Advice Needed for Newbie

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megan's diamond

Club Guest
Sep 6, 2007
hi there, i'm new here. I am actively looking for a 2-3 year old e46 but somethings are just bugging me. this is my first attempt to buy used cars and i'm entering an unknown terrain not knowing what i am getting myself into without enjoying the free warranty & free service. I am sure it's available in some parts on this forum on the following questions that i have - but can't seem to find it:1.What common problems should i be expecting from the e462.what are the maintenance cost per year including servicing, problem fixing etc? there a "huge" difference in performance if i am looking at 3181, 320i vs 325i and is it worth paying the difference? yes yes, i am a new in the world of bmers....4. the million dollar question - should i be getting it??!! oh, you don't have to answer this onedesperately confused....
megan's diamond, firstly welcome to the forum. You came to the right place and doing the right thing by asking these questions.
I will leave your queries to be answered by the rest but just bear in mind that there is a possibility that you may end up being more confused than when you started.
thanks guys....

i am just having butterfies in the stomach now...going to check this babe out... 2004 going for 135...reasonable?? how much can i negotiate on this - any idea? 5% , 10% ?? whats the going rate?

i'm so nervouzzzzzzzzzzz. wish me luck!
well well well......

Wrong Choice > Fingers Burned
Right Choice > Fingers Manicured

So walk dangerously and play with fire for the 1st time...
Nothing like experiencing the heartbreak and joy......
Many hopes go your way so take your time
and get advise from all over then buy.
Good luck Dude.....!!
Hi Megan's Diamond, i was in the same situation 2 years ago when i was deciding on getting a UDM.

1.What common problems should i be expecting from the e46.
- There is another thread that discusses this topic in detail. In the last 2 years, I have changed my expansion tank and inginition coils. These 2 things seems to be the most comon issue. (btw, i changed the tank before it cracked after hearing of 2 other friends tank burst while driving)

2.what are the maintenance cost per year including servicing, problem fixing etc? there a "huge" difference in performance if i am looking at 3181, 320i vs 325i and is it worth paying the difference? yes yes, i am a new in the world of bmers....
- Not too sure about the other models but i service my ride every 8k/KM at about RM230 per service. If youre lucky and get a car which doesnt give you much problems, then you wont be spending much except for the normal wear & tear and the common issues. Do expect to fork out a couple of thousand extra per year for the other stuffs.

4. the million dollar question - should i be getting it??!! oh, you don't have to answer this one
- Only you can answer this question my friend. I made the plunge and I have no regrets. Driving a UDM is definately a new experience.

thanks guys for your advice...

heartbreak i stroll up to the car...i was imagining this is going to be my new baby...then all of a sudden...the car saleman said...not dis one la...the one i have to start the "awe-ing" process all over again...after take 2...then the heartbreak came...the mileage was 135 k KM!!!! where has this dude been over the last 3 years?>??!! morever the car was a dec 2004!!!

now i have to start the hunting process all over again!!! i just wish god will drop the perfect car on my lap!!! arrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh well...guess it's a blessing in impulsive purchase commited...sigh....maybe i should take some time to breathe....
chief;245263 said:
Hi Megan's Diamond, i was in the same situation 2 years ago when i was deciding on getting a UDM.

1.What common problems should i be expecting from the e46.
- There is another thread that discusses this topic in detail. In the last 2 years, I have changed my expansion tank and inginition coils. These 2 things seems to be the most comon issue. (btw, i changed the tank before it cracked after hearing of 2 other friends tank burst while driving)

hi much was the damage?
Hello megan. 135k for a 04 E46 sounds reasonable. But that depends on several things including the mileage and general condition of the car. My e90 was pre-owned, so here are some tips that may help.

I would suggest asking for help from an experienced Mechanic (you may want to drive the car to say, tmn mayang) who can spot irregularities that we may find difficult to do. Putting the car onto an autolift usually helps to determine abnormalities, and gives you a chance to see if any problems (leaks, shafts, exhaust, rust etc) exist, or have been covered up.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, get the chassis checked. You dont want to be driving around in a car only to discover later, that it has been in an accident.

There is also the "wow" factor to be cautious about. You look at the car and convince yourself that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Try to surpress that impulsive urge and look at it from a neutral perspective.

Finally, remember that its your hard earned money that is going to be getting you this car. If you are unsure, dont buy it.

Thats my 910 cents worth :) cheers
thanks bimmer 910! i am ashame to say that it did not even cross my mind to get it check by a mechanic! shame on me...can u pls give me the add and/or tel number of the place in tmn mayang?
megan's diamond;245199 said:
hi there, i'm new here. I am actively looking for a 2-3 year old e46 but somethings are just bugging me. this is my first attempt to buy used cars and i'm entering an unknown terrain not knowing what i am getting myself into without enjoying the free warranty & free service. I am sure it's available in some parts on this forum on the following questions that i have - but can't seem to find it:

1.What common problems should i be expecting from the e46
2.what are the maintenance cost per year including servicing, problem fixing etc? there a "huge" difference in performance if i am looking at 3181, 320i vs 325i and is it worth paying the difference? yes yes, i am a new in the world of bmers....
4. the million dollar question - should i be getting it??!! oh, you don't have to answer this one

desperately confused....
1.depend on which engine model m43 or n42,for ur infor any use car u hv 2 look into few things,after 3years..coolant hoses,any of the roller,seal gasket leaking,arms...this are the basic.
2.first year u hv2 stanby sum money,of cause stage by change the parts,rectify b4 getting worst.regardless any car if u looking into perfection in performance of ur car u hv 2 change the parts dont wait till get worst.
3.m part time mechanic,if u need more infor,i will try2 help u..hope2 c u around
4.m driving e46 318 ci...gud luck
megan's diamond;245292 said:
chief;245263 said:
Hi Megan's Diamond, i was in the same situation 2 years ago when i was deciding on getting a UDM.

1.What common problems should i be expecting from the e46.
- There is another thread that discusses this topic in detail. In the last 2 years, I have changed my expansion tank and inginition coils. These 2 things seems to be the most comon issue. (btw, i changed the tank before it cracked after hearing of 2 other friends tank burst while driving)

hi much was the damage?

RM225 for the tank, RM40 for the Cap, RM195 for the thermostat and RM80 for the workmanship.

My next service i am planning to change :
1. Engine / gearbox mounting
2. AFT Fluid

Its hard to see my most of my hard earned cash go to the car :(
frontera22;245416 said:
1.depend on which engine model m43 or n42,for ur infor any use car u hv 2 look into few things,after 3years..coolant hoses,any of the roller,seal gasket leaking,arms...this are the basic.
2.first year u hv2 stanby sum money,of cause stage by change the parts,rectify b4 getting worst.regardless any car if u looking into perfection in performance of ur car u hv 2 change the parts dont wait till get worst.
3.m part time mechanic,if u need more infor,i will try2 help u..hope2 c u around
4.m driving e46 318 ci...gud luck

thanks thanks! hey...will u be interested to be my adviser when i find the rite car? can i send it to u for inspection? can u pm me your number n charges?
thanks long as it doesn't go into the thousands...sigh...about hard earned money going into the car...better goin into a car u like rather a car than u dun like rite? hehehehe
megan, take your time and dont rush into it. you dont want to get stuck with a 'sick' car, do the necessary checks and if you still end up with a 'problematic' car, it least you did your best.
ask for the service record log book, compare it with the mileage and see if the car has been thru the recomended service intervals. if they allow, take it to a BMW mechanic to run it thru too. Inspection 1 and 2 can be costly, worst still is if the previous owner had clogged in high mileage without even bothering to service regularly.
read up in the forum 'under 3 series E 46' and get a better idea what all these numbers and figues mean, pre-facelift vs facelift, valvetronic, bodykits, etc..
ckd, cbu or parralel import, recon. Jap or European specs etc...yes, it can be confusing but in time, you'll get a better understanding of what suits you...and when that butterfly feeling come again, you'd know that's the one.
Just some general used car buying advice:

Read, read, read and get as knowledgeable as possible about the model you're interested in. It will seem overwhelming at first but keep at it and you will really recall a lot of what you've read when you're viewing cars.

Try to spend time in the type of car you want, whether through test drives or friends' cars. You'll be able to develop a sense for what "feels" right and what doesn't. You'll also be able to answer your own question on which engine you want.

Given what you've said about being new to used cars and since you're after a relatively recent model, consider buying a certified one from the BMW dealerships. They charge a premium but you will have warranty and some peace of mind. It's a lot of money involved and it may be worth the extra to reduce your risk and stress. At the very least test-driving them will give you an idea of what level of quality you should be looking for.

Be wary of any super bargain cars, usually there's a good reason it's selling so cheap. Remember whatever you save can easily be eaten up and then some by repair costs.

Most important is to be patient and take your time. The more you buy on impulse the higher chance you have of getting burned. :wink:
thanks guys for the great advice....looks like i have a lot of homework to do!and yes, about jap/eur specs - unregistered it for or against it? any pros and cons? the salesman yesterday ask why don't i look at those - and of course i only get good words to do so from him. he's gona look for other connections to let me view those....he's telling me it's better quality, lower mileage, same price, lower interest rates...seems too good to be true?
I just got mine 2 month's ago after months of searching as well. I would advise you not to rush, after all, this is not property where prices just get higher. The longer you wait, the more prices will drop. And it's definitely worth it to wait for your perfect car. I say "your" perfect car because each person has their own definition of what they want in a car (rims, performance tuned, etc...). But in general, once you determine you have found your right car, take it to a trusted mechanic to make sure you don't get any major problems later on (before you buy the car).

135,000km for a 2004 car is actually high. Normal rule of thumb is about 20,000km per year. Though having said that, a well maintained high mileage car is better than a poorly maintained low mileage one. Of course, a well maintained low mileage one is the best :)

My 2001 325 mileage was around 75,000km only. So yes, if you search hard enough, you can find them.

Performance-wise, yes, big difference between 318 and 325. Drive both to see if you really care about the difference.

My own personal opinion is get a used local one. That way you can check out the history and service records. I have heard from my mechanic that he has repaired some unreg cars (3-4 years old) for gearbox failure at 30,000km only (another thing to note, unreg cars can be modified in terms of year of manufacture and mileage). Again, this is depending on your luck. There are tons of unreg car owners out there with no issues at all too.

Finally let me say, don't rush and truly take your time to select your car. When you finally get your hands on it, it will really be worth all your while.

Good luck bro!
your story is like a fairy tale ending...tht u found the perfect one.....i am so impatient to find mine...sigh...moreover...2004 is not easy to find and it makes it harder as i am set in the color i want....i'm viewing another tomorrow...but this time..gues i have to manage my own expectation so not to be disappointed...just mentally setting my own expectation that this is just the begining of my search...not the end...

i am a lil obsessed now checking motor trader n star like every 20mins...ya it's a lil mad as i know there isn't any news ads...but just for fun...hahahaha

btw...m not a bro - bro...i'm a bree...hehehhe...or what the bros call chick... :)
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