My air-cond went out of gas on Friday (31 Dec,2004).
The gas has just been re-filled 3 weeks ago.
The mechanic checked using bubble along the tubing, tabung gas and found leakeage at the connection
between the tubing and receiver drier (the tabung gas).
Changed a new drier, O-ring and refill R134 gas.
Total cost + labour = RM150.
After changing the new drier and trying out for 2 days, the air-cond is not cooling enough (compared to the old drier)
especially in the hot afternoon.
The old drier looks OK to me. But the mechanic insist to change a new one.
The O-rings have worn out and that is why I think that the leakeage encountered was at the tubing and the drier joint.
The mechanic I went to is a normal workshop were I always send my perdana for servicing.
Any of you had the same problem? Then, how to regain coolness during afternoon hot weather?
Should I change back to the old drier and replace only the O-ring?
The air-cond receiver drier can easily rosak meh..?
The history of the former drier is unknown. Maybe the previous owner never change the drier before.