AC silencer

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Redearth...rite on bro burger time!

Api api api for the exhausts! :D

Burger time!

nike..what happened to ur ride again?...sorry ah..donno la..

burger time!

Guys...ok back on topic..should i change mine ah? :D

burger time!

yo chubby bro.... go chip ur ride, change exhaust system, grouppe m etc.... u thn not onli burger time but racunin big time.... kekeke

honestly if speed is wat u lookin for... wat the heck.... JUST DO IT
karate bro,

Aiyaa....apii me to change all this...nanti makan maggi sup for one year mah maggi goreng oso cannot afford (oil price expensive now..including cooking oil :p)...burger oso cannot buy.. :D

Burger time!


Like dat can lar..u all sponsor my food for one year.. :D all my burgers,nasi,noodles,coffee bean,starbucks,mamaks,etc... :D

Burger time!

Ok...I sponsor 1 burgr now....quickly buy M3! Hahaha. :yahoo:

Anyway...ur car is already an envy for most of us. Even someone switch off aircond also cannot chase.

But if you need burger...I buy u lah....Hahaha :yahoo:
Vinson...hehhe..aiyaa don like dat la..shy only...King M3 Calvin read this sure laugh one...thank you for offering my 1st subsidised burger...if everyone in forum say they pledge to buy me food..then we go hunting for m3 with King M3 :D

Burger time!

for the love of power n speed... chubby... in life sure got opportunity cost... burger for speed n power
Bro Chubby,

My ride kena like RedEarth last 3-4weeks ago @ Kerinchi Link from KL b4 toll..... Today going to see me ride and kasi gegar itu bengkel.....

Buy M3 laa bro..... No need Muff Ti already maa..... Still makan maggi & burger still cool.....
Right on Karate...Catch 22 situation Burger Vs Speed :yahoo:

Buger = Weight
Weight = Downforce
Downforce = Roadholding

Therefore Roadholding Vs Speed :yahoo:
karate...waaaaa cool ah i get free economics lecture.. :D true oppurtunity cost...cost of empty pocket man :D

Nike, sorry to hear bout that bro...we's got to be careful on the kerinchi link m3....wa liaoo...get bonus then we talk ok..wait for my bonus in 2014 :D


I like your theory bro...i agree with ur theory :D

BUrger time!

i am very curious.

you three musketeers are so involved in overall speed, why drive a heavy BMW saloon?

there are other posts also about comfort with sports suspension as well.

i mean, yeah, the quest for more if always there but the items being brought up for discussion make minimal to no improvement to performance, but more rather for aesthetics.

if you want speed, go boosted in a JDM. Even a stock standard JDM will walk all over a stock UDM. Serious!
well i guess bro daniel it is up to the individual n their objective or quest... there was a mark difference in power whn redearth change his filter to BMC n AC silencer... guess this is the initial stages of mod...

for me it is for pure aesthetics n nothing else.... there is always someone faster but aesthetics is a matter of preference lo... but ur ride i really admire... too bad we cant view it for now... post again if possible...

oh, was that by the bum-dyno regarding the upped HP from the air filter and exhaust?

the forum is going an upgrade, so uploading pics has been disabled.
True true JDM's can makan stock UDM's but we love our UDM's... :D


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