E60 reverse sensor.

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thule;387666 said:
I know the camera alone cost RM1250... but I'm not sure whether it needs any interface or not... coz last time I did the job together with my DVD player and Garmin gvn53...

OK, the camera is only additional add-on for DVD player and your GPS navigation system.

So in actual fact, it would cost more to have a reverse camera install for parking convience.
i installed the reverse sensor at Welldone Accessories at Sungai Besi there, come with 4 pcs, price RM350
Bro teppo123,
does the reverse sensor integrated with the idrive or just with the beeping sound only.

Bro thule,
can you post a picture of your car on where your reverse camera installed ? I am also thinking to install one but I check it might cost somewhere around RM2500 for the camera and the interface unit.
i bang my bumper 2 times when i using the reverse camera to estimate the distance, until i m angry and remove it, this one is better than the reverse camera, i stop my car until i hear the sound "Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" instead of sound "Bang!".
teppo123;388015 said:
i bang my bumper 2 times when i using the reverse camera to estimate the distance, until i m angry and remove it, this one is better than the reverse camera, i stop my car until i hear the sound "Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" instead of sound "Bang!".

Bro... so far I'd never had any problems with the reverse camera :D never even scratch my car once... I really don't know how you reverse your car. No offense, I'm not questioning your skill here ok??? But I'm sure forumers who have installed reverse camera onto their E60 can share their experience here...
Sam525;388004 said:
Bro teppo123,
does the reverse sensor integrated with the idrive or just with the beeping sound only.

Bro thule,
can you post a picture of your car on where your reverse camera installed ? I am also thinking to install one but I check it might cost somewhere around RM2500 for the camera and the interface unit.

As per your questions:
1) the sensor is not integrated with the iDrive .. so what you will hear is slow beep followed by faster and finally looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggg beeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppp :D

2) you let me wash my car first ok? it looked dirty. Will post here later... the price that you mentioned is quite cheap... coz the interface alone cost me about 2.3k... reverse camera is about RM1250... I mean, gotta have the good quality such as Alpine, Eclipse, Kenwood or Panasonic... I didn't shop around much.. been to a few shops before ended up installing at Uptown... I met a Bimmer who fixed his car there. Look at the job done... impressed by it.
i am also facing the same problem..no reverse sensor...just got the car 2 days ago....
teppo123;388015 said:
i bang my bumper 2 times when i using the reverse camera to estimate the distance, until i m angry and remove it, this one is better than the reverse camera, i stop my car until i hear the sound "Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" instead of sound "Bang!".

where was the camera placed.. In my opinion, visual is always better than audio.. :listen:
I'm using a reverse sensor with a distance display (colour coded and distance measurements) Never had problems reversing with this fella.
aiyah...if dunno how to drive use precision camera, ultrasonic or whatever sonic also sure langgar wan la... :p
teppo123;388015 said:
i bang my bumper 2 times when i using the reverse camera to estimate the distance, until i m angry and remove it, this one is better than the reverse camera, i stop my car until i hear the sound "Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" instead of sound "Bang!".

good for you. I just bang once. Will check out the shop soon. You haven't answer whether it's connected to idrive or just a 3rd party button reverse sensor. How's it works ?
For that price I am guessing it is just a 3rd party sensor. You would need a lot more things (and $$$$!) to integrate it into the iDrive. But I'll let teppo123 confirm that himself.

For my 325, the 4 sensors just go "beep" via the 3rd party single speaker. Whereas if it were ori sensors, it would use your stereo speakers for the "beep". Meaning, if object were close to your right, your right speaker would "beep". Same for the E60 ori PDC. Except there's additional sensors in front. So same concept, if object close to front left, front left speakers will "beep' and so on. Of course, for the E60 also, you get to see the visual indication on the iDrive screen as well.
ha! its third party one, but now i can reverse my car without seeing camera (i admit my driving technique is lousy), at least now i feel better...
i do rather install cobra reverse sensor rather than paying 4 digits. They are the OEM for Toyota Camry. So far i dont have issue with cobra.
it ultimately boils down on how much $$$ that you are willing to spend on your baby... if you think it's worth the money, you would have installed the PDC already.
Otherwise, 3rd party reverse sensor at the fraction of the price of PDC... or if you want something cooler at half the price... reverse camera is the answer!! :top:
i think for his requirement,a 3rd party reverse sensor would probably suffice..works fine on my Honda,useful little things.came standard with the car..so a non-issue there

however,i don't have any form of parking aid for my e60...not even a simple reverse sensor.i normally use my car's reflections on the body/doors of the car next to me to see or judge the distance everytime i park.doesn't work all the time tho..but i think again,a simple 3rd party reverse sensor would suffice for me.i don't see why i should spend rm7k on the PDC just so i can park easier.

don't get me wrong,the PDC i a great tool..fantastic in fact.if u have it on the car as a standard equipment,good for u.i know,i've used it on my mum's 525i MSport.but i won't spend rm7k on it..
I have faulty PDC sensor.

Anybody have bought this NOT from AB.. how much it cost. It seems this ensor is not realiable .. I have change once and it cost me RM600 each.
r37720;597997 said:
I have faulty PDC sensor.

Anybody have bought this NOT from AB.. how much it cost. It seems this ensor is not realiable .. I have change once and it cost me RM600 each.

if not mastaken around rm400 per pc at bavarian auto.

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