e30, 5 hole hup convertion

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Club Guest
Jun 7, 2005
do any one have any best idea to convert 4 hole to 5 hole nut to e30? some menber did some modification to it but it was vibrate when drive up to 100 km and above . any model 'naker' will be the best selection to replace ? :ph34r: e36 aroback rear set can fit nicely, how about front set?
I'm not against it...but why??? :unsure: why..??? :dunno: you got 250 horse to stop ah??? :)
I got 5 lug. heheheeh
Need 250bhp only can go 5 lug ar? Aiyo! Where to find lar. Must try to mod my 320i liao! Maybe some cams?
Originally posted by Zoggee@Oct 11 2005, 02:40 PM
I'm not against it...but why??? :unsure: why..??? :dunno: you got 250 horse to stop ah??? :)
could it be so that can find cheaper rims from E36 lor, coz E30 rims most of them priced to cekik darah one.
what zogge is saying is true, 5 lug conversion is not really worth it unless you have lots of horsepower and need bigger brakes. but its up to you in the end

Where got most powerful wan. Dun simply simply say ar. After those with super mods come tiong me how?
Originally posted by Alvin@Oct 12 2005, 12:50 PM

Where got most powerful wan. Dun simply simply say ar. After those with super mods come tiong me how?
Just now we were "tiong-ing" each other what... B) Jalan Tiong having the PorkMeatballs..??remember..?? ;)
guys, you don't need 250bhp to do 5 lugs....
i've only got 245 and i'm doing fine with 5 lugs haha

5 lugs are great for wheel choices, if you have the chance and resources, DO IT!

your term "naker" should be the knuckles

if you hack your hubs to gain 5 lugs, then it'd be best to do it right.

but if you were to go the E36 way,
you have to make sure you find the rears first which is the Z3 or the E36. i'm sure you can find some in Singapore or JB.

fronts are easy with E36 complete struts. Rears are direct fit

but 2 things

you have to have custom camber plate or anyway you can correct the camber angle which is drastically or insanely positive when the E36 front struts are in

-Lower arm problem
with the E36 struts in, wheels will not be center to the arch. it will sit dangerously back. mod the lower arm bush lollipop to correct it. or get E36 M3 lower arms

some articles here:
i used the E36' parts

chriscab used the E30 M3 parts

good luck
Originally posted by Tom@Oct 12 2005, 11:52 PM
guys, you don't need 250bhp to do 5 lugs....
i've only got 245 and i'm doing fine with 5 lugs haha

woi...!!! cipek..!!! 245..bhp??? nyeh...not the horsepower I'm impress with ur car.

The torque......addicted!!! superb..!!! B)
bro, it's a joke tell me you didn't believe it...

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