sure will chikadeez....just keep on following this thread.. hehe...
I'm waiting for the rest of the northern chaps.... i've asked anthony to highlight this on the following Penang TT.. heheh hopefully will get good response... eheheh... it would be nice if we can make it happen.. hehehe :yahoo:
wanfalah.. infact there is... come and join us for a makan2 session this 1st of june...if u r interested.. do call me at 016-2804835.......among the stuff that we will discuss.. our trip on the 17th for tt in kl.... most probably combine with other northern guys.. heeheh...(but this has to be confirmed with anthony 1st..)...
okay,I'll try to adjust my time.. anyway, how many have agreed to come?
and where's the place that u have in mind?Ipoh lumba kuda or s'where else? hehehe