Astro Owner - Beware of Bogus Technician

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Dec 4, 2004
To all Astro Owners, please be aware that there are some bogus technicianoperating in Klang. It actual happened to me.My Astro could not receive any transmission and hence my wife call the AstroCustomer Service to report and complain. OK, they say that they will sent a service personnel to come and have a look. True enough, 2 person came andsay that they were sent by Astro to look into the complaint. After checking, they mentioned that the decoder is faulty and need to be replaced. They cost of the new motherboard is RM165 plus RM50 call charge. Reluctantly, the sum was agreed and instead of replacing the motherboard, the whole decoder is replaced.i.e. One to one replacement. Most of you would think this it reasonable but honestly, it is NOT. (Why? I will tell you later).However, after 1 week, the "New" start to give problem and of course, you willcall Astro again to complain.. (Who else do you call?)Again, 2 person comes and after checking they say that the decoder is faulty and need to be replaced. Of course, we mentioned that the deconder was just replaced only a week ago and it should be replaced without any cost. Ok, they say no problem but show us the receipt as a proof. My wife show them the receipt and they say that the receipt is not official. Actually, the receipt look like the receipt that you can buy from any stationary shop. The first technician said that the company have run out of reeipt book andwill issue a temporary receipt. Permanent one will be sent later. :listen: Anyway, to cut the long story short, we kena con by some bogus technician posing as Astro technician.OK as advised by Astro "Real" technician.1. All Astro Technician carried ID card issued by Astro matching their name and IC.2. If Motherboard have to be changed, they are authorised to change only the motherboard. They cannot do a swap of the whole decoder. At the bottom of the decoder, there is a special number that ID the decoder belong to you. It is sticked to the bottom of the plastic casing. If you loose this casing, they can claim that your decoder is clone or not authorise by Astro.3. All transaction or billing must be issued with official receipt on the spot.4. If in doubt, please call Astro again that they have despatch the technician.BTW, the service is usually outsource to other company. Astro do not usually repair or attend to installation directly.FYI, the bogus technician have a scar on the right side of his upper lip. The question that come to my mind is:-1. How did the bogus technician get to know that you are having a problem with the decoder?2. Should Astro be held responsible for a "leak" in their customer service or theirService Agent Centre.3. Why is Astro not doing anything about the bogus technician? Apparently, there are several cases happening in Klang because the "real" technician also can describe the bogus technician. i.e the scar on the upper lip.4. How do we get some compensation from Astro?:thefinger:BTW, Astro charge RM110 for the Motherboard and RM50 for calling charge.
FYI Jarance they are not called ASTRO they are called ARSETRO...i dun belief their story abt the receipt....when I go my astromax the receipt is also not exactly an official Astro was from a Syarikat Elektrik what crap are they talking abt official receipt from Astro...
Astro ask contractor to attend , contractor ask another contractor to attend ...........
hey, jarance, i have mine to give away.. you wan it, plus the dish..(need someone) to remove it..

let me know..
pls confirm all this to Astro in wrtting, highlight that the 'contractors' arrived after complainti to Astro was lodged...therefore hold Astro fully responsible for replacement plus costs incurred.... there must be a leak by Astro employees to sub con to a con to con you and errrrr.... Akon????:stupid:
so kind of u lor mr guys quickly2 lor free thing maaaaaaaahhhh
it was in the newspapers a few days ago. Astro had a big notice on these bogus technicians. Do not trust the signages with the Astro logo and ppl saying that they are from Astro. Just beware and be extremely careful.

In terms of how these people got to answer the service call, I have no idea. Wire tapping? Subcon pass to someone else?? *scratch head*

My ASTRO gone kong last few months (dont kno it is the decorder or what)

I called ASTRO to terminate my service (no charges)

A few days later, I called ASTRO again, say I want to subscribe

Technician came, install totally new set

Paid RM 199 (all include) + 1 month free

So how do you say....
thats what i did the last time as decoder conk ask them to come over RM50, to buy new decoder RM250 go do the maths..but that time I only had to pay if not mistaken RM100 only..for installation.
Iqlima;245270 said:
Astro ask contractor to attend , contractor ask another contractor to attend ...........
welcome to the world of outsourcing
Jarance, which part of Klang are u in? Anyway, I am working in Klang too... near the Tabung Haji building. Well, sad to know your story. I hope Astro would come out with a solution to this matter. Anyway, I have my stories to tell too... they also happened in Klang. Perhaps I should start it on a new thread...say "Con-men in Klang"??? :) Look out for my stories guys :)
Russie;245406 said:
Jarance, which part of Klang are u in? Anyway, I am working in Klang too... near the Tabung Haji building. Well, sad to know your story. I hope Astro would come out with a solution to this matter. Anyway, I have my stories to tell too... they also happened in Klang. Perhaps I should start it on a new thread...say "Con-men in Klang"??? :) Look out for my stories guys :)

I dont think conmen, i think the con one is ASETERO, you see

1) U call them
2) Technician came (or so-called con-technician)
3) The check and they fix (or maybe u think they cheat you by replacing another one)
4) The thing rosak in one week
5) U call ASTRO and they send 2 guys again
6) The 2 guys say the early technician is con...

U see in between no 3 and no 4 events, there are no actual / so-called outsourcing contractors to attend you??? The early technician must be their guy also.

All this is a scam or maybe not.
i think it is a scam and it starts from Arsetro itself without Arsetro actually knowing ...otherwise how the hell does the technician know which house Arsetro conk and knows how to go to that hse...???? its all an inside job...and in definetely starts from inside Arsetro...
XXX;245266 said:
FYI Jarance they are not called ASTRO they are called ARSETRO...i dun belief their story abt the receipt....when I go my astromax the receipt is also not exactly an official Astro was from a Syarikat Elektrik what crap are they talking abt official receipt from Astro...

Come to think of it and having a second look at the receipt, it does not have
Astro logo but he company name. But it does have Astro toll free number listed.
Also listed is the company (Contractor) telephone numbers.
pussy;245274 said:
hey, jarance, i have mine to give away.. you wan it, plus the dish..(need someone) to remove it..

let me know..

pussy, thank for the offer but now my decoder is working fine so no need..:rock:
Russie;245406 said:
Jarance, which part of Klang are u in? Anyway, I am working in Klang too... near the Tabung Haji building. Well, sad to know your story. I hope Astro would come out with a solution to this matter. Anyway, I have my stories to tell too... they also happened in Klang. Perhaps I should start it on a new thread...say "Con-men in Klang"??? :) Look out for my stories guys :)

My house is situated around Berkeley Garden. Klang is my hometown.
Now working near Pontian (JB), somewhere inside the jungles with some primemates.. :smokin:
XXX;245425 said:
i think it is a scam and it starts from Arsetro itself without Arsetro actually knowing ...otherwise how the hell does the technician know which house Arsetro conk and knows how to go to that hse...???? its all an inside job...and in definetely starts from inside Arsetro...

Maybe, maybe or an inside job on the contractor side. I do hope Astro get to the
bottom of this.
jarance;245681 said:
My house is situated around Berkeley Garden. Klang is my hometown.
Now working near Pontian (JB), somewhere inside the jungles with some primemates.. :smokin:

dei, careful with ur spelling la...if ur wife saw this....:eek:
....hhahahhahha...yup didnt notice it ...its primates la Jarance ...'primemates' thats a different thing your primemates are of the male species or the female once..
It correct spelling lah... why you think I don't want to come back to KL....

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