Achtung! The Nurburgring..... the journey begins

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Club Guest
Dec 7, 2004
What started out as a "what if...." exercise took a turn for the worst tonight when two friends decided to take the plunge .......after much discussion, a short trip to MAS's KL Sentral Ticketing office at 8.30pm resulted in this :
Return tickets to Frankfurt, Germany, the starting point for our roadtrip to The Nurburgring (business class no less.... old age dictates we travel in class LOL otherwise our backs wont be able to take it)!!! :rock:To be sure, my friend and I have already trodden down this path.Mine was 2 years ago in 2008. I posted my odyssey here - . He got there first, but I trumped him by getting a ride on the BMW Taxi (E60 M5) :thefinger:Anyway, as stupid (and expensive) as this may seem, it is something boys have to do. And when you are as old as us, the toys just get bigger thats all. Hopefully this time will be better as I will have a partner in crime!!Who is he? Mr 535i!!He's played with BMWs all his adult life..... the proud owner of not one but three BMWs..... a freakish E34 M5 3.6 (originally a 535i) fitted with an alarm tripping, anti social Eisenmann exhaust , a superb E90 3 series with staggered OZ super leggera's and recently an monster white E39 530i which will be given the super freak treatment.... think ESS, magnaflow etc...................... sweeeeet!We will be bringing you the blow by blow as we get nearer to the date next month (whether you want to or not muahahahahaha)Watch this space.
Nice!!! Don't forget to make vids when drving on the green hell :top: :D

p/s: Your flight ticket states 900MYR??? if so very the cheap ... you work with the airlines?
nice....take a lot of pics.

jip...dont forget the ghee. mr535i tends to go bump-bump in the middle of the night. he'll complain its too cold and jump into ya bed!!
Deja vu .. winter 2006 .. Nurburgring ..
Even pasted the BMW Club Malaysia sticker at one of the bar ...

It does not take much persuassion for me to visit Unker Hans Stuck and Auntie Sabine again ..

The drive from Frankfurt to 'The Ring' itself is an adventure .. A VW taxi overtaking you .... and your speedo is already hitting 180kmh .. ! Welcum to the Autobahn - where the limit is your ball (does apply to Pussy and Ramsing ...)

I don't think they allow us to take a video cam in taxi ride ... We'll see how it goes ..

Jips - u missed out the E30 318iss (first love) and the E34 4.4 with Eisenmann too .. :thefinger:

For Ramsing - sorry missy .. time for me to move on .. Ghee time is over .. I m now on KY - Biotech product .. Have a great time with Ah Wai .. I know he loves u to death ..

For Pussy - it's 32 A cup size , right .. Ok .. got that .. :thefinger:

For InitialM - bila mau ambik tayar daaaa .. Buat tukun kang ...

All thanks to ENRICH ... yayyyy ... :rock:
B33mEr;516506 said:
Nice!!! Don't forget to make vids when drving on the green hell :top: :D

p/s: Your flight ticket states 900MYR??? if so very the cheap ... you work with the airlines?

I only paid RM900 for airport tax. My ticket was courtesy of MAS Enrich..... 110,000 hard earned points. Like I said there are cheaper ways to get your jollies but we're gluttons for punishment :)

Still a few things to do before the day:

book hotel..... prob same place I stayed before coz you can walk to the track;

book rental car.... not absolutely necessary but kinda fun knowing ahead of time the crap you're going to drive to the place. The last time for me was a Fiat Mareva 1.6 manual...... given that I'm stick shift challenged, will look at getting a slushbox this less thing to worry about;

there's also the matter of ring taxi tickets..... well, we can pre-book or we can leave it to chance, I knew I did the last time.....

The target is to keep everything down to a manageable budget of say around RM3K for the pair of us...... I remember doing the calculations for this over the last couple of months (its been that long in the making) and initial back of envelope sums say thats its do-able at that budget. .... dunno..... we'll see :smokin:
nice .bros!! good timing too as the Euro is down to RM4.2.. aagh... u missed me .. i ll be there in June.. otherwise u guys can bunk in with me.. i ll be about 2 weeks there..
I'll be keeping tabs on this thread...

Looking forward to your photo-essay bros :)
535i;516515 said:
Deja vu .. winter 2006 .. Nurburgring ..
Even pasted the BMW Club Malaysia sticker at one of the bar ...

It does not take much persuassion for me to visit Unker Hans Stuck and Auntie Sabine again ..

The drive from Frankfurt to 'The Ring' itself is an adventure .. A VW taxi overtaking you .... and your speedo is already hitting 180kmh .. ! Welcum to the Autobahn - where the limit is your ball (does apply to Pussy and Ramsing ...)

I don't think they allow us to take a video cam in taxi ride ... We'll see how it goes ..

Jips - u missed out the E30 318iss (first love) and the E34 4.4 with Eisenmann too .. :thefinger:

For Ramsing - sorry missy .. time for me to move on .. Ghee time is over .. I m now on KY - Biotech product .. Have a great time with Ah Wai .. I know he loves u to death ..

For Pussy - it's 32 A cup size , right .. Ok .. got that .. :thefinger:

For InitialM - bila mau ambik tayar daaaa .. Buat tukun kang ...

All thanks to ENRICH ... yayyyy ... :rock:

hehehe....this was from the e34 diehard fan who was making noise when ppl sold their e34's and bought e39. but its ok, i understand u're old now and have to do it slower now. :D :thefinger:

have a great time in Fatherland. basket, how come got so much enrich points both of u.

Jip...110k enrich points nets you a business class ticket to Germany ar?? hmmm.....
ramsing;516583 said:
hehehe....this was from the e34 diehard fan who was making noise when ppl sold their e34's and bought e39. but its ok, i understand u're old now and have to do it slower now. :D :thefinger:

have a great time in Fatherland. basket, how come got so much enrich points both of u.

Jip...110k enrich points nets you a business class ticket to Germany ar?? hmmm.....

Have fun with your E34 ... Too early for u to start playing with the later model ...:rock:
nazrie;516560 said:
nice .bros!! good timing too as the Euro is down to RM4.2.. aagh... u missed me .. i ll be there in June.. otherwise u guys can bunk in with me.. i ll be about 2 weeks there..

Jips - Prez offer bunk dgn dia laaaa .. phewwwwitttttttt ..
nak postpone the trip to June ke ?:rolleyes:
Hahhaha... Have a good trip guys... Me jealous oledi. Take a lot of photos.
enkil;516617 said:
Hahhaha... Have a good trip guys... Me jealous oledi. Take a lot of photos.

dgr citer nak angkat 335 ..
alaaa - camni tak ada geng nak 'robek merobek' laaa ..
Different league dah tu ... :thefinger:
"Houston, we have a problem" ....sigh

Dudes, looks like we’ve hit our first snag…… no taxi ride slots from 28 May - 2 June…. This is most perplexing….. we will be pushing this thing back a bit now. First 2 weeks of June looks likely (RATS! There goes USD20 to reissue the damned tickets……). Also means we have to hold accommodation and rental car bookings for now…..

cempaka;516651 said:
Look forward to reading about the trip. Might blow your budget but have you guys considered sharing a ring rental car?
Few other companies also in this business, offering everything from E30 325e to E92 M3

Dude, need to revisit that nick lah….. flower names are so….. anyway, those things are fcuk expensive. Taxi ride is plenty for me (not cheap either). If we can get Sabine as our driver that would be nice.

nazrie;516560 said:
nice .bros!! good timing too as the Euro is down to RM4.2.. aagh... u missed me .. i ll be there in June.. otherwise u guys can bunk in with me.. i ll be about 2 weeks there..

Now, that’s a thought! I shall confer with my partner in crime….. where are you bunked at? Frankfurt or Bonn? Either should work as they are within 3 hour drive away (Bonn may be nearer). Be careful what you wish for I say :cool:

BlackCat;516565 said:
I'll be keeping tabs on this thread...
Looking forward to your photo-essay bros :)

Black pussy cat….. I plan a posting like my first Nurburgring assault (see here many pics and witty one liners (its our post so.... muahahahahaha)…

B33mEr;516506 said:
Nice!!! Don't forget to make vids when drving on the green hell :top: :D
p/s: Your flight ticket states 900MYR??? if so very the cheap ... you work with the airlines?

Vids…. can…… the rule is lightly policed or at that’s how I remember it. My BMW taxi driver actually knew we were recording the trip with our video cams. I guess just as long as you don’t make a production of it it should be fine. Problem is I’ll be bringing my D40 so I wont be doing any videos. ‘Hope 535 has a digicam that can do video….

ramsing;516583 said:
Jip...110k enrich points nets you a business class ticket to Germany ar?? hmmm.....

Yup ….. bus class return….. 535 says its same rate to MAS destinations in Europe…. so if this thing goes south I’m changing my fcuking flight to Rome dude!! Still have another 100k+ points left LOL…..

affan66;516611 said:
jips, bila pergi? need someone to carry your bag? :D

Affan mate…… no bags to carry lah….. will be travelling superlight. One carry on and that’s it. Will be recycling everything (phew!!)….. no ladies on this trip so who cares right?

Until the next update.....
alahai... melepaih.. hehehe..
you guys have fun.... goin' to amsterdam by any chance? or that is not going to be published? hehe
affan66;516721 said:
alahai... melepaih.. hehehe..
you guys have fun.... goin' to amsterdam by any chance? or that is not going to be published? hehe

AMS is off limit for me .. Godaaaaannnnnn ...:rock:
Alamak very the jealous lar. It is my dream to go to Nurburgring at least once in my life. Perhaps we can start a plan to organize trip there. Start to save by less massage, less mods:rolleyes:

As for now can only afford the sticker on my cars:vollkommenauf:


Sori been busy lar. Dun forget to send my regard to Sabine ya.
But dont try to robek her lar:smokin:
Jipster;516715 said:
Dude, need to revisit that nick lah….. flower names are so….. anyway, those things are fcuk expensive. Taxi ride is plenty for me (not cheap either). If we can get Sabine as our driver that would be nice.

lol it's just a name. u do realize there's a neighborhood called taman cempaka. would you be too insecure to live here too? :D
cempaka;516773 said:
lol it's just a name. u do realize there's a neighborhood called taman cempaka. would you be too insecure to live here too? :D

urrrrrrrm......... yes.
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