e23 parts wanted list

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my wish list.... ;)

1. E23 compatible diff/LSD with ratio at least 3.9
2. Leather seats
3. Front bumper with fog light
Bro Syah, where this E23 graveyard in Ipoh u mentioned?

EZ77 M.I.A. at the moment.
Somewhere along jalan bendahara... dunno the details... I was brought there "blind-folded" :cool:
hehe not secret recipe lah... I went with ez77... he drove ma... I don't know the road there... hehehe... Ipoh not my area. Just go there and scout around la... we also like that ma...
My wish list,

1. windscreen
2. full e24's bodykitt
3.M6 stearing
4. rear left light
5. 4 sets of doors

that all,

Stocks in hand,

1. M30's distributor's cap, #2
2. E23's auto-radiator (refurbished), #1
3. BMW center steering emblem #1
4. 728 (w/o i) rear emblem, #1
5. hella fog light, #2
6. M30's engine's fan (older version-red), #1
7. E23's chrome arch-rim cover, #4
8. original alternator, #2
9. aircond compressor (japs compatible), #2
10. E30's front seats, #2
11. E23's front-inside engine bay cover, #1
12. dashboard's swicthes, #4
13. E23's refurbished absorbers, #4
14. E23's front nose (like mine), #1
15. tyres : 175/70/13, 195/60/16, 215/45/18, all pairs
16. E36's nose n front grill, #1
17. BMW's 15" rim (5lux), #4
18. E23's chrome door-handle top cover, #2
19. new-home made-(2Pivot)voltage stabilizer, #2
20. E23's original blower/aircond parts, #1
21. mercedes benz W123's front seats, #2
22. refurbished Waja absorbers, #4
23. head oil's cap, #2
24. E30's tuned computerbox, #1
25. E30's old version rear-light, #2
26. oils preesure gauge, water temp gauge, volt gauge, ampere gauge, #1
27. E23's front/rear speaker cover, #2
28. E23's front coil springs, #2
29. E23's front absorbers/disc console, #2
30. Peugeot 405-GTI sport steering n normal, #2
31. E23's front brake calipers, #2
32. E23's cassette console, #1
33. Datsun's chrome 12" wheelcaps, #4
34. E23's shark nose pillar + kidney grills, #1+2
35. E23's rear L+R lamp, #2
36. BMW's Breyton 18'X8", #4
37. BMW's M5 18"X8.5", #4
38. E23's front+rear seats, #4
39. E23's bonnet struts, #2
40. E23's boot's emblem, #1
41. E23's center-manual+auto console, #2
I sent Botak pm with my handphone number, plus I listed on the classifieds here. Managed to get good pic too.

The guy in Ipoh was thinkin for yr doors maybie, but if yr kawan checked out already.

You got Botak number ker?
Bro... buat thread baru la untuk available list tu... hehe panjang betul list ko... ada gambar cantek gak tu...

Amacam ipoh? ada bangkai baru?

ez77;265937 said:
My wish list,

1. windscreen
2. full e24's bodykitt
3.M6 stearing
4. rear left light
5. 4 sets of doors

that all,

Stocks in hand,

1. M30's distributor's cap, #2
2. E23's auto-radiator (refurbished), #1
3. BMW center steering emblem #1
4. 728 (w/o i) rear emblem, #1
5. hella fog light, #2
6. M30's engine's fan (older version-red), #1
7. E23's chrome arch-rim cover, #4
8. original alternator, #2
9. aircond compressor (japs compatible), #2
10. E30's front seats, #2
11. E23's front-inside engine bay cover, #1
12. dashboard's swicthes, #4
13. E23's refurbished absorbers, #4
14. E23's front nose (like mine), #1
15. tyres : 175/70/13, 195/60/16, 215/45/18, all pairs
16. E36's nose n front grill, #1
17. BMW's 15" rim (5lux), #4
18. E23's chrome door-handle top cover, #2
19. new-home made-(2Pivot)voltage stabilizer, #2
20. E23's original blower/aircond parts, #1
21. mercedes benz W123's front seats, #2
22. refurbished Waja absorbers, #4
23. head oil's cap, #2
24. E30's tuned computerbox, #1
25. E30's old version rear-light, #2
26. oils preesure gauge, water temp gauge, volt gauge, ampere gauge, #1
27. E23's front/rear speaker cover, #2
28. E23's front coil springs, #2
29. E23's front absorbers/disc console, #2
30. Peugeot 405-GTI sport steering n normal, #2
31. E23's front brake calipers, #2
haiya...itu kereta auction sudah orang rembat.....kena cari lagisss
aiyo..wasted la like tat..
takpe takpe..am sure there are others out there...
Still looking for...

1. LSD for E23 or compatible (ratio 3.45-4.1)
2. Leather seats for E23 (1 set)
heh salah thread brader... ni thread wishlist :) thread brg2 dalam collection tu ada dalam classified

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