E46 M43 Engine Overheated

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Nov 6, 2008
Hello guys. Im seeking any opinion from u all. I just experienced engine overheated. D engine cant be started due to low compression i think. I have found that my cooler tank was empty. After filled up w water, found that tank was leaking. the scenario is like this...i have observed the temp indicator indicate overheated. smell something burnt out. Shuted down the engine. After few hours start back. Manage to do it. Drive to specialist. On the way for just about 5km i thought, suddently the engine going underpower and and die. Cant be started again. My Q are ..is it enough to top o/houl or transplant the engine? Im wonder if top o/houl carried out, mess could be around esp. w the crankshaft. is it correct?
first, do an engine compression to check for gasket blown.

You have experience an overheating due to rapid loss of coolant. This is a symthom that is dread by bmw owner.

When you fill the cooler tank, was the engine still hot. if you have so, chances is that the engine cynlider could be
warped dur to rapid cooling.

Why did you still drive the car when you water tank is still leaking. That is not a wise thing to do considering you have an engine overheating due to lack of coolant.

If your engine felt like underpower before it die, chances is that your engine gasket have blown. Pray that the
engine water jacket does not have any hairline crack.

just do a top overhaul. a top overhaul do not mess with your crankshaft as it in the bottom half of the engine.
jarance;370492 said:
first, do an engine compression to check for gasket blown.

You have experience an overheating due to rapid loss of coolant. This is a symthom that is dread by bmw owner.

When you fill the cooler tank, was the engine still hot. if you have so, chances is that the engine cynlider could be
warped dur to rapid cooling.

Why did you still drive the car when you water tank is still leaking. That is not a wise thing to do considering you have an engine overheating due to lack of coolant.

If your engine felt like underpower before it die, chances is that your engine gasket have blown. Pray that the
engine water jacket does not have any hairline crack.

just do a top overhaul. a top overhaul do not mess with your crankshaft as it in the bottom half of the engine.
Thanks Jarance. I should blame myself on my negligen to check and fill up the water tank. What a silly..So what is the consequences if eng. water jacket has crack?
Change engine.... never ever drive a car when you know you have water cooling problems, engine gets overheated easily, water loss problems, etc. Been there before but not with my beemer. It was a crap PV6, saw the meter touch red briefly for saw less than a minute. Ended up having to do a top overhaul. Had I gone further, I might have fried the engine and do a complete overhaul. And if some more unlucky, engine change.

And beemers are worse, they are very sensitive to overheating, especially the M50 engines....

tenno;370503 said:
Thanks Jarance. I should blame myself on my negligen to check and fill up the water tank. What a silly..So what is the consequences if eng. water jacket has crack?
tenno;370490 said:
Hello guys. Im seeking any opinion from u all. I just experienced engine overheated. D engine cant be started due to low compression i think. I have found that my cooler tank was empty. After filled up w water, found that tank was leaking. the scenario is like this...i have observed the temp indicator indicate overheated. smell something burnt out. Shuted down the engine. After few hours start back. Manage to do it. Drive to specialist. On the way for just about 5km i thought, suddently the engine going underpower and and die. Cant be started again.
My Q are ..is it enough to top o/houl or transplant the engine? Im wonder if top o/houl carried out, mess could be around esp. w the crankshaft. is it correct?

i had the same experience once where the engine overheated and shut down. i was very worried. tried starting the engine a few time but it just went dead. towed the car to my mechanic shop. according to my mechanic, it was a system shut down to prevent further damage to the engine due to the overheat. system was reseted and all was fine after that.

i had an E36 then with the same M43 engine. Now driving E46 with M43 engine.
tenno;370503 said:
Thanks Jarance. I should blame myself on my negligen to check and fill up the water tank. What a silly..So what is the consequences if eng. water jacket has crack?

If water jacket have hairline crack, then you have to do more than just an top overhaul.

As mentioned earlier, ask the mechanic to do an engine compression first. This is the cheapest
and fastest way of telling whether there is a leak. It involves removing the spark plug and
insert a pump at the spark plug port. The pump will pressurises one chamber and the pressure
gauge will show the maximum pressure it could substain.

hairline crack can be traced by using dye penetrant method. it involved spraying the engine block
with a cleaner first. Secondly, a red dye is sprayed on the engine block. Excessive red dye is cleaned
off from the block. Third, a developer is sprayed on the engine block. If there is a hairline crack,
the white developer will show a red mark or line near the crack.
Some people also use ultrasonic flaw detector to determine hairline crack similar to
aeroplane wings fault detection.

i have seen one workshop in JB who have welded aluminium block before for repairing
the hairline crack. The repair is tedious and chances is 50/50 chance of sucess.

if the engine block is warped, then most repair shop will skimmed a very thin layer off the block
and use a slightly thicker gasket to compensated for the trimming of the engine block.

Like a bypass surgery, the engine will never be the same if you do a top overhaul. :eek:
I had experience this before. Ended up I changed my termostats and also my radiator. And found that the radiator was not working properly.
tenno;370490 said:
Hello guys. Im seeking any opinion from u all. I just experienced engine overheated. D engine cant be started due to low compression i think. I have found that my cooler tank was empty. After filled up w water, found that tank was leaking. the scenario is like this...i have observed the temp indicator indicate overheated. smell something burnt out. Shuted down the engine. After few hours start back. Manage to do it. Drive to specialist. On the way for just about 5km i thought, suddently the engine going underpower and and die. Cant be started again.
My Q are ..is it enough to top o/houl or transplant the engine? Im wonder if top o/houl carried out, mess could be around esp. w the crankshaft. is it correct?


no indication on the dashboard that your coolant is low?

no indication on the dashboard that your coolant is low?[/QUOTE]

Yes it is. But it happen to fast. Rapid lost of coolent due to water tank leaking with few numbers of hole. It was my mistake did not carry immidiate action.
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