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Nov 25, 2004
Received this email, Be careful as this happened very close to us. Even if you need to move your car, get someone to go with you. PLEASE DO NOT GO ALONE! My boss almost kena carjacked yesterday. She sent out an email to the entire department telling her story - as a caution to all single women drivers. It sounds damn scary. Can not imagine what I'll do if I was in her position. I've pasted her email here in its entirety. Girls, please be careful and be wary of your surroundings - bad things can happen DAY OR NIGHT - bad guys don't CARE anymore. Here, her email: colleagues, i was chased and attacked by a group of men in 2 cars trying to hijack my car in the afternoon yesterday. i was driving my husband's car alone on my way back from mid valley at about 4.30pm and only noticed these 2 cars as I was turning left into jalan beringin, damansara heights. They came awfully close and fast which I thought strange as it was a residential area and full of road humps. Then the first car (which was a E class Mercedes) came to my side and the passenger (had a policeman's hat but not in uniform) had a walkie talkie and was gesturing for me to stop. When I didn't, he overtook and parked in front of me and the second car (which was the new 3 series BMW) was parked right behind me. the guy came up to my window and using his walkie talkie again, was frantically asking me to wind down - it was that split second that I realized that they weren't undercover cops (yes sounds silly now when one is rational!) and I just reversed and drove off. Both cars were chasing me trying to swerve and corner me. I was stopped 3 times by them - the second time was the road downhill between SC and the Science Centre and the same guy from the Merc came out - this time with a parang. I reversed as far as I could - these people were definitely professionals and didn't want their cars damaged cos everytime I reversed, the bmw at the back also reversed. I thought I'd be safe going onto a public road so I went on the sprint highway - they continued to chase and managed to stop me again- and I was on the fast lane of sprint highway (right between the SC and Bukit Kiara) and there were plenty of traffic - and this time - they parked so close to me - one in front and one at the back and the guy with the parang came out and this time was smashing with full force at my driver's seat window. Another guy came from the black bmw and started hitting on my passenger seat window - there were plenty of cars but no one stopped or honked despite seeing these 2 men smashing my car. I just reversed not caring if my car got knocked and trying to get some space so that I can drive out and finally managed to. I lost them when I turned onto jalan damansara highway. It is absolutely traumatizing as I, like many, only read about this.. but the audacity and desperation for them to be doing this in broad daylight and at such a public place is unimaginable. I am so thankful that I am ok but I have to write this because i know many of us take it for granted that it would not happen to us.. but it has happened and it will happen again. Please please be careful - one can never be vigilant enough. you've read it all: 1. ladies - don't drive home alone at night - they will target women driving alone - day or night. 2. don't stop when you're being chased 3. know that they're not the real cops when the proper police cars are not being used I was given this no. by the inspector - 2274 4465 - it's the Bilik Gerakan in Brickfields and if you think you're being followed or chased - call this no. and they will send a mobile team who's nearest to where you are.
What car is she driving and what is the mec and bmw registration no.Thanks for the warning Jeff.
This gang has re-surfaced after laying low for a while. They struck at Bukit Jelutong several weeks ago...carjacked a lady driver in front of her house in mid-day. Same modus-operandi. Be careful, we are not living in safe times anymore.
Don't know what she was driving as this was an email sent to me by a friend. The number plates would definately be false, so doesnt make any difference. But loking at the modus operandi, these guys are ruthless.
Jeff, since this email was forwarded to you (thought it was your boss who kena) any way of you verifying if the 'yesterday' mentioned was in fact yesterday and not an email that has been circulating for the past few years?

Reason being, from the modus operandi, I believe this gang has been caught, everything is similiar, E class Merc and a BMW, parang, etc...suspects were also thought to be of mixed races, one Indian guy, the rest Chinese. Chinese guy had blond hair with a scar like birth mark on his face.
Anyhow, guys & gals out there, please be mindful and cautious.
These stats will tell its own story:

Car theft cases in Malaysia:

Total cases 9,711 (approx 26.6 per day)
Solved cases 4,532 (46.6% solve rate)

Total cases 11,101 (30.4 per day)
Solved cases 2,935 (26.4%)

2007 (Jan-Aug)
Total cases 7,954 (approx 33.1% per day)
Solved cases 1,810 (22.7%)

Clearly shows a sharp increase in car thefts while the solve rate has been declining, why? you think the thieves are getting smarter?
okow;251344 said:
Jeff, since this email was forwarded to you (thought it was your boss who kena) any way of you verifying if the 'yesterday' mentioned was in fact yesterday and not an email that has been circulating for the past few years?

Reason being, from the modus operandi, I believe this gang has been caught, everything is similiar, E class Merc and a BMW, parang, etc...suspects were also thought to be of mixed races, one Indian guy, the rest Chinese. Chinese guy had blond hair with a scar like birth mark on his face.

Eh, the scarface chinese fella sounds like the guy who car jacked The Necessary a few years ago! Poor Wei Der was taken for a joy ride in that one!
the CSI THOUGHT TIS PPL ROBBERS..GETTING PRO N SMARTER,,THEY MUST LEARN FROM TV....SORRY FOR THE IMPOLITE,,but everybody think back,,i m serious. good luck ,,always be cautious no matter what day or what time,,be alert ,anytime. prevention is better than cure...LEARN FROM HISTORY,DONT REPEAT HISTORY.. hidup bimmer brothers tq d
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