Bluetooth and E60

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Hey bro, how do you go about programing in the voice commands?? Forgot the steps alredi lah!!

No progamming needed John. Press the button on the steering that depics a woman talking (next to the volume control). Wait for a second or two and the voice comes on the speakers, and if you are listening to the radio, it shuts itself off.

Say "Dial number", and the voice will prompt you for the number. Speak clearly and slowly. Try giving only 3 or 4 numbers at a time, and she will repeat those numbers for you, and will end by saying "CONTINUE". if you were to complete the number in one go, she gets confused. Once the command has been executed successfully, say "DIAL".

Call me at 19:15 as a test.

Originally posted by xcell60@Oct 13 2005, 08:48 AM
Hey bro, how do you go about programing in the voice commands?? Forgot the steps alredi lah!!

No progamming needed John. Press the button on the steering that depics a woman talking (next to the volume control). Wait for a second or two and the voice comes on the speakers, and if you are listening to the radio, it shuts itself off.

Say "Dial number", and the voice will prompt you for the number. Speak clearly and slowly. Try giving only 3 or 4 numbers at a time, and she will repeat those numbers for you, and will end by saying "CONTINUE". if you were to complete the number in one go, she gets confused. Once the command has been executed successfully, say "DIAL".

Call me at 19:15 as a test.

OK, will try that later today. I thought you can program to call a number e.g. "Call Home" and it dials my pre programmed home number.

Can't call you at 19.15...have dinner on tonight lah!
OK, will try that later today. I thought you can program to call a number e.g. "Call Home" and it dials my pre programmed home number.

This will work only if the phonebook gets transffered across.
If at anytime, we forget the commands, Just say 'HELP' after pushing the button. A list of voice commands will be read to you by Angelina Jolie? :p :D
If at anytime, we forget the commands, Just say 'HELP' after pushing the button. A list of voice commands will be read to you by Angelina Jolie?

Guys, any idea how easy is it to install BT if the car does not come with it? It will probably have to be done by BMW. Just wondering if it requires sending the car in for 2 hours, 2 days, a week?
Hey Xcell60, looks like I've got a problem with my voice command...Angelina Jolie just can't undestand my to go back to school again lah!! I tried so many times but she's never able to correctly identify the numbers I read to her. Slack lah my England!! I think cos' I speaking like Ah Beng yah!! Wah laio very sad lah!!

Well, I had the same problem coz I was talking "Inglish" from INDIA. Then had to revert to "Speakin de Deutch type english" Then viola!!!! Eureka!!!!!

Ok, found this link.

Nokia 6670 not compatible with BMW BT

BreytonE60, yes confirmed, phonebook does not work. I think its time for the E60 group to have an HH at soulout. What say thee.

Originally posted by xcell60@Oct 14 2005, 03:57 PM
Hey Xcell60, looks like I've got a problem with my voice command...Angelina Jolie just can't undestand my to go back to school again lah!! I tried so many times but she's never able to correctly identify the numbers I read to her. Slack lah my England!! I think cos' I speaking like Ah Beng yah!! Wah laio very sad lah!!

Well, I had the same problem coz I was talking "Inglish" from INDIA. Then had to revert to "Speakin de Deutch type english" Then viola!!!! Eureka!!!!!

Ok, found this link.

Nokia 6670 not compatible with BMW BT

BreytonE60, yes confirmed, phonebook does not work. I think its time for the E60 group to have an HH at soulout. What say thee.

My 3230 phone book can't be transfered over either. Will try speaking like a greman shepherd...might work better...woof woof!!
BreytonE60, yes confirmed, phonebook does not work. I think its time for the E60 group to have an HH at soulout. What say thee.

heheh, PM me when u have a gathering of sorts..will try to join too! :p

Guys, any idea how easy is it to install BT if the car does not come with it? It will probably have to be done by BMW. Just wondering if it requires sending the car in for 2 hours, 2 days, a week?

Poison, are you sure you do not have BT or is it not enabled?

Found this bulletin Retrofitting Bluetooth, it says all models 2005, will be BT equipped, if yours is 2005 model, then just drive to BMW and ask them to enable it! 20mins? B)
Good Luck!
Breyton, thanks for the info. I checked the car's manual and checked with the navigation screen but could not find anything related to the BT.
Hi all! anyone here have tried pairing Nokia 6230/Nokia 6230i on E60? Is it fully compatible and can the phonebook sync with the system? I was previously using SE W810i and it works perfectly fine, i can even sync the phonebook. But unfortunately it got stolen while i park my car at the jockey. Sigh.
is there a way that we can sync the phonebook when a particular model is not syncable? any tech guru around here?

i just bought a new China phone. The name is NCKIA!!!

my e60 is 2004 japan recon. no bluetooth at all except for the phone connector. anyway for me to activate the bluetooth in any hidden secret? or do i have to retrofit it? PLEASE ADVICE
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