I noticed this problem slowly progressing in my 02 520i. When the air con is running, and is in recirculation mode, there's a slight roar especially at speeds above 80kmh, which gets progressively louder with higher speeds. However when you r speeding n press the recirculate button and allow the outside air in, there's a sudden zing (frankly it sounds like an F1 car speeding by) sound, like some valve is opening and the roar noise immediately goes away... The roar wasnt there earlier so i suspect it could be perhaps the air cleaner getting dirty. I notice the same issue with my friend's e39 530i, so it appears to be a prevalent problem. Anyone hvng this problem and knows how to resolve this? Sownership experience has been pretty good, with the 520i, with only a gear box adaptation problem and this zinging thing. thanks guys and gong xi fa cai.