E36 325 Help needed

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Oct 4, 2006
Hi,Had just driven my recently owned yr 95 325 for 2 weeks and now parking the car in Mechanic workshop for 2 weeks already! The reason being I ignored the warning message - "check coolant level" for just 4 days and now my bank account is threatened by this cylinder block change out. This alarm message only came out for a very short time every time I started the engine...:( ignored it because I was too busy to think it can become so serious, and I was stretching this baby to my next payday so to do a more proper maintenance, esp after paying everything cash on it. Now the car is in the midst of changing the whole cylinders block, water pump after it died, going down with fuming steam coming out of bonnet on one hot day in the middle of an already jammed road along Taman Bahagia, PJ. The funny part is the temperature indicator did not moves up all this time :mad: The thermostat developed a leak and the water level was low - I did not check level as there was this saying about radiator cannot be open anyhow etc true or not? :confused: Since I am not going have my car back too soon now (as a good cylinder block is hard to come by) like to know what else to look out for since might as well take this time to do a proper PM. I will need this car to drive long distance during weekend to Singapore. Please advise
i feel you, dude!!!

radiator cannot be open to check water level?? Who tell u that??? Real Niamah fella!!!!

wat to check? Please go to a proper BMW mechanic to seek advice. Tell him what you told us. We no mind reader lar!

Sorry to hear about your case...

Anyway, thank you for sharing as many current owner are not aware of the faulty temo sensor.

I am looking for 1992-96 E36 325i and your experience give me a new knowledge to be more careful of.

Hope other 325i owner will advice you...
Sorry to hear about your problems friend! Now better take it to a good mechanic and check out everything, especially the gearbox. From this forum it can be seen that gearbox is a weakpoint in BMs. Gearbox repair/replacement is expensive job. Lots of BMW speciallist mechanic recommended in this forum so best to go to one.

Don't try to DIY. No offense but from what you said, it looks like you're still new to car upkeep and maintenance. For example, never ignore warning lights. In fact you should stop the car immediately and not drive it when a warning light come on. How can someone tell you radiator cannot be opened?? Radiator fluid level is one of the things to be checked on a regular basis together with engine oil level, battery water level and tyre pressures. Also if your temperature sensor was leaking, that mean it was already kaput, so no temperature reading la!

It's human nature that people selling their car won't do repairs once they decide to sell it and will just cover up any problems. So suggest you don't venture driving to Singapore until you get the whole car checked out by a good mechanic and fix any problems found.
meetoo;192841 said:
Sorry to hear about your problems friend! Now better take it to a good mechanic and check out everything, especially the gearbox. From this forum it can be seen that gearbox is a weakpoint in BMs. Gearbox repair/replacement is expensive job. Lots of BMW speciallist mechanic recommended in this forum so best to go to one.

Don't try to DIY. No offense but from what you said, it looks like you're still new to car upkeep and maintenance. For example, never ignore warning lights. In fact you should stop the car immediately and not drive it when a warning light come on. How can someone tell you radiator cannot be opened?? Radiator fluid level is one of the things to be checked on a regular basis together with engine oil level, battery water level and tyre pressures. Also if your temperature sensor was leaking, that mean it was already kaput, so no temperature reading la!

It's human nature that people selling their car won't do repairs once they decide to sell it and will just cover up any problems. So suggest you don't venture driving to Singapore until you get the whole car checked out by a good mechanic and fix any problems found.

:eek: Thanks an expensive lesson to learn ya.

Will it be a good idea to flush the autogear then? Another urban legend indicates not to drive long distance straight after a gear flush and replacement because the new gear oil may become too thin for the gear mechanism after it got heat up - any sense to this theory or not?

Possible for anyone to recommend a good autogear specialist in PJ/Subang Jaya area. Apologise for the spoon feed request as cannot take too much time surfing using company's property - cheers
BMW3ardent;192898 said:
Will it be a good idea to flush the autogear then? Another urban legend indicates not to drive long distance straight after a gear flush and replacement because the new gear oil may become too thin for the gear mechanism after it got heat up - any sense to this theory or not?

Urban legends are call urban LEGENDS because they are false! ;)

Always best to go to a specialist. They know about a certain type of car better than general mechanics. Eg, Alfa is prone to ignition problem (I know!) and Renault is prone to crankshaft problem (my brother's car), etc, etc. Different cars and models have different quirk. A specialist will check those area right away, can smell problems right away, and can fix them cheaply within a short time. A general mechanic will be poking around for a long time and not finding the real cause. It will end up costing you more to try changing this and that! You will also learn about BMW from a good BMW specialist if you make friends with him.

Another recent post gave direction to BMW Specialist in USJ. Sounds good! :) http://www.bmwclubmalaysia.com/forums/e46-asking-your-t10621p2.html
The radiator can be opened to check. The reason why this misguided saying the radiator cannot be opened is because there are a few cases of overheating because the radiator was not screwed back tightly enough (My mechanic has seen this numorous times). So maybe husband told the wife (Or maybe mechanic tell hopeless driver?) it cannot be opened...and lo behold, we have our urban legend.

Agreed with meetoo, never ignore warning lights. They're not suggestions, they're more like the red light at traffic lights. Once you see it, get it looked at immediately by a specialist. And you'll find skimping on maintenance will only bring you more probems.

I got my 95' 325 a year ago, and the first thing I did when I got the car was to send it to my mechanic for a full service check. Spent 5k on the car, I even replaced the entire radiator, and never had a problem till today. Might sound like a lot but when the unfortunate happens, it could be even more.

I hope it turns out well for you.
BMW3ardent;192898 said:
:eek: Thanks an expensive lesson to learn ya.

Will it be a good idea to flush the autogear then? Another urban legend indicates not to drive long distance straight after a gear flush and replacement because the new gear oil may become too thin for the gear mechanism after it got heat up - any sense to this theory or not?

Possible for anyone to recommend a good autogear specialist in PJ/Subang Jaya area. Apologise for the spoon feed request as cannot take too much time surfing using company's property - cheers

Hello .. hello... you got so many niamah urban legend.
Can you list down here for us to shoot down ka :p
Thanks all for the replies so far - sorry couldn't response earlier.

Car with me on and off to the mechanic over the last 3 weeks since the major repair on the cylinder block. A good job done - engine felt so much better in terms of drive and vibration, which is basically nil now. One more occasion of broke down when it couldn't start late one night at Tesco Shah Alam 2 days before CNY. The petrol hose loosened as the plastic seal holding the hose to the tank broke. Lucky not much petrol left then as the petrol spilled and spread to next lot only. Sure didn't want it to catch fire burning down cars if there is any source of ignition nearby! Guard was kind enough to lock my car's wheel for overnight parking. My mechanic attended it at site within 5 minutes the next day. Observed rubber hardened and cracked hence all the plastic/rubber hoses/gaskets/brake cables in the car engine section were changed out, with gear flush, gear filter changed etc. Now feel so much reassured driving the car.

Maintenance so far cost RM10,000. I will break the bills down and list them in the E36 maintenance folder for cross reference.
BMW3ardent;197361 said:
Thanks all for the replies so far - sorry couldn't response earlier.

Car with me on and off to the mechanic over the last 3 weeks since the major repair on the cylinder block. A good job done - engine felt so much better in terms of drive and vibration, which is basically nil now. One more occasion of broke down when it couldn't start late one night at Tesco Shah Alam 2 days before CNY. The petrol hose loosened as the plastic seal holding the hose to the tank broke. Lucky not much petrol left then as the petrol spilled and spread to next lot only. Sure didn't want it to catch fire burning down cars if there is any source of ignition nearby! Guard was kind enough to lock my car's wheel for overnight parking. My mechanic attended it at site within 5 minutes the next day. Observed rubber hardened and cracked hence all the plastic/rubber hoses/gaskets/brake cables in the car engine section were changed out, with gear flush, gear filter changed etc. Now feel so much reassured driving the car.

Maintenance so far cost RM10,000. I will break the bills down and list them in the E36 maintenance folder for cross reference.

wow..... RM10k...another post tung tung chang syndrom :rolleyes:
10k! You poor kid.. awww.. :eek:

Least you feel safe and assured driving it now :) Yeap, do post up the breakdown and where you got it done.. Happy CNY, whatever's left of it :D
Erh, nothing new, BMW leaving up to its initials... Banyak Makan Wang and Banyak Masuk Workshop. When I first got my E35 325i some years back, I also spent around RM10k during its first 3 months of ownership, replacing this doo dah and that doo dah. Upgraded (or downgraded) to an E34 520i the following year and also spend just as much during its first 3 months of ownership, replacing thiss doo dah and that doo dah. And now, 1 year later, kena post tun-tung-chang syndrome. Loosing coolant. No observable leaks, suspect gasket problem (niamah, I also did a top overhaul last year which included head skimming). So there. Welcome to BMW ownership. Damn, feel like offloading SLOTH. Can do wonders with RM20k!:mad:
It is normal to spend some money $$$$ in getting a newly acquired 2nd hand Beemer into shape i.e. changing of fluids, attending to more immediate mechanical issues, etc. Quantum depends on the car, how the previous owner looked after the car and your luck. But once this amount has been spent, you should have an enjoyable time driving the UDM.:D I know I do but my wallet is thinning:( (so is my hair:D ). Well, no pain no gain.:rolleyes:
flash, me got some minor coolant loss too.... but car seldom used.

worried about long distance with the whitey.. hehehe... can't afford to do anything to this car yet as my focus is on my house.... by the way, anybody lookign for a house in Kota kemuning?? Picking up keys this weekend..
affan66;197565 said:
flash, me got some minor coolant loss too.... but car seldom used.

worried about long distance with the whitey.. hehehe... can't afford to do anything to this car yet as my focus is on my house.... by the way, anybody lookign for a house in Kota kemuning?? Picking up keys this weekend..

Better get you know who to check it out.
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