Convoy to Kuala Selangor

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Latest : THe CONVOY is on!!! Just had a conversation with Mr. VP (Kevster), and they will be some television crew coming along with us!The original plan remains the same and Kevster will provide more details soon.Tentatively, we should meet at CenterPoint (McD's) and the destination is Kuala Selangor.TIME: 8am (i know its early but less traffic!!)Location : CenterPoint (McD's)Destination : Kuala Selangor (Breakfast by the River!)Please confirm your attendance here!1. Kevster2. DD3. elwine304. Albundy5. fabian6. three287. Crymson8. wkwoo699. kahar10. MctNesh (Driver) & Jarance (Navigator)11. kahar abdullah12.13.14.Please don't drive too fast. Make it a nice cruising. rgds, B)kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Dec 12 2004, 10:19 AM Latest : THe CONVOY is on!!! Just had a conversation with Mr. VP (Kevster), and they will be some television crew coming along with us!The original plan remains the same and Kevster will provide more details soon.Tentatively, we should meet at CenterPoint (McD's) and the destination is Kuala Selangor.TIME: 8am (i know its early but less traffic!!)Location : CenterPoint (McD's)Destination : Kuala Selangor (Breakfast by the River!)Please confirm your attendance here!1. Kevster2. DD3. elwine304. Albundy5. fabian6. three287. Crymson8. wkwoo699. kahar10. MctNesh (Driver) & Jarance (Navigator)11. kahar abdullah12.13.14.Please don't drive too fast. Make it a nice cruising. rgds, B)kahar abdullah
Kahar Bro, DD already have put you on in position 9.
You guys have a great trip to Kuala Selangor. I'm kicking myself for being unable to join in this time. :angry: Gotta be in Malacca for the weekend...knnccb
Latest : THe CONVOY is on!!! Just had a conversation with Mr. VP (Kevster), and they will be some television crew coming along with us!The original plan remains the same and Kevster will provide more details soon.Tentatively, we should meet at CenterPoint (McD's) and the destination is Kuala Selangor.TIME: 8am (i know its early but less traffic!!)Location : CenterPoint (McD's)Destination : Kuala Selangor (Breakfast by the River!)Please confirm your attendance here!1. Kevster2. DD3. elwine304. Albundy5. fabian6. three287. Crymson8. wkwoo699. kahar abdullah10. MctNesh (Driver) & Jarance (Navigator)11.12.13.Please don't drive too fast. Make it a nice cruising. hahaha, blur sotong me, thx bro jarance. DD has his hidden agenda fer pennin my name down, heh i'll bring along his lipstick then. ;)btw, ere's an announcement :DIMPLES need a driver to tag her along, pls make her an offer at McD tmrow mornin, 1st come 1st serve basis!!bro kotak-c : i'll b in m'cca on monday mornin, will u b there then eh dude?rgds, kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Dec 12 2004, 11:00 AM btw, ere's an announcement :DIMPLES need a driver to tag her along, pls make her an offer at McD tmrow mornin, 1st come 1st serve basis!!bro kotak-c : i'll b in m'cca on monday mornin, will u b there then eh dude?rgds, kahar abdullah
sssshhh... kahar not so loud.. Now everybody want to volunter. Too back I am acting as navigator for MctNesh....
Originally posted by kahar@Dec 11 2004, 11:00 PM bro kotak-c : i'll b in m'cca on monday mornin, will u b there then eh dude?rgds, kahar abdullah
no-lah, abang Kahar.... only here for the weekend. Monday, back in KL, gotta kerja-lar
Originally posted by jarance@Dec 11 2004, 11:06 PM ... Too back I am acting as navigator for MctNesh....
Kuala Selangor Seafood Convoy : Field Report (FR)Great day out! Great Convoy! Great Food! Nice People!Those who attended:1) kahar2) DD3) Kevster, wife & kids4) Zoggee, wifey, Andy & Cherry + 3 kaki pukul puchong5) Albundy, wifey & Audrey6) Jarance7) mctnesh8) 2cents9) wkwoo6910) crymson11) three2812) dimples13) pussy (formerly known as blackcat)14) Albert15) 2 frens from Driven magazine.Early birds gathered at McD BU from as early as 7.50am. While waiting for the rest to arrive, breakfast was the order of the day. Convoy left at 9am heading to Kuala Selangor via NKVE, Bkt Jelutong exit Kuala S'gor trunk road......Albundy was the lead car. He asked us to overtake him once we see the Kuala S'gor exit. The moment we hit the NKVE, he was already going at least 150kmh. The rest follow suit.......steam. All fog lights, HIDs, angel eyes on...definitely a sight to behold.After 1 hr 15 min, we arrived at the seafood place in Kuala S'gor but it wasn't open yet. So we had another pre-brunch breakfast (kopi, toast bread[roti kahwin as how kahar puts it....ekekek], nasi lemak, at Seong Kim Coffee Shop. Then adjourned for a sumptuous seafood brunch/lunch at River View Seafood Restaurant. Cheap & Good food. Only RM360 for 25 of us.....that includes crab, prawns, fish, fried calamar, vege, fried meehoon, fried rice & la la. Yummilicious.wkwoo69 & I left early. Had a great time tackling the badly tarred & slightly windy road back. Got home about 1.30pm. Another Sunday morning well spent.Guys, we want photos!!!!!!! :p
Kuala Selangor Seafood Drive FR8:00 am - Meeting at McDonald's Centerpoint BU8:30 am - Participants started arriving. ( good ol' malaysian time keeping as usual *sigh*)
ekekek......2 we can see if there's any discrepancies in the mana Kev?
Breakfast at McD's!
We're on our way!
Bmw and Ikan Bilis.......??? :blink:
Breakfast part deux.....
At the seafood place........ :p
Originally posted by Daredevil@Dec 12 2004, 09:19 PM ekekek......2 we can see if there's any discrepancies in the mana Kev?
One 'bachelor' version one 'family' version mar.................hehehehe :lol:
Guys, thank for the good time. First time I have to stuff myself with food within the span of 3 hours.. Now have to go on diet for a week... You guys are cruising... Slow drive.. My foot... If that was slow, I can imagine how you normally drive. pss...sst so much food for only RM20.
Originally posted by jarance@Dec 13 2004, 12:48 AM Guys, thank for the good time. First time I have to stuff myself with food within the span of 3 hours.. Now have to go on diet for a week... You guys are cruising... Slow drive.. My foot... If that was slow, I can imagine how you normally drive. pss...sst so much food for only RM20.
Jarance,Glad you enjoyed yourself! I agree that no normal human being should be forced to consume that much food in 3 hours!!!As for the drive, believe me.......that was cruising, honest! Besides that was on trunk roads! You should try following these jokers on a highway need a minimum of 200BHP to even think of keeping up with them!( you know who you are! )
Wish was around to join the convoy.Aiyo cruissin at 150kmh is way to fast guys. Licky me not around. Next time i lead okie. sure nice & easy wan. :D
The Devil has spoken! :p :p Food was great! And value for money too...Best DishSteam Prawns with eggHot looking cars1) Three282) DD (aiyo so shiny)Overall was a great day until donut king called me and we convoy to Genting!!! It was under control and decent (due to on board speed limiter on my car) until donut king saw a souped up supercharged toyota...all hell broke loose kekeke...that is another story :D Rgds
That kind of road no need 200BHP lah.....hahaha...the shiniest and slowest car was in 2nd & 3rd positions all the way mah.....ekekeke....oops...better keep quiet before kena taruh by the mean machines....I had a lot of fun playing with wkwoo69 on the way back.....he had his HIDs on all the way and it was blinding even in the day...gee! Next time fogs will do must be hitting at least 180kmh when we hit NKVE.....I was 150kmh and you disappeared before my very eyes....hahahah..... :ph34r: :huh:
SOB, SOB, WAAAAAH, whimper, whimperKena kerja....missed it
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