Approached on the street for donation

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Founding Member
Nov 25, 2004
I'm sure many of u have been approached on the street to donate to so-and-so homes or organization.. Today, I was approached by a teenage girl.I didn't donate but did jot down the website. we should start taking down the website to verify instead of donating blindly when asked... We can always donate directly to the homes..
at times i do give don;t want to waste much time pushing them off .... if fated it's meant for their own usage, then someday they have to pay for it too ....

p/s : there was once , a little girl approached me before entering to a 4d shop , i gave her rm1 and she gave me a paper slip consist of a number ...the rest was history and i've never seen that girl again ..this was long long time ago during my bike days
Sad - when i see kids selling 'minyak angin', air gamat - at the R & R.
Reason - kutip derma untuk baiki sekolah agama somewhere in Kedah ...
I think TV3 exposed these kind of 'kutip derma' before ..
There are plenty of such donations going around in the open. Genuine or not I prefer to do it at the location itself then to just give a few ringgit to a total stranger.

Ever wondered where all the beggers come from at pasar malams? Some without limbs, some with kids which are forever asleep? Genuine or part of an organisation.

One things for sure, I never give those walking around with kids begging for change, always saying "2 hari tak makan". Instead, i just say, " duduk kat meja sebelah, order saja apa lu mau..saya bayar".
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