BMW Termeloh Invite BMWCM

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Excellent and Fun Drive.

To Red baron and Jyazid thank you for inviting me.

Red baron- Only saw u brake once down the hill. Tried to kejar you.

Syaruln- forever Cucuking me, I know la your car powerful

Azam- Bro i think u need to take a good long nap before going for drive.

Thank you to Qd and the other guy in the E36 for rogoling that Kia for cutting me off.

Frankie-for the hundreds and hundreds of pictures.

Lets do it again soon.!!

It was a fantastic drive. Great hospitality from Termeloh Members, great food, great singing.

Looking forward to the next one.
Kaiza635CSI;290605 said:
Syaruln- forever Cucuking me, I know la your car powerful

eh... mana ada cucuk brader... it was the car's momentum la from the previous hill :p only my car is fully loaded, k? heheheh lain keta semua bawak angin je... except 1 tu yang balik bawak jump start kit... :listen:
lorrr why you all didnt tell me got extra TT and gangbang with PrincessF, how i wish i can meet you my princess:rolleyes: .

Great drive, great patin bakar...slurrrrpppzzzz, great hospitality from termeloh members. Hmmm yes that stu@@@ kia nearly hit me... drive like mad. Thanks QD for help me to teach that KIA a lesson hehehe BMW rulezzzzz.

RB when is next?
Mont-o... mcm mana kau pun boleh termiss jugak ni??? hehehe... takkan tercicir kot masa merempit balik tu...
Mont-o;290816 said:
... drive like mad. Thanks QD for help me to teach that KIA a lesson hehehe BMW rulezzzzz. masa tu QD ambik alih tugas si XXX la yea...............
syahruln;290844 said:
Mont-o... mcm mana kau pun boleh termiss jugak ni??? hehehe... takkan tercicir kot masa merempit balik tu...

Syahruln, aku miss bukan sebab aku tercicir. Yazid call aku suruh stop kat genting sepah tapi aku dah sampai Gombak masa tu:rolleyes:
Mont-o;290854 said:
Syahruln, aku miss bukan sebab aku tercicir. Yazid call aku suruh stop kat genting sepah tapi aku dah sampai Gombak masa tu:rolleyes:

Jyazid sengaja la tuuu......bagi u lepas duluuuuuu......hehe...
Mont-o;290816 said:
lorrr why you all didnt tell me got extra TT and gangbang with PrincessF, how i wish i can meet you my princess:rolleyes: .

Great drive, great patin bakar...slurrrrpppzzzz, great hospitality from termeloh members. Hmmm yes that stu@@@ kia nearly hit me... drive like mad. Thanks QD for help me to teach that KIA a lesson hehehe BMW rulezzzzz.

RB when is next?

Shud tapau ikan patin for me.. then again... I'm allergic to it... (lari tajuk lagi)... I heard about dat KIA thingy as well... macam geram tahap cipan jer these guys time dorang mentioned KIA thingy tu... hahahahhha...

We'll have anotha gangbang soon... aite... I'm more prepareddddd this time (NOT)

I almost stepped on the jump start kit box... hahahahha... but thanked god I didnt... tapi takper la... BMW rulezzzzzz.... coz they dont need "viagra" unlike BENZ.... hahahhaha... (wateva dat means)
great to hear tat u had fun guys , mmmmmmmm sumore got ikan patin bakar wor

Mont-o;290816 said:
lorrr why you all didnt tell me got extra TT and gangbang with PrincessF, how i wish i can meet you my princess:rolleyes: .

Great drive, great patin bakar...slurrrrpppzzzz, great hospitality from termeloh members. Hmmm yes that stu@@@ kia nearly hit me... drive like mad. Thanks QD for help me to teach that KIA a lesson hehehe BMW rulezzzzz.

RB when is next?

got GB sumore...... rugi lor.....

slurrrrrppppzzzz, slurrrrrppppzzzz.....

yup, dat kia eat my dust.....:rock:
makan ikan....

rahizwan;290394 said:
hows da trip guys??

trip was fun..... makan ikan patin bakar....

the actual IKAN......

not the 'ikan' yang hang makan...... itu meninggalkan bau di tangan.....

bluepanther;290976 said:
Hai bang dah sampai KL ke?.....Yea Bailey we both missed this tt.

wat happen lah BP, u also went back to yr hometown ka ?
balik hometown apebenda...........i made replacement for my chinese shift partner.....
somemore itu towkey funfair called me....sedang belasah ikan patin bakar.....fuiyooo

Woi towkey mana itu temerloh tt pics......
Sigh!!! I missed it too :-(

Workin till late at Cyberjay, only got home about 11pm or so. Glad you people had fun...

Temerloh TT Picture

Sorry for the delay of picture upload.

1) Arrived at Temerloh Tol

2) Speech from BMW Club Temerloh President - En Yusoff


4) Speech from JYazid
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