E90 325i - Engine Vibration during Idling

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David Yong;480828 said:
I have the following under BSRI (fully warranty without any cost to me):

1) 4 times of engine oil service and filter
2) 1 unit of engine oil sensor
3) Many times of 1 liter oil top up :D
4) 1 unit of new engine :D
5) 1 unit of front RH & LH headlamps
6) 1 set of front & rear brake pads & disc
7) 1 microfilter
8) 1 time brake flush
9) 1 set of wipers
10) 1 unit of aircond compressor :D (at 67k km mileage)
11) 1 unit of starter :D (at 74k km mileage)
12) 1 unit of exhaust valve vanos adjustment :D (at 76k km mileage)

Wah bro...you bought your car for USD100k ar...? Why so many items claimed under BSRI...?
Can use you name to claim my unclaimed items ar...? Or borrow your registration number plate when I need to go to SC...
BlackE90;480832 said:
Wah bro...you bought your car for USD100k ar...? Why so many items claimed under BSRI...?
Can use you name to claim mine unclaimed items ar...? Or borrow your registration number plate when I need to go to SC...

It's all about how u nego or talk with the SC :wink:
Thanks for sharing bro...now all of us will know who to quote when our claims are rejected...LOL....
David Yong;480833 said:
It's all about how u nego or talk with the SC :wink:

Agree fully with DY. Find a good one and stick with him/her. Don't shy away from girl SCs either - they try harder to please customers. Some of the best ones I've dealt with were young chicks, and the one in C&C Mutiara is now a Service Manager. :top:
Schwepps;480843 said:
Agree fully with DY. Find a good one and stick with him/her. Don't shy away from girl SCs either - they try harder to please customers. Some of the best ones I've dealt with were young chicks, and the one in C&C Mutiara is now a Service Manager. :top:

Is her name Miss Ling? previously from C&C Jln222?
Yes, LMF. You couldn't help but smile when a small slip of a girl would jack up a big W211 by herself and say: "Come under the car with me and I'll show you some things." :D And then proceed to point out the stuff that was worn or broken. You just nod in mild awe, no disagreements.

Perodua PJ seems to employ only female SCs, a very Jap thing. But they do a great job as well. No matter how irate, men stay cooler when dealing with women. Perhaps BMW should learn from this.
David Yong;480828 said:
I have the following under BSRI (fully warranty without any cost to me):

1) 4 times of engine oil service and filter
2) 1 unit of engine oil sensor
3) Many times of 1 liter oil top up :D
4) 1 unit of new engine :D
5) 1 unit of front RH & LH headlamps
6) 1 set of front & rear brake pads & disc
7) 1 microfilter
8) 1 time brake flush
9) 1 set of wipers
10) 1 unit of aircond compressor :D (at 67k km mileage)
11) 1 unit of starter :D (at 74k km mileage)
12) 1 unit of exhaust valve vanos adjustment :D (at 76k km mileage)

I'm gonna print this list and check against mine when I go do my next oil change cum BSRI. :love:
Hmmn... from the grapevine, I heard some of DY's repair was only partly subsidised, totally FOC meh?! The grapevine channel cannot trust la!! :eek: Now I really confuse lio..
Yeah usually we still have to pay for labor and BMW Malaysia foots the bill for parts after warranty period expires during the good will warranty period.
astroboy;481081 said:
Hmmn... from the grapevine, I heard some of DY's repair was only partly subsidised, totally FOC meh?! The grapevine channel cannot trust la!! :eek: Now I really confuse lio..

You are right for the last two items. I paid only 50% of the labor charge for these two items.
That's still very good for BSRI. I'm quite surprised they changed all 4 brake discs. DY, they never changed your air filter, spark plugs, belts and coolant? Or did you forget to include those? They've already changed my air filter at 29k. :top:
BlackE90;480823 said:
Under the BSRI, I had 3 oil + filters changed, 1 brake fluid flush, 1 set of brake pads (front & rear), thats all. No microfilter, rotors nor wipers changed.....I heard someone had all the necessary items changed just before the BSRI expires. I wonder why all SC have double or triple standards....?

Now warranty & BSRI expired liao...gotta go to reliable independent specialists.....

I'm new in this bmw family..what is BSRI?sorry for asking. :rolleyes: and I bought 325i sport 6 months ago without knowing all this free service stuff...my 1st experience I got lauyaa AB sales dealer..huh...

Thnx for the sharing...its will help during my 1st service nxt month....
Schwepps;481137 said:
That's still very good for BSRI. I'm quite surprised they changed all 4 brake discs. DY, they never changed your air filter, spark plugs, belts and coolant? Or did you forget to include those? They've already changed my air filter at 29k. :top:

Nope bro. Nothing is done to air filter, spark plugs, belts & coolant.
RR325i;481141 said:
I'm new in this bmw family..what is BSRI?sorry for asking. :rolleyes: and I bought 325i sport 6 months ago without knowing all this free service stuff...my 1st experience I got lauyaa AB sales dealer..huh...

Thnx for the sharing...its will help during my 1st service nxt month....

Congratulations on your ride. Bro, you purchased your ride from AB, I supposed.
BSRI = BMW Service + Repair Inclusive, you have this FOC service + repair for 60,000 or 3 years (whichever comes first) from the date of your purchased. BMW M'sia will reimbursed the authorized Service Centres (AB, Sapura, Ingress, Quill, and all outstation authorized dealers) for all the services mentioned in the previous posts.

Please check with the Service Advisor for detailed explanation about BSRI when you send your ride for the 1st service.
E46Fanatic;460769 said:
My analysis of this thread so far and based on past postings, is Oligokoko is surely a technician at one of our authorized BMW svc centers. Korek or not? :D

korek2, yaa korek3... hahaha
astroboy;460770 said:
.. and experienced one too.. should first buy him/her 1 round, then get the contact as it will be the most important phone number in your phone, as long as you are keeping the JOY machine.. :wink: :D :D

not that experience laa astroboy, just 2 yrs exp oni

sorry guys for the late answer. yeap, u guys got me rite. just doing this not to boost any SC's reputation, but it is more to a info-sharing thing, although i only drive a proton =D so keep on forum-ing n i will help u guys on some problems frm time 2 time

p/s : glad 2 know that bmFIVE have solved his issue. ignition coil has been cancelled out in discussion early on. but who expects it 2 b d cause. mayb at that time its just an intermittent fault n after some time the coil wears out n show a better sign of damage. or also at that point of checking the coil, there are 2 issues which one is the intermittent coil fault and also the fuel issue, or also can b d adaptation value. who knows. that is d wonderful side of troubleshooting. we gain much as we do more. kudos 2 ur independant w/shop!

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