Advice Needed for Newbie

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I also had certain color expectations as well. If it'll make you feel better, I didn't exactly get a perfect car as well. Just that those things I cared about were OK. While previous owner didn't exactly trash the car, he didn't really love it too. So interior was not that good. But these things can be changed or done up if you really want to. Most important thing for me was the engine and mechanics were OK. That and the color too :D

So, bree! Welcome to the club, we could always use more XXs here. Too many XYs already.... and BMWs are supposed to be 50:50 balanced... :D
i bought my 2.2 e46 in Jan 07 and since then every journey has been a pleasure. I guess i'm lucky cos no problem whatsoever with the engine eventhough I took the car for a long trip. Common problems so far were
1) the electric window
2) front bushing

always expect the car to give you headache once in a while and that's when you better to have deep pocket.

but then it's been worth it for me

BMW- always take the long way home
Hmm, from what you've been saying, I'd really recommend going down to Auto Bavaria or Sapura Auto and taking a look at their certified used cars. Might be cheaper than you think and sounds like you have some pretty particular requirements and you'll have a chance to locate the right car in their inventory rather than waiting for it to appear in motor trader :wink:

Plus, to be honest, a lot of these motor trader/star/etc cars are going to have some existing issues and even if you find a good one, it'll almost certainly need various wear and tear parts replaced soon. It just goes with the territory, but it sounds like you have some pretty high expectations for this car and it might be worth whatever extra for certified since you get warranty and dealer support.
cempaka;246440 said:
Hmm, from what you've been saying, I'd really recommend going down to Auto Bavaria or Sapura Auto and taking a look at their certified used cars. Might be cheaper than you think and sounds like you have some pretty particular requirements and you'll have a chance to locate the right car in their inventory rather than waiting for it to appear in motor trader :wink:

Plus, to be honest, a lot of these motor trader/star/etc cars are going to have some existing issues and even if you find a good one, it'll almost certainly need various wear and tear parts replaced soon. It just goes with the territory, but it sounds like you have some pretty high expectations for this car and it might be worth whatever extra for certified since you get warranty and dealer support.

where ever buying the car, as long as you are getting a 3 to 4 year old car, get ready to spend about RM6,000 initially on maintanence once the car is bought to bring it up to tip top condition

The bmw's normally need the following after 4 years - 80,000km

front control arms and bushes
4 absorbers
brake discs
expansion tank
water pump
1 or 2 sensors

then budget about RM1,500 additional per year over a new car for any ad-hoc mantanance........
hmm... where is Geoffery? U really ought to talk to him.

God of buying second hand BMW..... somemore value for $$$$......RESPECT!!!

locked & loaded - but unfortunately.....

the good news is i bought the car already...the bad news's not a bmer...went around testing a couple of cars last weekend but it did not go too well...then i was itchy n tried the caldina - it took me to heaven with it's 260hp...! but the price flushed me down to hell.....but again..i have to say...the bmer has the best handling so far...from the cars i'd tested...

so after a lot of yapping :listen: ....i bought the closest i can get to a caldina...the airtrek turbo!!! n before i get bashed..i better change club soon :stickyman:

but all i want to say is...thanks a lot guys...i did learn alot from u guys!! n if the bmer club permits...i will still gatecrash into this forum to provide some XX influence! :stupid:
megan's diamond;247154 said:
locked & loaded - but unfortunately.....

the good news is i bought the car already...the bad news's not a bmer...went around testing a couple of cars last weekend but it did not go too well...then i was itchy n tried the caldina - it took me to heaven with it's 260hp...! but the price flushed me down to hell.....but again..i have to say...the bmer has the best handling so far...from the cars i'd tested...

so after a lot of yapping :listen: ....i bought the closest i can get to a caldina...the airtrek turbo!!! n before i get bashed..i better change club soon :stickyman:

but all i want to say is...thanks a lot guys...i did learn alot from u guys!! n if the bmer club permits...i will still gatecrash into this forum to provide some XX influence! :stupid:

No worries megan, I dare say you'll be back to this forum soon :wink:

I did the same thing 2 years back. Asked a lot of questions here and there, ended up an Accord 2.4 instead! But the pull of the bimmer is like no other. Soon I grew itchy again and now I finally have the bimmer (Accord is still there though)!

So stick around. We'll revisit this thread again maybe 1-2 years down the road!
eventually need to thanks bro megan for starting this thread too because apparently i m looking for e46 (2004 or higher - lifestyle) currently and i do observe/read thru all the suggestion/ideas from all bro here.....really appreaciate!!!!!!!

if there is any bro WTS his or her BMW, may just PM me for more info's, ya....cheers
Allianz-BMW;249067 said:
eventually need to thanks bro megan for starting this thread too because apparently i m looking for e46 (2004 or higher - lifestyle) currently and i do observe/read thru all the suggestion/ideas from all bro here.....really appreaciate!!!!!!!

if there is any bro WTS his or her BMW, may just PM me for more info's, ya....cheers

Err... bro Megan is actually a bree... i.e. lady
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