e30 318/320 car/body

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Feb 8, 2005
not sure, whether this is the right topic to post in? some of u might have seen me post asking bout a late 80's e30. anyway haven't found any that I can afford. so thought up this idea.i was thinking of getting an abandoned e30 and doing it up. abandoned as in, maybe engine kong, owner dah kaya, so car lying around or some car parked at workshop left to rust... but the chassis still there. car didn't accident, totaled or sudah camtum.anyway if I can get it say for, maybe RM5K, I could spent a bit more to do up the body first, then maybe later the engine. It would take probably a few months, that's Ok, as i still have my faithful honda (ex5 bang, no vtec) :p so I would like to ask for ur guys help, to keep an eye out for me. never know when u might come across it. What do you guys think? commendable project or waste of my time n ur time?thanks, for spending ur time to read my thread

Honestly an E30 abandon is rare. Good luck there to find one.
if you do, then you will probably end up spending at least 10k or more. That will bring the cost up to 15k. You can find a decent 1984 for around that price. Better to go that way. Then spend a bit to tidy things up. Enjoy the ride & then start to mod.
If it's abandoned, it is most likely not worthy for a rebuild.

Just save up and go for a properly maintained E30, it will be a lot easier on your pocket in the long run.
Originally posted by kevster30@Feb 28 2005, 05:44 PM
If it's abandoned, it is most likely not worthy for a rebuild.

Just save up and go for a properly maintained E30, it will be a lot easier on your pocket in the long run.
And also lesser of a headache. Moreover, you would appreciate your UDM faster and better as you can get to drive it immediately rather than worrying about how to repair the car... believe me, I have done that in the past and regretted it.
Originally posted by msapi@Feb 28 2005, 11:43 AM
not sure, whether this is the right topic to post in?

some of u might have seen me post asking bout a late 80's e30. anyway haven't found any that I can afford. so thought up this idea.

i was thinking of getting an abandoned e30 and doing it up. abandoned as in, maybe engine kong, owner dah kaya, so car lying around or some car parked at workshop left to rust... but the chassis still there.
car didn't accident, totaled or sudah camtum.

anyway if I can get it say for, maybe RM5K, I could spent a bit more to do up the body first, then maybe later the engine. It would take probably a few months, that's Ok, as i still have my faithful honda (ex5 bang, no vtec) :p

so I would like to ask for ur guys help, to keep an eye out for me. never know when u might come across it.
What do you guys think? commendable project or waste of my time n ur time?

thanks, for spending ur time to read my thread
abandon e30 ?? its rare sighting.. i hvnt seen 1 achelly :eek: personally i would advice u to get e30 with a decent body condition then start mod it. much cheaper. unless ur going to DIY way. get ur self u good welder (mig or tig ), plasmacutter, a 2-5 hp compressor, and other tidbits...

the only 3 sili thats abandon for u is e21. e30 ?? prolly in 10-15 years time... :)
Originally posted by msapi@Mar 1 2005, 10:57 AM
flash: mind sharing ur experience? would luv to know.. thanks
That was many many years ago, when I was still a young ciku just out from college. :D However, that time my interest was not with BMWs but 4-wheel drives, specifically the Land Rovers (yup, those that you see running around the vege farms in Cameron Highlands).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I thot I had a good buy when I got a chassis (with the body) sans engine and driving train. Got that for less than RM1k. Managed to get that chassis to a friend's workshop back in KL... the transportation cost itself is another bomb. After that, I had to source for the engine (using Nissan engine), driving gears, etc, etc... had to get contacts from friends, countless phone calls... Got the parts and tried to assemble them. Found out some parts do not fit, more phone calls... more headaches.

After almost a year, countless headaches, many phone calls, much moolahs, I have got a barely running Land Rover. Did some calculations... found out with the amount I have spent so far, I could have avoided such headaches by spending a bit more for a running vehicle... :angry: So I got rid of that vehicle as I would not want to spend a dollar more on that project.

So beware if you are thinking of going along the same route... IMO, doing a car from bottom up is strictly for enthusiasts only and who has very deep pockets. The costs do add up... not to mention the headaches and heartaches.

But anyway, my experience was with a Land Rover and not a BMW...
emm, good advice from u guys. will take it into considerations.

anyway, I'll update with any info on the status of the project.
n if u guys find anything, u know where to kontak. :D
it's still possible to keep the cost down, if you are a DIY nut....
to keep your cost down, you can do your own welding, knocking, painting, that alone will cut down 5k, but the next major thing ,are parts that you need to get, be it new or used, that's where the headache really starts.....ask Alvin, he still has a minor migrain,

and it's getting bigger by this WEEKEND.....hehehe!!!!
Originally posted by teejay@Mar 3 2005, 09:49 AM
it's still possible to keep the cost down, if you are a DIY nut....
to keep your cost down, you can do your own welding, knocking, painting, that alone will cut down 5k, but the next major thing ,are parts that you need to get, be it new or used, that's where the headache really starts.....ask Alvin, he still has a minor migrain,

and it's getting bigger by this WEEKEND.....hehehe!!!!
The main issue is not the money only... it is the headache of getting the right parts and making sure they all fit. It is like trial and error. Can fit or not? Yikes, cannot fit, gotta find another part... and so on.

If you have all the time in the world, it is not so bad. But if you are like us who has a job to attend to... well... I have a cousin who had a Supra 2.8 in his backyard. He wanted to "monsterise" that car with a bigger cc engine. Got most of the parts, started halfway but did not have the time to put it all together. 2 years later, the car is still in bits and pieces. :cry:
update: got an e30 :yahoo:
will check on the condition of the engine. bodywise still good. just need to do up.
will need guidance from you guys.

thanks for being patient with me.
Originally posted by msapi@Mar 28 2005, 06:06 PM
update: got an e30 :yahoo:
will check on the condition of the engine. bodywise still good. just need to do up.
will need guidance from you guys.

thanks for being patient with me.
Glad that you have finally found one. Before making any sort of commitment, get one of the e30 sifus, if you know any of them, to check out the car. If not, take it to a BMW mechanic for inspection. You can find a list of BMW workshops in another thread

Where did you manage to get the car, if there is one I am also keen.

At the moment I am restoring an e21, it is about 80% completion, would luv to have my hands on a E30 and restore it, any abondon anywhere?
Originally posted by beemer04@Mar 29 2005, 11:50 AM

Where did you manage to get the car, if there is one I am also keen.

At the moment I am restoring an e21, it is about 80% completion, would luv to have my hands on a E30 and restore it, any abondon anywhere?
Bro, stand in line.

It's basically finding a needle in a haystack. I bought mine 2 1/2 ago partially abandoned, well actually it was badly neglected. I'm still in the mist of restoring my baby, dare say 80% done. :yahoo: :yahoo:

It all bows down to patience, patience and patience.
well i guess patient is a virtue. anyway i guess forgot to say kereta takde grant, road tax long time buried, no keys, engine dont think will run for now, paint faded, rear right door banged, front bumper banged... emmm what else :beaten:

oh well, just have to take it step by step. for now, need to sort out documentation. JPJ ohh JPJ....

first things first ... sort out jpj documentation, then re-think about your project. My fear is that the grant had been sold to use for E?? ........!! never mind, just check with jpj.

On the point of restoration, well, if you are a car freak, I mean real freaky kind of enthusiast, then go for the restoration project. Lots of $$$, time, heartaches and headaches, but if you follow the restoration steps closely, you'll be a winner in every sense of the word. There's just nothing like doing it yourself and showing to the world your priceless diamond. see the documentary on "Rides" and you'll see what true restoration is all about.

Please note that you've got to have lots of passion in the project, otherwise it'll end up being abandoned which does happen sometimes.

From your description, the car looks quite bad and neglected. Personally you'd be doing the owner a favour by removing it free for him. I would not pay more than RM2k for it.

Another simple option : it may be a good parts-only car.

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