Another e36 328 common complaint

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Club Guest
Dec 8, 2004
There was a whining noise that grows louder in proportion to the rpm in my car. Over time, it grew progressively worse.I've always thought it was simply a sound coming from the engine and that it was due for a rebuild, which I kept putting off until absolutely necessary.Yesterday, I got a comment from some friends that my engine does not sound as creamy as a 6-cylinder should (thanks a lot, Desmond!). This really bugged me and I decided to do something about it.It sounded like it came from the alternator area. Closer examination from my mechanic at M1 (complete with stethoscope, I swear) showed that the alternator noise was neglible. Next, the steering pump was tested and identified as the source of the noise. Now, that's what I pay for - experience, which avoided an unnecessary RM1k plus replacement of the alternator. Thanks Jeff!The power steering oil was murky, which confirmed the diagnosis. It was drained out completely and a new oil filter and new oil was put in.My steering wheel now feels wonderfully light and responsive. The car is a lot quieter too, especially when accelerating under load - it does not whine and groan as it did before.And somehow, in the process, some wires or connection must have been moved/cleaned, because my sound system is inexplicably clearer! The reduction in the noise level must have helped, but does not fully explain the difference... Let's see how well the improvement holds up over the next few days of driving. If it does, it saves me the RM1k plus for the cost of the new steering pump.Full cost for the above, less then RM300, all in, with labour.Any other power steering fluid/pump experience out there?
all the more reason to keep it in tip top shape, regular flushing oil and oil filter replacement, if not already done so, i guess...

somehow, this is not a regular item that comes to mind when maintaining the car. I only discovered this indirectly when hunting for the source of the whining noise.
OT, but same principle

U shud also regularly flush ur auto gearbox fluid at regular intervals too. Must remember that the auto slushbox generates a lot of heat which causes the ATF to degrade over time.

I normally remove about two litres and replace with fresh ATF on my Citroen (low mileage - 8 yr old car with only 78,000 km on the odometer) slushbox annually. This is done through the opening of the drain plug on the tranny.

Those with higher mileage should consider the full flush using the specialised machines.

it is maintenance, maintenance, maintenance.

Another often forgotten maintenance item - the coolant/radiator.

Brake fluid - I have seen rusty water come out of the brake lines n calipers at the workshop (not mine!). If you don't regularly flush ur brake fluids, u r more likely to get rust inside your brake system. Could cause your brake pistons to rust - check it out when you do the next brake service (replace seals and flush system).
Master ICW2,

and that's why your 22 year-old baby is still running beautifully!
Same principles apply to all cars. Penny-wise, pound foolish is a phrase I often think about.

Have not seen much of u online until recently. Busy w projects or PS2?

Good 2 see u back!

C ya at Desmond's one of these days.


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