BMW Termeloh Invite BMWCM

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Princess dah mamai dah kot... overdose tidoq... hahahhahha...

Ler... bukan RedBaron cakap tadi it's an ALL-MALE trip jer ker????
List of members going

1. Redbaron
2. JYazid
3. Mont-O
4. Frankie
5. Syahruln
6. QD250

Is there anymore name that i can add to the list. All of you have my contact no so pls call me if there is last minute changes.
Black cat you coming?
Princess Farah;290169 said:
Ler... bukan RedBaron cakap tadi it's an ALL-MALE trip jer ker????

hahha...dat wat RB's says la!!! heheheheh...but u''ll never knw d meaning of his words my princess!!

anywy, i thnk he's refering to BCM members kot, not only guys la...hehe!!

p/s: im sure RB wud not hesitate to hv u in their "guys" trip kot!!!hahahhahahahhahaha :burnout: :burnout:

:rock: cheerssss:rock:
rahizwan;290173 said:
hahha...dat wat RB's says la!!! heheheheh...but u''ll never knw d meaning of his words my princess!!

anywy, i thnk he's refering to BCM members kot, not only guys la...hehe!!

p/s: im sure RB wud not hesitate to hv u in their "guys" trip kot!!!hahahhahahahhahaha :burnout: :burnout:

:rock: cheerssss:rock:

Eeeee... takut... nanti tak pasal-pasal kene tengking....
Princess Farah;290181 said:
Eeeee... takut... nanti tak pasal-pasal kene tengking....

one cannot simply Tengking people la unless he/she deserve....hahahah

p/s: want 2 social must berani la princess, klu takut dok umah je la....:smokin:
Hmmm... dok umah la ni... nak gi clubbing pun, police dok raid jer...

Errr.. bukan hobby RB tu tengking2 orang ker? Hahhahaha... jangan marah, BOSS... nanti kene jual....
Hmmm.... pasni mesti RB bagi warning mintak Surat Tunjuk Sebab apesal Princess kutuk dia plak.. hahahha...
acidburn;290190 said:
Itu baru tengok RB dalam forum..kalau kat luar...."Down 10 boys" !! :)


PF, belum jumpe RB live ke???????????????kuang kuang kuanggggggg...:burnout:

bro Ab

let c wat PF hv got 2 say on yr statement....!!!:smokin:
Kueng kueng kueng.... no comment... ahahahahhahahha... (sah aku tak bleh nak tengok dunia esok ni... adddoooiiiii....)
Princess Farah;290194 said:
Kueng kueng kueng.... no comment... ahahahahhahahha... (sah aku tak bleh nak tengok dunia esok ni... adddoooiiiii....)

PF, don worryyy, beee happy.. :listen: ...
rahizwan;290195 said:
PF, don worryyy, beee happy.. :listen: ...

Hahahhaha.... *gulp* (alamak... tercekik... mana air.. mana air..)

U tak gi ikut trip tu ker Rahizwan?
Princess Farah;290198 said:
Hahahhaha.... *gulp* (alamak... tercekik... mana air.. mana air..)

U tak gi ikut trip tu ker Rahizwan?

i heard byk air, cam mane leh tercekik laks:burnout:

memang nk la, but then xbleh la, now in office still..
keje kuli ni macam la.....:smokin:..
Hahhahha... damn... sambil menyelam sambil minum air, ye dak?? Banyak sangat ke air? Takder air ni... itu ler pasal tercekik... tak pun daulat kat RB.. hehehhe...

Okay ler... pi arr buat kerje tu ye... keje elok-elok... takut masuk kat CCTV nampak u tengah usha BMWC... boleh jadi issue ni taw...
This is going to termeloh thread ok so please understand.Rahizwan do not over do it bro. Ok
Although it was nice to see everyone have fun getting to know each other, it has become difficult to follow the details of this trip for almost anyone. Hence I have removed the irrelevant posts to enable thse who want to participate actually find out the necessary information quickly.

Please keep thechatting in the appropriate threads. Future posts of the same nature will be deleted without further notice and the inciters/participants will receive warnings.

Thank you and have a great trip to Termeloh. My regards to them.
To fellows goin to Termeloh trip today, have a safe journey guyss!!

me off to bed now, just finsh work...

Mr Thread owner,
sorry wa buat hal, jangan marah..hehehe

thank for deleting the irrelevan posting!! rumber thanx.. :)
Rahizwan... simpan kad kuning kau tu baik2... sekali lagi, merah terus k??? :thefinger:

Ok guys... see ya all tonite at shell mcd before ke toll karak tu eh (from bt cave)? Eh, by the way... event mlm event apa eh? makan2 lepak2 teh tarik ke ada baca2 sket? Aku dengar Ustaz QD pergi sekali... takut salah dressing plak kang... hehehe
Have fun guys. Safe trip.

Wish I can join to all today but have some open house to go to today and tomorrow. :(
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