BMWCM Official event: Technical Talk by ZF Malaysia

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Brethren;653927 said:
Thanks! But what do you guys intend to find out from this event? Transmission stuffs? And how come there are shock absorbers?

bro, the question pose should be to yourself but not not to others. This technical session is FREE and it is knowledge sharing.

There is no obligation what so ever by ZF when they willing to conduct a technical session.

If you feel that a free technical session is a problem, then I think you are an expert on GBox........
Brethren;653927 said:
Thanks! But what do you guys intend to find out from this event? Transmission stuffs? And how come there are shock absorbers?

btw, do you drive a BMW?
Club Guest attending:- (10 places only)
1. Taken by OM
2. Taken by OM
3. bimmerholic
7. B33mer
8. paultantk
9. gregcwho
10. Kaniz


Sorry guys, due to last minutes by OM, we now shall allocate 8 places for the club guest.

Last 3 places before we closed. Thank you for your understanding
Club Guest attending:- (10 places only)
1. Taken by OM
2. Taken by OM
3. bimmerholic
7. B33mer
9. gregcwho
10. Kaniz
Club Guest attending:- (10 places only)
1. Taken by OM
2. Taken by OM
3. bimmerholic
4. Azmi
7. B33mer
8. cardula
9. gregcwho
10. Kaniz
Brethren;653927 said:
Thanks! But what do you guys intend to find out from this event? Transmission stuffs? And how come there are shock absorbers?

Perhaps you would like to introduce yourself in the Newbie's Section as a matter of forum etiquette before proceeding...if you are unsure on what to post, there's a template which you can use in the Stickies..

Cheers :)
Club Guest attending:- (10 places only)
1. Taken by OM
2. Taken by OM
3. bimmerholic
4. Azmi
7. B33mer
8. cardula
9. gregcwho
10. Kaniz
I was just asking some questions out of curiosity. No need to get offensive.
Anyway I don't drive a BMW. Just a fan. No money to buy a car too. Also, I am not in an expert in anything. I just felt very weird why did this company that I never heard of will offer a free technical talk. Then I checked the internet and found that they make suspensions and steering parts too. So I wanted to ask more to learn.

I noticed this is your 4th posts and you have yet to introduce yourself in the Newbie section. Would be nice if you could just do that introduction as a matter of formality.

It is alright if you don't drive a BMW now and may not have relevant funds to acquire one for the time being. Being a fan of BMW and a club guest, I hope you will find this forum resourceful for your future acquisation of a BMW car.
jarance;653720 said:
ZF is one of the OEM supplier for BMW gearbox. The other getrag.

ZF is one of the OEM & Aftermarket (Sachs) manufacturer for BMW drivetrain and chassis system.
In fact it supplies parts for Car Brand nearly from A to Z :wink:

Brethren;653730 said:
Thanks! Apart from gearbox, what else do they make?

For passenger cars: transmission, clutches, flywheel, rubber and metal parts, brake disc, axle, shock absorbers, steering, etc. Even your BMW fan clutch.

Other include Marine propulsion system, powershift for constuction vehicle, tranmission for bus and trucks, rail, wind energy transmission, etc.

Brethren;653927 said:
Thanks! But what do you guys intend to find out from this event? Transmission stuffs? And how come there are shock absorbers?

Well...atleast when you are driving in automatics, you know what is going on inside the transmission...

Even with someone without car, when you take the Rapid KL new Scania & MAN bus (If you notice), you are actually taking busses fitted with ZF Transmission. :wink:
Very good and knowledgeable seminar! Learned couple of new things on transmission and shock absorbers. Not bad getting a certificate for attending the seminar.
Hi Yazid and BMWCM CM (Dzuljazz2001 / Yazmeen / Jarance)
Thanks for arranging the talk..very informative and interesting
Please upload pictures for those who cannot make it
Special thanks to bro Yazid the arrangement with ZF. Not forgetting the OMs and Club guest too for the lovely turn-out.
There were some short-comings but the presence of all OMs and Club Guest had surely make up the day.

A very educational info sharing/training session :top:. At least now I know I have less worries with regards to my transmission (after the last dreadful breakdown :)) :top:
Few pictures from my handphone.

Before start:

Full of UDM:


Monotube is like that:~~

Speech from ex-VP:
Thumbs up to bro Yazid and the rest for organizing! Very informative indeed ...
Thank you Yazid, all committees & our host (ZF M'sai) for organising this informative training.
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