E46 Transmission Fluid

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Juan Powerblow

Club Guest
Dec 4, 2004
I understand that the E46's auto transmission comes with "lifetime" fluid which doesn't require change until the gearbox kaputs at about 160,000 kms. However, my regular (and so far quite reliable) mechanic insists that this should be change after 60,000 kms to prolong transmission life. I think the guy has a point in saying that transmission fluids do deteriorate with time and the turnover of cars in Europe is far more frequent than here so their life time can be much shorter than ours. I've also come to learn that auto bavaria don't change the E46's transmission fluids at whatever intervals cos manual says kenot. How lah? May I have your insights?? There seems to be a lot of conflicting findings on the internet... :(
This is indeed a very confusing topic. In my opinion, if once the tanny is open for servicing, what are the chances that it won't give you problems thereafter.

I know I am going to get flack for this, but why fix when its not broken. Prevention is better than cure, its a gamble I say. From reading the forum regarding this heated topic, the consensus is to service your tranny.

I am scared to service mine, due to the fact that I may encounter more problems in the near future. Wonder what the deal is with other german makes like audi, merc , vw etc.
BMW actually recommends not to change the ATF in their 'life' long tranny but there are many cases of failed tranny that has not done an oil change. the reason may not be because of oil, it may be due to bad QC on tranny...more prone to failure are trannies from GM.

The single biggest culprit that kills tranny is heat. so apart from QC issue, i believe the way we drive the car will contribute to the lifespan of the engine/tranny. Your cooling system must be in tip top condition as excessive engine hear get transferred to the tranny as well. there is no harm to change the tranny fluid, of course if you change it yourself at outside shop, it may void your warranty.
JPB - I just changed my ATF a month ago. Done at my 'regular' place - you can guess where that is.. Chester knows... what to do... already at 140,000km ... no choice but to change .. no car will last that long without ATF change.

So far ... ok... but gearchange seems to 'stick' at lower gear a bit more ... can't be the mechanics as the steptronic works well to shift it up.

Fingers crossed.. com'on.. join the club..
I changed mine annually even though the gearbox (ZF 5HP-18, very similar to the ZF 5HP-19 on the e46 minus the steptronic) has a sticker that says lifetime oil and blah blah. I do also replace the oil filter.

Nothing is permanent and an oil change will be good as after some time, the properties of the transmission oil will be degraded. However, when you replace your (if you decide to), replace it with the lifetime oil and its blardy costly!
Originally posted by ALBundy@Jul 14 2005, 08:25 AM
I changed mine annually even though the gearbox (ZF 5HP-18, very similar to the ZF 5HP-19 on the e46 minus the steptronic) has a sticker that says lifetime oil and blah blah. I do also replace the oil filter.

Nothing is permanent and an oil change will be good as after some time, the properties of the transmission oil will be degraded. However, when you replace your (if you decide to), replace it with the lifetime oil and its blardy costly!
I'm now worried sick cos of Echo's experience, his E46's transmission totally koyak after a fluids change and the reasons appear to be as per Chester's posting which is also consistent with E46F's findings in www.e46fanatic.com. E46F was nice to also tell me I'm now his guinea pig cos tho my car is 2 weeks younger, my mileage is about 25,000 kms more than his. Yikes! :(
Yes the findings are consistent. Shedden's transmission also koyak due to transmission oil change. Spend RM10k to replace all the internal parts.. basically eveyrthing is new except for the housing... Torque convertor also new.
JPB, change to 6-speed stick shift lah!

Ask Zoggee, I am now totally disillusioned with the whole slush box thing, even though my Jatco 5-speed is damn cheap to replace.

For my next car I will be looking for stick shift. If the Brits & Germans can be stuck in traffic jams with stick shift, so can I!!!!
JPB, is yours being done at AB? If your slush box fail because of their advice to flush, you know what to do ;)
Off topic, after having driven a M50 engine with a manual tranny...I must say its a must TRY for everyone, only then will many realise how wonderful this engine is!! Can't wait for my e30m50!! :nyehehe: :nyehehe:
Originally posted by ALBundy@Jul 14 2005, 04:49 PM
Mr. Wanker, their traffic jams are not as bad as hours!! :nyehehe:
Their traffic jam is the same lah. M25 outside London has tailback longer than federal highway and I was stuck in start-stop traffic on Autobahn from Cologne to Bonn (20km) at 8am.
Originally posted by chester@Jul 14 2005, 08:41 AM
Yes the findings are consistent. Shedden's transmission also koyak due to transmission oil change. Spend RM10k to replace all the internal parts.. basically eveyrthing is new except for the housing... Torque convertor also new.
Fuiyoh... I just fainted! :lazy:
Besides Echo and Shedden, has anyone else with an E46 changed transmission fluid without a problem or am I everyone's guinea pig? These are the only 2 fellas I know and already koyak. Schone's 1 month of finger-crossing is hardly comforting. Ooooit!!...
John, more reason for you to acquire the E90 325i...sure tapau the Alfas hehehe :nyehehe:
Ya a shame JPB only called in at the workshop when his tranny fluid was being drained...ack Its much higher risk if you ask me changing tranny fluid on the E46 esp when you pass 50k kms than NOT touching the tranny at all. Word has it that BMW "lifetime" oil means ~160k kms under normal conditions.... which should be err roughly another 8 years for me before I hit that mileage. If I end up keeping the car at the end for 12 years in total (4 yrs now) then a tranny swap at that time is acceptable to me la.

Most likely I'll be driving something else la within the next 8 years :) .. so I am definitely not touching the tranny oil if I dont have to.
The natural progression for E46F will be to upgrade to something with V8......2 extra pistons per change of car mah :p

JPB, as I said, if you are doing the flush at the advice of the workshop, then you better ask them to set out the advice in writing!!!
I just called the worksyop's cifu for the 3rd time. He maintains that there's no problem as long as the right fluid is used and he can show me invoices of E46s, E39s and E38s that have done the change wif him without problems. Once again, he assures me my baby will be OK. If it fails, he seems like the type who will feel pretty responsible to sort out the pwobwem or else gotta call on the favors of my klang tai kors... Like Schone, I shall be keeping my fingers crossed!
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