Bimmer key

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Originally posted by OSFlanker@Dec 17 2004, 09:48 PM Oi, Jaran, that picture is my key kah???? Poor key, kena autopsy like that - KNNCB!!!!!! :angry: hehehe :ph34r:
OSF, yup that is your key. I told you to collect you key but you don't want.. Now I will use the key to the max until I am fed up with it... ha.. ha.. :p
Originally posted by Lionel_Koh@Dec 17 2004, 12:26 AM Hi guys,haven't get the infor where can i duplicated teh key????i try few before n they charge me RM50!!!!!Very expensivelah!!!!!any place to recommend????
it depends what key they used....if the 1 piece flat type, a lot cheaper... RM20 -30...if the ori BMW key, then the key itself aledi >RM30
The flip key is the ones used in Merc and also the alfa 156....Yeah make sure the chip is near otherwise the transmitter wont be able to pick up the signal.
A picture is worth a thousand words eh Mr. Singh? Well, here you go. A picture of the Flip up key remote thingy. Notice I drew a red marking? I plan to make a small incision there to place the chip flush with the remote surface. I tried putting the chip inside the remote and it did not work. Wish me luck!!!
Originally posted by bimmerman@Dec 19 2004, 08:31 AM A picture is worth a thousand words eh Mr. Singh? Well, here you go. A picture of the Flip up key remote thingy. Notice I drew a red marking? I plan to make a small incision there to place the chip flush with the remote surface. I tried putting the chip inside the remote and it did not work. Wish me luck!!!
look cool and something new for bmw.. Now ppl will think that you drive a merc.. B)
Not really these days Mr. Singh. Honda, Hyundai, Kia, in fact I think most new cars also got it as standard spec already. :(
Originally posted by bimmerman@Dec 19 2004, 09:03 AM Not really these days Mr. Singh. Honda, Hyundai, Kia, in fact I think most new cars also got it as standard spec already. :(
in that case stick a small ///M sticker on the key...
Originally posted by bimmerman@Dec 18 2004, 09:03 PM Not really these days Mr. Singh. Honda, Hyundai, Kia, in fact I think most new cars also got it as standard spec already. :(
My wife's 6 years Honda City already came with the flip up key remote :p ...
Originally posted by Lionel_Koh@Dec 16 2004, 03:25 PM
Just want to find out where can i duplicated my key?????any place to recommend????With reasonable price. BTW normaly how much it's will cost..???
Yalor...I got a few quotes that an extra key will cost anything fr rm350-500.Wah lau eh!! :eek: Any better options ah? It's all coz of EMV la, chip la aiyo!! :blink:
mine had 2 separate is the key (as pic shown by Jarance) and the other one is alarm button written Autobavaria at the back. Is this standard key? If yes, why it was separated?
Originally posted by mienoz@Sep 28 2005, 03:58 PM
mine had 2 separate is the key (as pic shown by Jarance) and the other one is alarm button written Autobavaria at the back. Is this standard key? If yes, why it was separated?
Just to add on.

The service key/car jockey key - comes with a gray head and cannot open the glove box as well.

The plastic wallet key, can do all of the above.

Guys, Dont quite understnd this plastic key. If we can start the car, does it mean theres a chip inside the plastic key too? Looks too flimsy & thin to have one imbedded in it
Originally posted by firefox@Sep 29 2005, 11:35 AM
Guys, Dont quite understnd this plastic key. If we can start the car, does it mean theres a chip inside the plastic key too? Looks too flimsy & thin to have one imbedded in it
Hahah!! B) There is a chip embedded in the tiny black plactic key...

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