Coolant leaking strangely

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Aug 25, 2005
Sifus,Recently signal on check coolant level came out. Open the coolant reservoir and found coolant level almost empty. Called my mech who told me to fill it up with water and bleed. Did that. Check for the past 3 weeks and it's fine. No more leak and water level is ok? Any idea what could have cause the initial leak in the first place???Thanks.
Should be ok then, what did u do with the car before that?Got do anything with the cooling system?
Do you use coolant first of all ??

if yes then it should be easier to determine the coolant leakage.

Use the torch light and check all the coolant hose joint.

u can check the coolant circuit hoses location at oem parts catalog

then you also can check on the engine core plug. there should be around 10pcs on the engine block and 2 pcs on the cylinder head.

hope this help.
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maybe u very long didnt check coolant level...the water will evaporate slowly...
Originally posted by KingLazy@Mar 31 2006, 10:27 PM

Recently signal on check coolant level came out. Open the coolant reservoir and found coolant level almost empty.
yo king,

yours got check coolant level indicator.?

how come mine dun have wan(e36 94 325i).. :(.. i;ve check with my manual box also they din state any indicator on coolant, other signal got le, eg washer fluid low..
I have similar model and do have these warnings, may be your coolant sensor cable become loose or not connected..?
thks lee...

wei my car good le, like got senses wan..... saw me complaining, it popped up today...

dun worry, saja wanna show it to me...sensitive ma.... fuse longgar only..

tats y, mornig dun kutuk ppl, nite dun kutuk cars...

Coolant just topped up before the leak! CAr was just serviced recently. Then leak happen, but now ok! Strange indeed!

do a compression test... is better u probe the matter now man... advisable to ask yr mech to check it for ya.. cox yrs is a special case..

now u see now u dun...!
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