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wuuuuuuuhhhhooooooooooo mengUNDANG nampak nye hehehehehe all the best
Bailey;289815 said:
wuuuuuuuhhhhooooooooooo mengUNDANG nampak nye hehehehehe all the best

mengUndang Udang di air yang keroh
jangan tak bangun di pagi suboh
kite nie orang berbudi
tapi jangan sampai terjual bodi

Laaa... pasal nie. Sebab tu la spm fail bm :eek:

BlackCat;289812 said:
Dak leee. Dont think so. Please dont judge the people here by their posts PF. Kite org nie nakal2 je... tak lah sampai tahap nak "tengking or maki hamun".

I myself would not mind giving you a ride, but I cannot confirm my attendance as yet [ade bende yg harus di urus dulu].


Takper la... tak nak I go thru where people will maki hamun me or tengking2 me as well... orang tinggikan suara pun Princess dah menggeletar kepala lutut... Princess kan cengeng??? Uhukksss.....

(Harap-harap hari ni takder orang yang raise his voice at me... kalau tak.. sure menangis and sebulan tak masuk BMWC forum lagi dah.... *gulp*)
yeah PF, maki hamun is not our culture. We all are lovely gentleman. hehe :bandit:
BlackCat;289819 said:
mengUndang Udang di air yang keroh
jangan tak bangun di pagi suboh
kite nie orang berbudi
tapi jangan sampai terjual bodi

Laaa... pasal nie. Sebab tu la spm fail bm :eek:


FUUUUUUYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOHHHH pantun berapa banyak kerat daaaaaaaaaa ke takut kena kerat heheheehe
Mont-o;289827 said:
yeah PF, maki hamun is not our culture. We all are lovely gentleman. hehe :bandit:



Really ahhh....???? Takper... you guys have fun... I cant find my baju sopan... I'll be beeming in the beemer around Bangsar jer la this festive season... who knows I might get lucky and find a nice outlet with "MEGA SALE" on it... hahahahha....
Princess Farah;289830 said:


Really ahhh....???? Takper... you guys have fun... I cant find my baju sopan... I'll be beeming in the beemer around Bangsar jer la this festive season... who knows I might get lucky and find a nice outlet with "MEGA SALE" on it... hahahahha....

Jangan la merajuk shayangggg... eeeeiiiiii geli aku dengor :eek:

BlackCat;289831 said:
Jangan la merajuk shayangggg... eeeeiiiiii geli aku dengor :eek:


Hahahhaha... poyozzzzz kucing hitam ni... aku rebus kang baru tau...

Did u know that I hate cat??? I used to burn one down in my granny's microwave just because dat cat scratched my face while I was sleeping under the velvet table (well... it was my sleeping spot before his anyway....)

So when my granny dok solat kat bilik... I grab that ugly cat and shoved him in the oven and burn.. burned... burnt.... revenge is sweet....

Then again... dont worry BlackCat... I wont put you in a fireblaze... hahahha
Orait!!! Dah menyempang jauh dah nie. Nanti bro RB ketuk aku lak [sorry bro... RB, I got a little carried away laa :stupid: ].

Back to the topic:

List of members going

1. Redbaron
2. JYazid
3. Mont-O
4. Frankie
5. Syahruln
6. QD250
7. Bluepanther
alamak.. family nak ikut plak la... pantang dengar jemputan makan2, keta lak lom sihat sepenuhnya... ada sapa2 pegi sorang2 boleh tumpangkan gua sekeluarga??? heheh ... ni contingency je dulu nih... tengah carik mekanik yg sanggup keje time cny... kalau sempat bikin... hehe buleh la merempit ngan 5 silis yg pakai rim 19 tu... dia confirm pegi ke???
macam tak biasa je gunakan kuasa VETO , ke lu yang kena veto tu balik kat lu hehehe manpower
ala menda2 kecik2 ni diplomasi je la brader... veto ni hal2 critical je mcm tambah cawangan ke, etc. insya Allah kalau keta aku tak merajuk lagi (ngan dia ni mmg veto pun tak guna), so aku bawak la dia gi Temerloh. Kebetulan mekanik peberet aku pun balik kg dia kat Mentakab... hehe apa2 kronik gua SOS dia je la.
adoi PF, apa sudah jd??

their plan is tomoro la, u ni xcited lebih la!!! hehehe...

p/s: never to late 4 u to join da trip princess..
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