zoom i can snap from my phone. Anyway the oil were found to at connectors just beside the 2 relays. If you notice the ECU(s) were already taken out - there are 2 empty long slots on the most upper part of the 2nd pic.
fashraf;544040 said:
bro tropos, this place is just beside where the 2 ecu(s) are located.

bro, what car are you driving? I dont think BMW have 2 ECU lar.. Maybe 1 ECU and 1 EWS. :listen:

Better take picture of the 2 ECU and show us..
jarance;544064 said:
bro, what car are you driving? I dont think BMW have 2 ECU lar.. Maybe 1 ECU and 1 EWS. :listen:

Better take picture of the 2 ECU and show us..

1 for the DME engine management and 1 for gearbox/transmission control. that makes for 2.
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