Call-man everywhere

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Club Guest
Mar 11, 2008
Hi fellows,Guess all of you must have heard about "call-man". They will appear whenever there is an accident. Can anyone here feedback what we could do if any of us here involved in an accident and this call-man appear? What will happen if we do not allow them to help? FYI, this call-man would love to see continental cars involved in accident since they would get a better commission out of it for towing our car to their workshop, etc. Secondly, this call-man are just gangsters/mobs. They normally appear in a group of 2 or more ppl. Else they sure have their gangs nearby. I heard last time this call-man will goto the vehicle and tear off the road tax sticker. If you don't allow them to help you, they won't give it back to you. What could we do in this kinda scenario?
tell them u have AAM and they are on the way to tow your car to your panel workshop. if they still insist, call police and say someone force jack your car giving them the tow truck number plate. take pic with your phone as prove. if they wanna attack u (unless u think u r bruce lee), if not just runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn................. -N-

yeah .. tearing off the road tax were use to be one of the olden golden trick - we cant make FIR or claim report when we dont have the roadtax ( the punks are holding it what !!:stupid:)

Thats one of the way they force us to send or let them take care of the car.

But nowdays roadtax is not easy to tear it, therefore i believe they will not go for it- after all they will get it in pieces.

All i can say base on my experience is, when ever there is an accident , call the nearby police station first , secondly always have the insurance company tow car numver with u . This will help more.
get down lock yur car and tell him your workshop tow truck are on the way, meantime call the white suit monkey(t/p)but let me warn u dont rely on them cos their call men will turn up before them cos they also have commision. best if u do the above then call your own reliable workshop. ha!
I had once met in an accident (my old car). A Hyundai Matrix decided not to stop in time and almost ripped of the entrie front of Proton Putra!

Within minutes the tow truckies were at the scene promising all sort of things. Amazing, if only our police and emergency services could respond that quickly. Perhaps the government should start thinking to privatise the police and emergency services to our tow truck drivers! :)

After making all these promises (that the car can be repaired within days, use all original parts, can claim from the other party's insurance, got guarantee on the repairs, help make police report, etc, etc).

At first I was skeptical but the were persistant with thier promises. To cut the story short, they actually delivered all of their promises. While making the police report they also bought me my dinner. A tow truck driver with a heart. They asked me to inform them immediately if I start to experience any pain! They know of internal injuries that take some time to cause pain (some medical knowledge honed by tow truckers!...impressed)

Four days later, the car was ready and was in perfect shape and not many could tell it had met in an accident. Their workshop even got me to claim for a rented car from the party's insurance, which at that time I didn't know one could do that. In short, they met up to all oftheir promises and I was one happy customer.

While "hanging out" with the tow truck drivers (at the police station), I managed to ask (for learning purposes only) the life and times of a tow truck drivers! :)

Most of them sleep in the cars and tow trucks. They shower at petrol stations and by day they are repossess for banks. They been stabbed, whacked and God know what else when trying to reposses a car.

We'll if we thought our lives was tough, be glad you're not owning theirs.
Guess need to know all the police station number. These ppl r just being too creative in stealing under the daylight. Not much diff to those toll stealing our tax payer 's hard earned $ indirectly and forcefully.
Mouse;328754 said:
tell them u have AAM and they are on the way to tow your car to your panel workshop. if they still insist, call police and say someone force jack your car giving them the tow truck number plate. take pic with your phone as prove. if they wanna attack u (unless u think u r bruce lee), if not just runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn................. -N-

aam dun cover in the event of accident. only for breakdowns.

if accident, aam will just pass on to their frens in the tow truck/workshop business.
Do you know that they pour oil on the federal highway...that is why the call-man always around there ...especially near to amcorp. They call this project...
Not all "call man" aare notorious like that. Believe me, some are decent ones holding down 2 to 3 jobs at a go and will help you out.

If you are well acquainted with your regular mechanic, I would suggest you do call him first thing and ask him to send a tow-truck before committing to anything.
I would usually depend on AAM or tow-trucks known to my mechanic.:rolleyes:

Have been involved in an "unusual" accident once. While driving over the bridge crossing into P. Indah, pass a blind corner, there was a wheel barrow filled with bricks waiting for me on the right lane. Needless to say, I whacked into it at speed, around 110kmh. Destroyed the front end of my Wira then. Managed to control the car and bring it to a halt on the left side of the road. Less than 5 minuted later, a tow truck appeared. Go figure. Well, I told them I have called AAM and they are on the way. AAM did send their tow-truck operator (they advised me of the tow-truck vehicle number and name of the operator) 1/2 hour later.
the call man take ur r/tax to cfm ur ins company thru the ins code printed on that. it is only available on old type of r/tax. so, they can judge whether it is profitable or not, and what to promise or not, to the cust. the new r/tax dont have this code anymore.

what u should do if ur car met an accident is to call ur ins hotline. they will arrange the nearest towing & w/shop to assist u. if u have ur own tow truck or w/shop, then u can arrange by urself. police doesnt help a lot. they will recommed u to the w/shop that pay them the highest comm. if u met an accident while u r outstation, try to arrange towing back ur car to ur hometown. get the ins tow truck to do it. u can bill the towing charges into ur claim. at least, u can visit n monitor the repair work everyday.

the call man cant tow ur car without ur permission. and dont sign anything.

hope this will help... tq

I found this topic is really interesting, i myself had encounter few of this unfortunate events first hand and second hand.

Back in the late 2007 i was driving my dad's car, E60 530i along NAZA PJ Faderal Highway its was past 12am. While im doing 140km/h the xenon lights reflects some shining materials scattered on the fast lane. I thought it was some road stones so i just keep driving. Few meters from the spot i saw two tow trucks waiting with lights on on the emergency lane and when i look at them one of them is eye-ing on my car. I feel unsecured and i stop at the next petrol pump. I was shocked to found 2-3 some sort of nails penetrated the right front tyres. I managed to get the one of the loose nail out and examined it. The nail was spread into 3 small nails at its front. Thanks to the run-flat tyres the tyres were never punctured. Just lost a bit of pressure.Then i just continued my journey slowly hehe my dad is still sleeping. The next day i went to my regular tyre shop and confirmed by the tyre guy the nail was a common set up made by the call man. He checked the tyres and its good to go. Its very unprofessional for them to get cheap money like that, i.e to create an accident. Just wondering if it wasnt for the run-flat, i was driving 140km/h on a corner, if the tyres blow surely my car will lost control and had a huge accident, that may cause fatality.

2nd experience is, i went to my regular bank in wangsa maju with my staff to take out some cash. I was driving Nissan Murano, and parked infront of the bank. It took me quite some time in the bank as it took formalities for the bank to approved the amount of cash im taking out. Then after taken out the money we drove back to my office in TTDi. Nothing happen yet untill when im about to drive home i found out both the right hand side tyres was punctured badly and the car practically lowering to the right. So i call my regular tyre shop guy to assist me as i only have one spare tyre. He came and took the tyres to his shop, then few minutes later he called me and said "hey boss, lu kena lagi", he said the same nail as penetrated into those tyres. I was wondering because it was day time and the roads i use were on heavy traffic and logically if the nails were on the road the vehicles infront me must have picked it up long time already. Then the tyre man ask me whether i went to the bank. Then only i realized it. He said the thick SUV tyres that saved me. The next day i went to the same bank to do some transactions, this time i learned from mistake, i asked my staff to guard the car. I had some talk with the manager regarding my unfortunate event yesterday. He agrees with me that it is not the first time. Usually the con-man will sit in the bank, eye-ing on the transactor that seems to take out reasonable amount of cash, then he will called his project manager outside to maybe put the nails on the rear tyres and just follow the vehicle until the driver realized that the tyres are punctured and made a stop. I believed during the stop the con-man will come and do their dirty work. So my question to the bank manager was, is there any security measurement on your side to make sure the safety of your transactors? He replied actually yes they are, he pointed a guy with a leather jacket sitting at the last row of the waiting seats. He said that guy is a police from special branch, their job is to detect suspicious individuals in the banks and outside the banks. Usually they were placed in the area that has few banks and they will move bank to bank randomly. Then i replied why not unformal one of your security guard, and made him sits as a civilian and do the special branch job, i think that more practical as you have civilian's eyes. He replied hilariously that is his idea when he retirement plan to open security company to supply ideas and workforce to the banks. Sniff.

I hope based on my experienced explained above can benefit all forum member in the future. Just my two cents :D

Talking about tow company, i got one reliable independent tow company, from my experience very professional. For myself most of my cars (previous and current) are modded and lowered so i use the on truck towing to prevent my bumper or exhaust tercabut while towing hehe any of the forum member would like to know the towing contact can pm me
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