E90 maintenance schedule and transmission oil

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Club Guest
Apr 10, 2005
I took the Raya holidays studying the E90 manual and maintenance book; and notice the following: - No more oil service, Inspection 1 and 2. All service intervals are the same. Wonder what is the rationale. - No mention on transmission oil. Is it going to be 'lifetime' fluid again? I hope they dun make the same mistake as E46.
Mistake, or built-in obsolescence? The auto industry has commoditized, like everything else, and auto manufacturers don't want their cars to last for decades like before. Even Volvo and Merc have dropped that plank and want you to change cars every few years.

I still keep to my own schedule of 6 monthly engine fluid changes and 100k gearbox fluid changes. IMHO the cost is peanuts compared to the cost of repairs.
If you are planning to do tranny oil changes, 100k kms is a bit too much of a stretch. From what i have read, it should be around 60k kms. A longer interval between changes increases the risk of gunk being trapped during the flush, and making your tranny go kaboom!
Good point E46F! 100km is my rough guide for other cars, but I would probably go earlier for my E90, now that you've kinda reminded me of the sensitivity of BMW gearboxes...memories of my E36 days.
While we are in the topic of car fluids, I do have a question to past BMW owners here, especially the E46. When is the recommended time/mileage to change the rear diff fluid for the E90? I couldn't really find any conclusive answers from Mr. Google.
Had a chat with a foreman yesterday and he said the worse worn rear axle he has seen before is from E46.. not one but many.. so looks like "lifetime" really meant for lifetime of the rear axle assembly.. :D

The foreman also has not seen engine oil that can last 25k km. Ester base also cannot tahan so long la.. so for those who really intend to follow the service indicator, I wish you good luck.. :D
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