Do we really need foreign workers?

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Club Guest
Dec 9, 2004
As we all see and read in the dailies everyday the views and opinions are very divided. Some say we need foreigners because locals dont want to work in certain sectors like manufacturing, plantation and food and beverage. Some say they rob us of our livelyhoods coz they take away our jobs. But then again would any locals want to work in plantations? Would you give work in a restaurant as a waiter or a machine operator if you get fired from your current job?
actually we do need the foreign workers because our own people are lazy and sloppy...sorry to say but it is true...
it is depend..I seen worse and I still believe that our malaysian people still acceptable. minus the lazy thing, every country in the world got that kind of person.
rezathelegend;403093 said:
actually we do need the foreign workers because our own people are lazy and sloppy...sorry to say but it is true...

Not always true....the employer (some of them) love to employed foreigner coz the pay much lower, no EPF & Socso so no social obligation...if no paper majikan lagi suka, projek nak siap / tak nak bayar gaji...buat repot kat pihak berkuasa...lepas tu pekerja asing kena serbu, majikan lepas tangan....biasalah Malaysia boleh!!
who is going to collect your rubbish?

who is going to sweep your road?

who is going to clean your sewage tank?

who is going to climb up to the top of the building and clean your window?

who is going to build your house and your highway?

who is going to look after your children when both you and your wife goes to work for a living?

Yes, we need foreign worker if we dont want or cannot do the above job.

Anyway, the govt have revoke the work permit for 70K after public out cry.
yes yes... who's gonna wash your underwear for u?

All the work described by jarance can be handled by local people but salary very different lor... it's not so much of whether got people do or not but rather, got people willing to pay or not la.
I cannot imagine our country being rid of any foreign workers. Be it high ranking expats or low ranking garbage collectors or sewage cleaners. When will our country realise that we need them in order to keep the country's lifeblood running. They come over to our country coz they live in the shits in theirs. Tehy look up to us for offering them jobs which they cant even find in their countries.

We hire foreign expats cos our people not capable enuff. Or they are just corrupted. Even expats get into the habit of bribing once they live here long enuff. If u cant beat them join them. Dont we have capable 'smart' and 'intellegent' Msians able to do their jobs. Some companies as far as i know is putting their people there to oversee the runnings of the company as a whole. Then why do we have expat pilots? Or expat business consultants? Cant we fly a plane or offer business solutions?

How bout the sewage cleaners, rubbish collectors, highway potong rumput fellas? Dont we have those ppl to do them? Rempit here and there and do shit. Im sure none of u reading this will EVER think of doing anything like that even if u lose ur jobs.

In my opinion, it all boils down to our education system and our upbringing. Our parents used to tell us that if we dont study hard and get good grades we'll end up picking up rubbish and cleaning the longkangs for a living. Our teachers tell us to get good grades so we can go to college and university and all that bollocks. So at a very young age we have been 'brainwashed' in a way that all those 3D jobs (government term) is for the useless and uneducated. So no matter how fucked up we are at our studies we will strive so we will not end up working in a dumpster.

So who are we to blame on our upbringing and virtues? Something needs to be done by ourselves and the government. We shouldnt tell our kids that these jobs are for useless people and dropouts. Why cant we say that those people were just unfortunate to be in the state they are in. We all get education. We all got parents. We all eat teh same nasi lemak and noodles. Even in Singapore their locals collect rubbish and wash toilets in malls. Why should we be different?

I collect rubbish. I wash toilets. I clean the drains. I scoop up dead roadkill and rats. I do it because its just not right for not doing it. The poor guy that comes round in the morning behind my shop to collect rubbish or clean the drains always has a smile whenever he sees me. I help him load the trash. Occasionally i pack some drinks for them in the morning. If only we all can just help out a bit. Imagine the shit they have to go thru every fucking day just to put some meals on teh table for their families. And whenever they send their money back to wherever, it will reduce in the amounts when it reaches their wives. Sometimes it doesnt reach at all.

So being educated and well brought up and all, we should appreciate what they have done for us. Sorry i have to bore u all with this mumbo-jumbo crap. But i think we all really need to think about all this as it concerns ALL of us.
It down to payment ............

Below is just reference for you to pay low rank job in Australia , translate it to RM1 : AUD1 . Are you ready to fork that amount ? It not listed here but the more dirty work you do the more you earn.

Just use google for that .

People start become lazy when their work not balance with what they earn , that is what happen here.

Fixed-Term Employment Register (Various)
Salary:– See Below.
Location:– Statewide.

Jet Recruitment and Searson Buck are contracted to manage the fixed term employment register for short-term positions arising within the Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts. These employment agencies provides a statewide service to the Department.
Applications are invited from persons interested in being considered for full time, part time or casual employment in fixed term positions for periods of up to 12 months. Vacancies arise from time to time in a variety of locations throughout Tasmania in the categories of employment listed below. These are not actual vacancies but a guide to positions that may potentially become available.

Categories of Employment: -

Administrative and Clerical Officer
- Duties may vary according to the position and may include data entry, sales, keyboard, clerical support and providing advice to visitors.
Salary Range - $29,502 to $37,378 per annum, Administrative and Clerical Employees Award, Level 1/2.
Administrative Assistant - duties include secretarial, clerical and administrative support, schedule meetings and minute taking, high level personal and telephone enquiries.
Salary Range- $44,019 to $47,675 per annum, Administrative and Clerical Employees Award Level 4.
Accounts/Finance Officer - duties include accurate preparation, verification and processing of financial accounting transactions, assisting with financial reporting and reconciliation processes.
Salary Range - $38,927 to $42,233 per annum, Administrative and Clerical Employees Award, Level 3.
Computer Systems Officer - duties vary and may include simple analysis and deisgn of information technology systems and technical system support functions.
Salary Range - $38,927 to $51,357 per annum, Administrative and Clerical Employees Award, Computer Systems Officer, Level 1.
Field Officer - duties may include minor construction work, maintain public facilities, operate Department vehicles, tools and machinery. Some work may be in rough and islolated environments in inclement weather conditions.
Salary Range - $34,648 to $35,933 per annum, Parks and Wildlife Service Agreement, Level 1.
Cave Guide and Information Officers - duties may vary according to the position and may include conducting guided tours, providing site security, supervising and directing visitors, collecting monies, assisting with maintenance of minor site and visitor facilites.
Salary Range - $34,648 to $35,933 per annum, Parks and Wildlife Service Agreement, Level 1.
Discovery Ranger - duties include conducting programs of interpretative and educational activities such as night walk wildlife presentations, guided walks, children's activities, assist in Park maintenance.
Salary Range - $34,648 to $35,933 per annum, Parks and Wildlife Service Agreement, Level 1.
Seasonal Fire Fighter - duties include fuel reduction burning, clearing of vegetation, construction and maintenance of fire trails, firebreaks and waterholes, site clearing, rubbish collection and removal, fencing and erecting signs. Safely operate and perform basic maintenance on chainsaws, brushcutters, pumps and other small powered equipment.
Salary Range - $34,564 to $36,335 per annum, AWU (Australian Workers Union), Level 2 or 3.
Cleaner - duties include cleaning of public buildings, office areas and amentities blocks. Lock up and securing of site and buildings.
Salary Range - $33,963 per annum, Operational Employees Award Level 2.
Laboratory Technical Officer - duties may include analyses of contaminants in environmental samples, draft reports on analyses performed, perform sample preparations and clean-ups for subsequent instrumental analyses, operate laboratory instruments, prepare solutions and reagents.
Salary Range - $34,003 to $45,854 per annum, Technical Employees Award Level 1 - Level 2 (based on qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience)
Horticulturist - duties include maintaining and developing living collections and plant displays, ensure sound plant hygience practices are maintained and implement and assist in planning horticultural work programs.
Salary Range - $37,862 per annum, AWU (Australian Workers Union) Trades Level 4.
Food & Beverage Assistant - duties include providing food and beverage services to the highest standards to all clients, prepare and present simple food lines and assist with daily and weekly ordering.
Salary - $33,963 per annum, Operational Employees Award Level 2

Kitchen and Kiosk Assistant
- duties include providing an appropriate level of food and beverage service, prepare and present simple food lines(sandwiches, rolls etc). and assist with daily and weekly ordering, in conjunction with Kiosk.
Salary Range - $31,560 - $32,985 per annum, Operational Employees Award Level 1
Ranger - duties include assistance in preparing, implementing and monitoring work programs, operational plans and development proposals, under the direction of the Ranger in Charge and/or Assistant Regional Manager, Assist in the preparation and monitoring of district budgets and the collection and accounting of public monies. Control allocated expenditure up to delegated limits.
Salary Range - $38,927 - $40,457 per annum, Parks and Wildlife Service Agreement, Level 2
Gallery Assistant - duties include providing the highest level of customer service to all visitors to the Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG), anticipate and respond to the needs of visitors to the museum, providing information directly and indirectly in a proactive manner and provide general information about TMAG activities, programs, services and retail products to visitors.
Salary Range - $35,933 per annum, Operational Employees Award Level 4
Environmental Officer - duties include undertaking the environmental assessment of new and existing level 2 activities and other environmentally relevant activities, seeking and evaluating information provided by proponents, the public and consultants and specialist advice from other staff and government agencies as necessary, and providing an assessment report and recommendations to senior staff.
Salary Range - $40,547 - $59,573 per annum, Professional Employees Award Level 1
Horticultural Assistant - duties include assisting in the following tasks, implementing routine horticultural works, implementation of horticultural and related project works; the operation of the Gardens’ vehicles, plant and equipment; and the Gardens’ re-cycling and composting operations.
Salary Range - $36,440 per annum AWU (Australian Workers Union) Trades Level 3
Landscape Assistant - duties include assisting with maintenance and construction of the Gardens landscape elements including drainage and pathway construction, ensure sound plant hygiene practices are maintained as well as developing the Gardens living collections and plant displays.
Salary Range - $36,440 per annum AWU (Australian Workers Union) Trades Level 3
Utility Officer - duties include undertaking maintenance duties as directed which may include (where competent); carpentry, plumbing, painting, fencing, metalwork, welding and mechanical repairs, maintenance of infrastructure, plant, equipment and services within established parameters, assisting the Coordinator Projects & Infrastructure with the development of work programs and rolling maintenance programs for assets and infrastructure.
Salary Range - $34,648 per annum, Operational Employees Award Level 4

Visitor Services Officer
- duties include good level of retail skills and assist with receiving and display of retail stock, assist with the reconciliation of retail sales, retail stock and collect and account for donations, ensuring quality visitor services and facilities within the Visitor Centre, including the Discovery Centre and Botanical Shop by undertaking daily quality control checks and by collecting and recording visitor feedback, provide a quality information service for visitors to the Gardens.
Salary Range - $29,502 - $37,378 per annum, Administrative and Clerical Level 1/2
Travel Consultant – duties include skilfully establish individual customer needs and wants, explain products and services, and provide appropriate tailored solutions via the customer’s channel of choice, access and use a range of electronic systems, including a customer relationship management system, reservation systems, various supplier websites and knowledge management system to provide timely, appropriate and accurate information.
Salary Range – $30,788 - $37,378 per annum, Travel Consultant Level 1/2
Survey Interviewer – duties include conducting interviews with passengers at selected cruise ships and patrons of selected events within the Hobart region to enable the collection of quality information.
Salary Range – $34,648 – $37,378 per annum, Administrative and Clerical Employees Award Level 2

Destination Promotion Guide
– duties include to maximise the effectiveness of Tourism Tasmania’s destination promotion programs by coordinating and escorting media, trade and VIP familiarisation visits and working with industry to ensure maximum benefit is achieved for Tasmania as a holiday destination.
Salary Range - $49,523 – $51,357 per annum, Administrative and Clerical Employees Award Level 5
If you wish to be considered for potential vacancies in any of the listed categories of employment you need to contact either Jet Recruitment or Searson Buck to register your interest. Jet Recruitment and Searson Buck will provide advice on the management of the register, the information they require and the process for registration.
The register will remain open to applicants at all times until 4 February 2009 and will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Enquiries to Jet Recruitment are, Kelly Gordon, Level 8, 65 Murray Street, Hobart, Tas, 7000, phone (03) 6234 7966, fax (03) 6234 7260, email or Danica Foy, Jet Recruitment, Level 1, 87 Brisbane Street, Launceston, Tas, 7250, phone (03) 6331 6322, fax (03) 6331 7466, email or Searson Buck are, Anna Wilson, 183 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tas, 7001, phone (03) 6223 3055, fax (03) 6223 3099, email or Cameron Clarke, Searson Buck, 30 Brisbane Street, Launceston, Tas, 7250, phone (03) 6333 3888, fax (03) 6333 3899, email or Rowena Shadbolt, Searson Buck, Level 1/10 Wilson Street, Burnie, Tas, 7320, phone (03) 6431 5155, fax (03) 6431 5166, email
we really need the foreign workers just not the ILLEGAL ONES which are causing all the troubles
ess530i;403854 said:
we really need the foreign workers just not the ILLEGAL ONES which are causing all the troubles

The ones causing troubles are the ones that get reported. All the good ones dont get any media attention. Oh indon killing bangla. That wil make headlines for sure. Or bangla raping indon housemate and then bang her myanmar friend. These kind of news catches attention. They are the ones causing all these troubles and the really honest ones who really come here to work get the shits. Some of those bad hats are drawn to desperation because some employers do not renew their visas. Some worker agents ripped them off. So they rather leave their workplace and go out looking for other jobs even though they dont have their passports of permits with them. If they dont get caught they are lucky in a sense. If they get caught, its a free ticket home! so they dont have to fork out money for air fare. Simpang Renggam detention centre give them food and lodging and they can rekindle with old friends from the same kampung. Its not all that bad......for them i mean.

I have some very good foreign workers at my place and they are really hardworking and they really earn an honest living to send money home to their families. Of course I get some idiots who dont even knwo what goes onto a nasi lemak. I wouldnt be suprised even a local doesnt know whats in a nasi lemak sambal.

So we shall wait and see what our beloved government we elected will do these few days to these foreign workers. Hire locals means paying higher salary for unproductive work. Dont be surprised you go to your favourite mamak or kopitiam and be served by an ex-mat rempit or even an ex-local prisoner or child molester or murderer.
jarance;403164 said:
Yes, we need foreign worker if we dont want or cannot do the above job.

Anyway, the govt have revoke the work permit for 70K after public out cry.

Minister n KSU already eat the table money for this 70K maaaa.......somemore UMNO election,minister dont want to damage their own cabalility maaaa,so take play n save situation maa,so nanti kalah pemilihan UMNO Naib President. So i agree that this issue,malaysia needs foreign workers,but not too many in this country,it too dangerous!!!.One more thing,The Malaysian Goverment want to reduce only,not to freeze.Some of Malaysia Minister not working smart.Like hentam koromo only.
Interesting topic of discussion. Having had the experience of running an F&B outfit in Melbourne and bringing in chefs from abroad, I would be able to provide a first hand encounter into this category of labour. I had a chef who hails from Bangladesh and one from our very own Malaysia Bolehland. The Bangladeshi chef was really a workhorse. In fact, he could go on for hours in the kitchen without uttering a word of complaint. On the other hand, our Malaysia Bolehland 'so-called' chef' was the complete opposite. He would act as though he's working really hard. As soon as the manager turns his back, he'll quickly drop everything and start slacking....going for ciggie breaks every half an hour. Disgusting attitude. Best part was, he always put the poor Bangladeshi chef down displaying superiority based on home country. he would bad mouth the Bangla at every opportunity. Shame on him...

Australia just recorded an all time high unemployment rate (since 3 years ago) of 5.2%. In the past 2 months, 80,000 jobs have been lost. Big companies such as Pacific Brands, ANZ and Telstra are laying off thousands of workers while their CEOs get compensated millions for enjoying a luxurious lifestyle while depriving those poor people of their jobs. Exactly like a scene from 'Schindler's List' where the big boys wake up, grab their guns, head to the balcony and shoot a couple of slaves working in the fields....So the rich gets richer and the poor get sent packing to the dumps. As if the natural disasters aren't inflicting enough damage.

Zooming back to Malaysia, the reason why a lot of businesses especially F&B outlets (mamaks) prefer to employ foreign workers is mainly work attitude and remuneration packages. Foreign workers are easier to exploit because there's 'no' unions to govern justice. I've seen foreign workers being bullied and made to do extra and dirty jobs by their so-called superior local counterparts.

On the subject of ex-pats, I also do agree that we need them to run certain major organisations because their international exposure and methodology in problem solving is simply top notch. I'm sure those who are part of international organisations can attest to this fact. Downside to it is they take away Godzillion of dollars in perks and pay packages. What to do?

Corruption will be a never-ending trait amongst political figures and cops simply because they get paid stinking salary. Whereas in countries such as Australia, they are paid well to safeguard the law. When the cops issue you with a fine, you accept it with a smile on your face. Try offering them a bribe and you'll end up with a set of platinum Rolex around your wrist....hahahah.....

Whilst 80,000 people are losing jobs, ironically, there are at least 100,000 jobs available online....why doesn't this balance off the negativity???? The answer is obvious....

Stay tuned for more worrying news...

Reporting live from Channel BS..this is DareDevil.....
DD, since you know about your chefs performance, why never take action. both are chef mah.
jarance;403937 said:
DD, since you know about your chefs performance, why never take action. both are chef mah.

I did take stern action. Sent his ASS home.....
Daredevil;403968 said:
I did take stern action. Sent his ASS home.....

Wah.. so garang one... Unfortunately, this is a fact of life.. Performance and efficiency will get your rewards. :top:
jarance;404013 said:
Wah.. so garang one... Unfortunately, this is a fact of life.. Performance and efficiency will get your rewards. :top:

Garang......I also garang. My so-called local chef last time lagi shiok. Say she got kids to take care. Fine. Want to work frm 8am till noon only. Fine. Want Saturday and Sunday off. Ok still can tahan. Want to go market but scared her car dirty so want to use mine. Ok still boleh tahan. Want her pay every week of RM10 perday. Say my kitchen utensils not professional enuff so ask me go and buy brand spanking new ones.

Then one day ask her to faster faster cook a pot of rendang coz its finishing and its Friday. Pull long face and mumble say her kids waiting at home lah. Not yet makan lah. Nanti abang marah lah and all kinds of BS. I was so pissed i literally blew up until my customer ran half way eating. I sent her ass packing there and then. Malaysian for u.

On the other hand, i had an Indon worker. Works frm 8am till 3pm. Supposed to work till 6pm but she opted for no off days. She's supposed to have an off day a week. She say she got nothing to do at home. So wanted to work everyday. Occasionally only she ask permission to go down to Kotaraya to send money back home. Never complained. Fanstastic worker. My whole kitchen belongs to her. Her starting pay was only RM600. Now her pay is RM1200. But our fucking immigration friends have to catch her in the bus and send her home. She has no papers or documents. Previously was a maid but her old employer beat her. So when these ppl with no papers find a job they will hang on to it because no one wants to hire an illegal. Legal workers are different. They have the mindset 'oh its ok if i dont like working here. My agent will find me another job.' So legal workers are not as good in terms of work compared to illegal ones. U can all forget about the locals. Tehy are a pain in the ass to employ. Just imagine yourself dining at warung tepi jalan selling tomyam.......
jarance;404013 said:
Wah.. so garang one... Unfortunately, this is a fact of life.. Performance and efficiency will get your rewards. :top:

Garang......I also garang. My so-called local chef last time lagi shiok. Say she got kids to take care. Fine. Want to work frm 8am till noon only. Fine. Want Saturday and Sunday off. Ok still can tahan. Want to go market but scared her car dirty so want to use mine. Ok still boleh tahan. Want her pay every week of RM10 perday. Say my kitchen utensils not professional enuff so ask me go and buy brand spanking new ones.

Then one day ask her to faster faster cook a pot of rendang coz its finishing and its Friday. Pull long face and mumble say her kids waiting at home lah. Not yet makan lah. Nanti abang marah lah and all kinds of BS. I was so pissed i literally blew up until my customer ran half way eating. I sent her ass packing there and then. Malaysian for u.

On the other hand, i had an Indon worker. Works frm 8am till 3pm. Supposed to work till 6pm but she opted for no off days. She's supposed to have an off day a week. She say she got nothing to do at home. So wanted to work everyday. Occasionally only she ask permission to go down to Kotaraya to send money back home. Never complained. Fanstastic worker. My whole kitchen belongs to her. Her starting pay was only RM600. Now her pay is RM1200. But our fucking immigration friends have to catch her in the bus and send her home. She has no papers or documents. Previously was a maid but her old employer beat her. So when these ppl with no papers find a job they will hang on to it because no one wants to hire an illegal. Legal workers are different. They have the mindset 'oh its ok if i dont like working here. My agent will find me another job.' So legal workers are not as good in terms of work compared to illegal ones. U can all forget about the locals. Tehy are a pain in the ass to employ. Just picture yourself dining at warung tepi jalan selling tomyam....... I cant think of anywhere else that dont employ foreigners.
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