..any way to get cheaper road tax.. ?

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May 10, 2010
..hi guys..is there any legal way to get my road tax cheaper, for cars 17 years old ? I couldnt find anything online regarding getting cheaper road tax for cars of certain age, so Im wondering, do I have any options for cheaper road tax or they will blindly just look at engine capacity as a main measurement??
Cars aged 25years and above will qualify for classic status roadtax. However there are certain criteria to meet in order to qualify which is available on JPJ website. The other ways are illegal or partially illegal.

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..i have just received information about some kind of road tax payed in Sabah or something, yet still maintain same number..I have no idea what is this, but i will know more details later..im wondering what kind of scheme is this..
Ecco , what U can do is change ur registration plate no to Singapore or Thailand , then U don't have to pay anything . just my 1/2cent ....( ecco , no heart feeling ok just for laugh )
It's illegal to pay your road tax in East Malaysia then use your car in West Malaysia. Haha!
The East Malaysia thingy as I mentioned in my earlier post "Partially Illegal" in the sense that you have a valid roadtax but they are not meant to be used in west m'sia
..its not that im escaping paying road tax..i have wonderful Range Rover P38 Linley (only 9 exist on planet)..my road tax is about 4.5K rm, plus insurance..reason why Im asking is, i have met some guy, RR enthusiast who was drooling over my Linley, and he have RR as well, so he said that he payed, 990 RM/Year...i was shocked..but he didnt reveal how..thats why Im asking..
Where did you get one of those? It was GBP100,000 when new in the UK!
..yeah..Linley is the most expensive RR ever built, including brand new models today..car was collecting dust among 30 other vehicles, person i got it from, had..it had broken air suspension and power supply to BeCM (this cars have some large computer under driver seat, and some relays are soldered on to main board, so some of relays was broken, 10 bucks fix, instead of 5000USD for new box )..since car was dusty, I assumed that owner doesnt really know about vehicle so i acted dumb and asked is it for sale..and i got it :) ..that happen some 5 -7 years ago..not sure..checked VIN and so on..and yes, got confirmation from land Rover UK that it is Linley and they registered me and sent me some special keys and few other goodies :) ..
Did you got it really cheap then? Normal RR market price? If its so, what a bargain! Is this story over here in Malaysia? I mean the car is already in Malaysia?
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