E36 318i Gear Box Problem

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May 3, 2010
Hi all, am very fresh here... hope i'm welcome to join the crowd.Just had my auto GB replaced by a mech, after the ori served me for almost 15 yrs (+5 yrs with the ori owner back in 1991) - mine is a UK version, brought back after my studies there.Problem with the new GB (fr potong shop...) is that the gear won't change smoothly, esp fr 3 to 4. I need to rev and reach to around 120kmph for it to shift up. My daily travel along NKVE would normally be around 2.3k rpm, now reaching to 3k to 3.5k rpm at 110kmph; which definitely affect the fuel consumption too!Brought back to mech, and had it replaced w other GB. But problem still persist, after 3rd GB - the mech is also puzzled now, not sure what to do next. According to him, the diagnose detects no problems at all; he had also tried changing the ECU, checked the selector switch etc but to no avail. He is thinking of using the recond & see the difference. Guys, your advise / help / recommendation v v much appreciated. TQ.
wow, 3 gearboxes and problem still exist.
so i dont think its GB problem anymore, might be wiring.
did u used the same gearbox speed sensor for every gearbox change???
G7, thanks for responding...
Checked w the mech, according to him the speed sensor is in good cond.
BTW, what about it when u asked whether i used the same one or not?
Previously estimated @ around 3k... not finalised yet. Problem still persist. :(

Now the mech is suggesting for a recond @ 3.8k, or go for half cut 320i @ 4.4k.

Really dunno what to do & decide. Advice & views much needed & appreciated.
I believe currently 318i Gearbox only cost about 2k. Why go for half cut if only GB problem?
man gearbox m40 also asking 3K ka ... my running box was sold mere rm 300 only ...
abraz;521306 said:
Previously estimated @ around 3k... not finalised yet. Problem still persist. :(

Now the mech is suggesting for a recond @ 3.8k, or go for half cut 320i @ 4.4k.

Really dunno what to do & decide. Advice & views much needed & appreciated.

change ya mechanic as till now problem is not being solved ...

another option is plonk in a manual box and the headache is over .... red line all the way ...
Thanks for responding guys...

What's the fair price for the GB then? Fr potong shop; 2k + ? (for workmanship)
Half cut... so can change the whole system, + upgrade engine (?)

Iceman, kelvin... any recommended workshop? Please...
abraz;521476 said:
Thanks for responding guys...

What's the fair price for the GB then? Fr potong shop; 2k + ? (for workmanship)
Half cut... so can change the whole system, + upgrade engine (?)

Iceman, kelvin... any recommended workshop? Please...

sorry bro can't really help you much as even myself too found it strange that different chop shops carries different price tag ...now sure how they evaluate it but that what i've found during my search last year .... Gbox are just like stock market and it fluctuates ....

it would be better to send it to a Gbox speacialist to check further if your problem persist ...it could something minor etc the valve solenoid or shifter lever not proper contact..

try checking with M-scope in batu caves ...read a lot of good reviews about them here ...search around and you may find it in one of those thread ...

BTW what engine are you running right now ?? M40 , M43 ...
I have called M-Scope this evening, was asked to bring the car for diagnose.

They wont elaborate before checking but i insist what happen in the worst case scenario.
Got this answer;
'May need to overhaul',
'Around 5k'
(What? 5k?! Thought someone says 3k is already expensive for a GB change...??)
If change GB, that'll be more expensive, right?
Sob sob...

Longer than i thought... and dearer too, unlike what i thought, and some others too...

BTW, mine is m40. Any chance mr iceman?
abraz;521554 said:
I have called M-Scope this evening, was asked to bring the car for diagnose.

They wont elaborate before checking but i insist what happen in the worst case scenario.
Got this answer;
'May need to overhaul',
'Around 5k'
(What? 5k?! Thought someone says 3k is already expensive for a GB change...??)
If change GB, that'll be more expensive, right?
Sob sob...

Longer than i thought... and dearer too, unlike what i thought, and some others too...

BTW, mine is m40. Any chance mr iceman?

try to pm vincent ...look around for his nick ...perhaps he may have 1 lying around ...

why not change to an m50 ??
Just overhauled my GM 4 speed auto for my 328i last week, total cost only around RM3100(Parts RM2000, Labour RM1000).Lucky mine no major damage. Used gearbox huh like they say like stock market fluctuates here and there.
Abraz, if u'r willing to spend 4k and above, get a complete 1/2 cut M50 2.0 or 2.5 engine much more cheaper, road tax and petrol only just pay a bit more and u'll be smiling with the 6pot engine hehehe
Ersalle, lucky you.
That's what my mech suggested, half cut for 320i... but cost 4.8k + labour lagi = around 6k :(
Still thinking, and browsing. Btw, where did u get yours done?
Try contact Jerry_VR4 from JB, he's letting go a 1/2 cut M52 323i which he's letting go less at rm3.5k, his engine is complete with zf 5 speed gearbox. He just replied my email but too late as i got my gearbox done. I did want to buy from him his geabox initially. I did my gearbox overhauled in SKUDAI, JB(TWO-B Trading) and it takes at least 5 working days to do it.
JB..? That's far...
M52 @ 3.5k? That's interesting... may consider.

BTW, the other symptom forget to mention, the gear lever is quite stiff, need a push rather than just a slide... Anyone?

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