..camera inside vehicle..

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jsng;786457 said:
if u guys are serious in video quality .. try the GoPro :)

When I was looking for a blackbox/video unit, the GoPro didn't have the video loop function ie. automatically start video when it receives power and automatically deleting old video files as the storage filled up. So even though the quality is good, the plug and play functionality is just not there. I don't want to be in a situation where I forgot to delete old files and the camera wasn't recording...
agreed but i think go pro hero 3 now is even better but still no DVR function of auto overide.
Does it record when the power is off? ie. car shut down.

Does it take up one cigarette lighter power socket?
1 .the one i got yesit poweroff after car complete power off on my f10 its about 3 min
2. yup it take 1 socket
gopro is nice when its for extreme/hardy use. if you want to hang the camera off the bumper or next to the wheel, then gopro is built for it. if your car is amphibious, you can even use it underwater. hehehe. plus hook up 2 go pros and you can do 3D!! the rempitz gangz should record their drives in 3d :)

but for in-car use, then you're spoilt for choice.
This is good: http://www.visiondrive.net.au/

Get the 2-channel recorder that allows a rear camera plug in so u cover both front and rear 24x7 with option of GPS coordinate imprinted.

For those who frequent rempit, not a good idea coz the less evidence the better.. :4:

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