E30 2.0 to 2.5 conversion

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Originally posted by opp@Feb 15 2005, 03:03 PM
Hey guys,

Do you have any idea if I were to swap an E30 2.0 engine to a 2.5 if there is much I need to do? i.e. change computer, airflow sensor etc? Also how much would it cost for the engine?

Like to hear from you guys. Cheers


if you mean an m20b20 motronic to m20b25 motronic conversion,it is plug and play.you can re-use all the b20 components like afm,ecu,manifold etc.you just need the b25 short block and head. ;)
So it would not be possible to distinguish with the naked eye an ori 2.0 from a converted 2.5 with 2.0 ancilliaries eh...sounds good!
Fuiyoooo .. dun come to CJ wor ...

2 E34 3.5 Manual
1 E30 3.5 Manual (coming soon)


1 E34 2.5 auto (?) woii ... bila nak tukor injin .. Rim M5 throwing star tu macam tak 'selesa' je perkena dgn M50 2.5 ... :lol:
Originally posted by 535i@Feb 15 2005, 06:11 PM
Fuiyoooo .. dun come to CJ wor ...

2 E34 3.5 Manual
1 E30 3.5 Manual (coming soon)


1 E34 2.5 auto (?) woii ... bila nak tukor injin .. Rim M5 throwing star tu macam tak 'selesa' je perkena dgn M50 2.5 ... :lol:
malaysia bermuda triangle..... CJ..... :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
Originally posted by 535i@Feb 15 2005, 05:11 AM
Fuiyoooo .. dun come to CJ wor ...

2 E34 3.5 Manual
1 E30 3.5 Manual (coming soon)


1 E34 2.5 auto (?) woii ... bila nak tukor injin .. Rim M5 throwing star tu macam tak 'selesa' je perkena dgn M50 2.5 ... :lol:
the purple one izzit????

There has been a lot of talk about M20, M50 and M30 being flung around like money grows on trees. My humble advice is to seek out cars which have undergone these conversions and drive them to see which one suits your fancy and ultimately your wallet!

IMHO, M20 is value for money, M50 is the way to go and the M30 is a dinosaur(technically). Having driven all three samples in E30s, I must say that the M50 is the way to go as it is very refined and totally brings the E30 experience to a new level. Compared to this, the M20 feels sluggish, noisy and unrefined.(on it's own it is fine)

Although the M30 is the most impressive of the lot on paper, drive one and it's a completely different story. Personally, what I always look for in an engine is drivability, figures on paper have long ceased to impress me.

The character of an engine MUST complement the chassis that it resides in. The SUM OF THE COMPONENTS MUST BE WORTH MORE THAN THE PARTS.

These power mongers that linger around this forum have been reading too many magazines and surfing too many websites/forums.

DO WHAT's BEST FOR YOU.......if it makes you smile, go for it!
Originally posted by kevster30@Feb 15 2005, 07:34 AM

There has been a lot of talk about M20, M50 and M30 being flung around like money grows on trees. My humble advice is to seek out cars which have undergone these conversions and drive them to see which one suits your fancy and ultimately your wallet!

IMHO, M20 is value for money, M50 is the way to go and the M30 is a dinosaur(technically). Having driven all three samples in E30s, I must say that the M50 is the way to go as it is very refined and totally brings the E30 experience to a new level. Compared to this, the M20 feels sluggish, noisy and unrefined.(on it's own it is fine)

Although the M30 is the most impressive of the lot on paper, drive one and it's a completely different story. Personally, what I always look for in an engine is drivability, figures on paper have long ceased to impress me.

The character of an engine MUST complement the chassis that it resides in. The SUM OF THE COMPONENTS MUST BE WORTH MORE THAN THE PARTS.

These power mongers that linger around this forum have been reading too many magazines and surfing too many websites/forums.

DO WHAT's BEST FOR YOU.......if it makes you smile, go for it!
da man has spoken...dah!!!!!! :)
Alvin babu needs some raw meat to play with......so chummon....get it goin dudes.....

there is a M20 3.0 lurker, maybe 2, but no show or neither wants to impart knowledge nor experience to the members.....
how sad.....unlike the others who are roaring to share and nothing to gain

beware that there are some who do just read and look and see, but there are who dirty and sweat to build the beauties,there are who went thru' hell and thru' so much technical difficulties, so you need to know who these "real sifus" are and those "theory sifus"

good luck!
OK OK OK....given the 3 last posts I'd like to come clean:-

I AM NOT an "M20 3.0 lurker" - my lump is bone standard M20B20 - auto summore - a non starter if u ask me;

I WANT TO impart what meagre knowledge I have at my disposal - meagre as in very little - buts its there sumwhere, trust me;

I HAVE NOT "dirty and sweat" - I've always asked sumone else to do what needs to be dun coz like I said, I have MEAGRE knowledge about UDMs;

I HAVE NOT built a "beauty" - perhaps a beauty only in my own eyes - which is fine;

I DID NOT HAVE to go "thru' hell and thru' so much technical difficulties" - it has been pretty much an ok experience for me....maybe sum difficulty in the suspension department tho (changed it twice and still not satisfied);

Yes I HAVE NOTHING to gain by sharing my BS with anyone;

Yes, ALL I DO is "just read and look and see" - hey all this is on the friggin internet aint it? and I have streamyx; AND

I AM JUST a "theory" sifu.....


THIS IS THE NET AFTER ALL - dun believe everything you see or read on the internet. Use some common sense and you will do just fine....IMHO ONLY....my apologies in advance if I have rubbed anyone the wrong way :)
Originally posted by Jipster@Feb 16 2005, 08:25 AM

Yes, ALL I DO is "just read and look and see" - hey all this is on the friggin internet aint it and I have streamyx?; AND

jip.... u had to rub in the streamyx thing din ya.... :hmmph: :hmmph:
Cedih wor .. M30 is a dinosaur .....

naza2 - we go and play far far away .... :cry:
Originally posted by 535i@Feb 16 2005, 09:24 AM
Cedih wor .. M30 is a dinosaur .....

naza2 - we go and play far far away .... :cry:
Hai ya, M30 may be a dinosaur but it can still kick some serious ass... :yahoo:

Think CJ is far away enuff... were you thinking of Timbuktu? :rofl:
Originally posted by 535i@Feb 15 2005, 08:24 PM
we go and play far far away .... :cry:
shall we play petang ni....cyber tt ....streetmall....after 5?
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the inputs. Do you know where can I get a half cut and at around what price for an E30 M20 6 clyd engine? Thanks



You tried all 3 before????? Even the H35?

Well its really what you looking for isnt it if you are modding. Lots of people talks a bout balance in the cars. but have then again how much heavier is the M30? Hmmmmmm wonder why hartge would spend all that money and research to produce these fine machine.


Jangan lar mara! :D


Kita all pergi main jauh jauh lor ini macam. All us modders who spend too much time on the net doing nothing. Maybe me join you in CJ sometime soon. okie? :D
tak mara.....cuma nak.....clarify, elucidate, illuminate, explicate....so people know where u comin from....what u are all about....you dig?
I think this is an age old question.

To me its simple. Decide what you want first, dont let your wallet hold you back. If you cant afford what you want or desire now, hold back...dont change into something that you will regret later on.

Now, you can have a M20, M30 or M50 engine in your e30. Each will have their own strengths and weaknesses. Like what some have said, there are plenty of "theory" sifus in this forum, with many of them offering advice when they themselves have not done any extensive modding on their car.

M20B25 isnt that bad, the transplant will probably take less than a week (have seen it done in 2 days). M20B25 engine probably cost less than 2k (about 1800), then you need wirings + ecu. If yours is a late 80s model that comes with motronic management system then just need a 325 ecu.

M50B25, well we all know who has done it, seems plenty of work and also $$$ but it sure sound and look interesting. I am going this route for my up and coming E30 restoration project. I have own both the M20 and M50 engines and must say the M50 is leaps and bounds better than the M20 in terms of drivability, so much more low end torque :yahoo:

As for M30B35, there are some who has done it overseas, I have not seen it so no comments from me. But then again, a M50B25 is more than enough on an E30, just imagine the power to weight ratio!

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