E60 - 525i

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Jun 12, 2007
Good Day and Greetings to all,I would appreciate if I am able to get some feedback from the members around here. Actually I'm asking this on behalf of a friend of mine who is planning to get an E60 525i. I don't really know much about the E60 as I'm a fan of the 3-series myself, so I hope there would be someone here who is kind enough to help me out.After much searching, my friend was offered a year 2005 525i Japan spec which comes with 17" rims, TV, sunroof, etc. - basically a full-spec model. Mileage is 16,500km. And price quoted was RM264K.He wants to know is it a good deal?As I've mentioned, I'm a greenhorn when it comes to the E60 so whatever opinions and outputs I can get from fellow members here are highly appreciated.Thanking you in advance. Cheers!
That's the right price for 05 hi-line. Get the VIN number and use:


...to make sure that it's really an 05 with magnesium engine.

Mileage and other things you gotta get it inspected by professionals. There's alot of details laymen, like myself, miss out on reconds.
How reliable is the mileage on Japan-spec reconditioned cars? I notice that most of them are exceptionally low and in the suspiciously smiliar among the cars of the same year.
Thanks for the infos so far, guys.

Btw, where is the location of the VIN number on the E60?

I do suspect the extremely low mileages on Jap-spec reconditioned cars too - as much as most of you here, but then again, my friend's the one buying so I'll leave the final decision to him.

Another thing is, which year was the magnesium engine introduced?

I browsed through the threads here and found that some say it was in 2007; while some say it was in 2005. Some quoted that in order to differentiate, if it comes with a engine Start/Stop push button, that is the one with the magnesium engine.

As for me, I'm totally new to the E60. I wouldn't say who is right or wrong but I do appreciate if anyone can help me out on this - as my friend is in a "desperate" mood to get the car as soon as possible - even though I have asked him to hang on and get as much info as possible first.

Thanking all in advance.
I guess my so-called friend doesn't have the patient to wait...lol.

He has just placed the booking fee for his 525i.

However, he is concerned about the i-Drive unit. May I ask what kind of "symptoms" shows that the i-drive is malfunctioning?

And is it advisable for him to take the car for a GT1 diagnostic test prior to buying it? I believe - as most forumers here would recommend, the GT1 diagnostic check is a crucial part of analyzing a BMW of any faults it has.

Thanks in advance.
The VIN number is the metallic-silver digits under the bonnet on the driver's side. It's hard to miss. Magnesium engine are mostly '05 onwards, but there are a few manufactured in 05 that are not magnesium. It is also easily identifiable from the engine - black is old, silver is magnesium. Won't necessarily have the push start button e.g. most 05 M-Sport magnesium I've seen doesn't have push start.

Your friend can do whatever diagnostic after booking.
Thanks Owen.

You have been a great help. On behalf of my friend, I thank you for all the wealthy information you have provided me here.

Have the best day ahead.
Quite likely 05 Jap-spec may not be 05 at all too. Plug it into the computer and see the actual date. Could end up being 04. Though for all legal intents and purposes, it will be declared in the JPJ form as "Tahun Dibuat 2005" so no issues when selling. If it is the old M54 engine, then 264K is not really a good price. But if it's 05 with the magnesium one, then worth it. I got my 04 Jap-spec 530i for around the same price 2 months back.
I am aware of the so-called "year thing" with recons...sigh - but guess nothing can be done with regards to this issue.

May I ask how do we know if the i-Drive system is not functioning as it is? Are there ways that we can check to determine if it's in working order?

Thanks again.
Best if you brought the car to a trusted BMW mechanic to check for any serious faults before you buy (after the downpayment though). Then if any issues, you can either get the seller to repair the damage first, or give you discount.

For the "year thing" issue, is not really someone cheating you. Sometimes it does happen that cars built late one year are sent to Japan early the next year. So even in Japan, it is declared as the later year. Even our AB does it. My pal bought an E46 that said "Tahun Dibuat 2004" but when checked, turned out to be actually 2003. As I said, doesn't matter as long as the later date is stated in the JPJ form.
Thanks for your assistance and clarifications.

I'm not quite particular about the "year thing" issue actually. For me, as long as the car is in good condition, that's all that matters. But my friend is quite a particular person as this is his first time buying recon cars. Well, just have to explain the facts to him though when I meet him later on.

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